Red Snow (2021)
ジャンル : ホラー, コメディ
上映時間 : 1時間 20分
演出 : Sean Nichols Lynch
A struggling vampire romance novelist must defend herself against real-life vampires during Christmas in Lake Tahoe.
Blonde, bouncy Buffy is your typical high school cheerleader. But all that changes when a strange man informs her she's been chosen by fate to kill vampires.
Narrowly escaping death, outlaw Johnny Madrid is on the run from the hangman, with the hangman's sensuous daughter Esmeralda by his side. Along with Madrid's gang, Johnny and Esmeralda embark on an adventure filled with colorful and unsavory characters who lead them straight into the fight of their lives!
マリーとアレックスは女友達同士。 勉強に専念するために、二人はアレックスの両親のいる田舎の一軒家に行く事にした。 それは周囲をトウモロコシ畑が取り囲む孤立した一軒家だった。 到着後アレックスの家族に挨拶したあと、自分にあてがわれた部屋にマリーはいた。 家の前にトラックがやってきて、車中から降り立った一人の男性が、ドアベルを鳴らし出した。
A troubled loner, Bob Maconel, imagines blowing up the tower in Los Angeles where he works. He takes a revolver to his office intent on killing colleagues, and then himself. At home, he holds conversations with his fish, who encourage him to do it. His supervisor picks on him. As he's screwing his courage to the sticking place, he drops a bullet; while on the floor looking for it, another colleague does exactly what Bob has been planning. Bob emerges a hero and the one colleague he likes, a woman with a bright smile, is severely wounded. Can Bob help her through despair and find himself and joy in life? Or, as everyone says, is this impossible for a man like him?
In the Seventeenth Century, while Hungary is fighting the Turks, the population of a small village in...
During the holiday season, when the animals of the Central Park Zoo are preparing for Christmas, Private, the youngest of the penguins notices that the Polar Bear is all alone. Assured that nobody should have to spend Christmas alone, Private goes into the city for some last-minute Christmas shopping. Along the way, he gets stuffed into a stocking
Tamara, an unattractive girl who is picked on by her peers, returns after her death as a sexy seductress to enact revenge.
Timmy Robinson's best friend in the whole wide world is a six-foot tall rotting zombie named Fido. But when Fido eats the next-door neighbor, Mom and Dad hit the roof, and Timmy has to go to the ends of the earth to keep Fido a part of the family. A boy-and-his-dog movie for grown ups, "Fido" will rip your heart out.
With angry villagers driving them away from their castle in Transylvania, Dracula and his son Ferdinand head abroad. Dracula ends up in London, England where he becomes a horror movie star exploiting his vampire status. His son, meanwhile, is ashamed of his roots and ends up a night watchman in Paris, France where he falls for a girl. Naturally, tensions arise when father and son are reunited and both take a liking to the same girl.
TVのホラー番組“フライトナイト”に目がない高校生チャーリーは、ある日、隣家に住む男たちの不審な行動を目撃する。なんと、男たちは美女の生血を吸い尽くすヴァンパイアだったのだ。誰からも本気にされず狼狽するチャーリーに、正体を知られた男たちの魔の手が迫る! 恋人エイミー、親友エドに助けを求めたチャーリーは、なぜか“フライトナイト”の役者=ヴァンパイア・キラーのピーターを引き連れ、壮絶な闘いに挑む!
Like every year, everyone is going back to the ancestral family's home for the Christmas holidays. But this time, the old folks have a surprise, a good surprise for them. They have decided to go living with one of their children and make him or her inherit the family house.
Mr. Twitchell, a greedy old businessman, has invented Summer Wheeze: a spray that instantly removes snow and slush! Now Holly has to keep Frosty from melting, and convince everybody that snow's actually a good thing.
Three short tales of supernatural horror. In “The Telephone,” a woman is plagued by threatening phone calls. In "The Wurdalak,” a family is preyed upon by vampiric monsters. In “The Drop of Water,” a deceased medium wreaks havoc on the living.
クリスマスイブの日。ジェリーが住む劇場で開催されていたバレエ「くるみ割り人形」を見たジェリーと仔ネズミのニブルスは、自分たちも踊ることを夢見る。するとクリスマスの奇跡が起こり、その夢が実現。空っぽの舞台はおもちゃの国に変わり、ジェリーはオモチャの国の王様役に変身、バレリーナ人形と踊る。 ところがそこにトムたち野良猫が乱入し、彼らを率いる猫のボスが王国を乗っ取ってしまう。 こうなったらオモチャたちの作者「トイメーカー」に助けてもらうしかないとジェリーは彼に会いに旅立つ。仲間の顔ぶれは本物のオモチャになりたいオーナメントのポーリー、気の小さい木馬のネリー。ところが、猫の王様はトム率いる猫の兵隊たちを追っ手に放つ。果たして、ジェリーはトイメーカーの元にたどり着き、王国と捕らわれのバレリーナを救出できるか。
Golden Swallow is a fighter-for-hire who has been contracted by the local government to retrieve the governor's kidnapped son. Holding him is a group of rebels who are demanding that their leader be released from prison in return for the captured son. After a brief encounter with the gang at a local restaurant, Golden Swallow is joined by an inebriated wanderer Drunken Cat who aids her in her mission.
A team of American astronauts leave their space station on the first mission to Mars, but the captain's religious beliefs may get in the way.
The holidays get overly festive as Olaf "Gunn" Gunnunderson, an out-and-proud gay college student, crawls back into the closet to survive the holidays with his parents. But when his boyfriend, Nathan, shows up at their doorstep unannounced, Gunn must put on a charade to keep the relationship a secret. With pressure mounting from all sides, will Gunn come out before the truth does?
To exist in daylight, Countess Elizabeth Bathory -- the infamous Blood Countess and widow of legendary vampire Count Dracula -- makes a blood pact with an Egyptian goddess involving three lovely victims and a living Mummy. A centuries-old craving collides with an ancient curse in this horrific climax to Frontline Entertainment's Countess Dracula and Mummy's Kiss movie series!
Wilbur works in an old carnival and shows some gruesome things to the public. He covers his face because he had a sadistic father who burned his face as a child. Everybody makes jokes about his scars and when the new boss fires him, he goes to an old swamp-witch who gives him a peace of wood from a hanging tree. Wilbur makes a mask from this piece of wood and puts all his anger in this mask. When he puts the mask on, everybody who looks at him commits suicide.