The Last Harbor (2010)

ジャンル : 犯罪, スリラー, 謎

上映時間 : 1時間 31分

演出 : Paul Epstein


A washed-up police detective with a serious drinking problem is reassigned to the quiet coastal town where he grew up. He tries to rebuild his relationship with his estranged daughter while investigating the disappearance of a local girl, but his alcoholism threatens both tasks.


Wade Williams
Wade Williams
Samaire Armstrong
Samaire Armstrong
Roxanne Hall
Tracey Needham
Tracey Needham
Sarah Sharpe
Austin Highsmith
Austin Highsmith
Stephanie Lemelin
Stephanie Lemelin
Allison Stone
Joel Perez
Joel Perez
Ryan Sypek
Ryan Sypek
Matt Sharpe


Paul Epstein
Paul Epstein
Paul Epstein
Paul Epstein


Darren Shan is a regular teenage kid. He and his friend Steve find out about a Freak Show coming to town and work hard at trying to find tickets. They do, and together they go to "Cirque du Freak" where they see many strange acts including a wolf-man and a bearded lady
A blind Vietnam vet, trained as a swordfighter, comes to America and helps to rescue the son of a fellow soldier.
Nightmare Alley
Stanton Carlisle joins a seedy carnival, working with "Mademoiselle Zeena" and her alcoholic husband, Pete.
ソマリア沖で起きた海賊によるシージャック解決の仕事を受けたバーニー・ロス率いる傭兵部隊「エクスペンダブルズ」は、身代金を用いた交渉を行うもメンバーの一人であるガンナー・ヤンセンの暴走により、激しい銃撃戦を展開することになる。海賊の殲滅には成功するも薬物依存症に陥っていたヤンセンをロスはチームから放逐することを決める。 数日後、チームのマネージャーであるツールから仕事の依頼を伝えられたロスは会合場所でチャーチという謎の男から南アメリカの小国、ヴィレーナの独裁者であるガルザ将軍の排除を依頼される。ロスはメンバーの一人であるリー・クリスマスと共に同国に偵察に赴く
アザー・ガイズ 俺たち踊るハイパー刑事!
スプラッター・ナイト 新・血塗られた女子寮
When five sorority girls inadvertently cause the murder of one of their sisters in a prank gone wrong, they agree to keep the matter to themselves and never speak of it again, so they can get on with their lives. This proves easier said than done, when after graduation a mysterious killer goes after the five of them and anyone who knows their secret.
On a mission deep in the Bolivian jungle, a team of elite commandos finds itself on the receiving end of a lethal betrayal. Now presumed dead, the men join forces with a mysterious operative named Aisha to hunt down their enemy and even the score.
傭兵のロイスは突如閃光に包まれ、気がつくとどこかの上空を落下していた。なんとかパラシュートを開き、着陸するがそこは得体の知れないジャングル。その後、すぐに同じように落下してきたエドウィン;クッチーロ;イサベル;ニコライ;ハンゾー;スタンズ;モンバサと合流し、医師と名乗ったエドウィン以外は、軍人や殺し屋など「殺人」のプロフェッショナルであるという共通点を持っていることが判明する。 8名はジャングルを脱出するため行動を共にし、やがて開けた場所に到着するが、空を見ると幾つかの大きな衛星が浮かんでおり、そこが地球でないことを理解する。さらに謎の狩猟動物の襲撃に遭い、自らが“狩りの獲物”であることに気づく。そしてロイス達は多数の生物が殺され展示されている場所に到達する。そこは謎の狩人の「狩猟キャンプ」であった。そこで奇怪なオブジェクトにくくりつけられたプレデターを発見する。イサベルによるとそれは、かつてアメリカの特殊部隊員を襲った生命体の特徴に酷似しているという。 その後、10シーズンもの間この惑星で生き抜いてきたというノーランドと合流、彼の隠れ家で敵の正体や特徴を知り、地球に帰還するために「彼ら」の宇宙船を奪うことを決意する。
Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.
ミレニアム3 眠れる女と狂卓の騎士
Bloodsport II
After thief Alex Cardo gets caught while stealing an ancient katana in East Asia, he soon finds himself imprisoned and beaten up by the crowd there. One of the guards, Demon, feels upset by Alex appearance and tortures him as often as he gets the opportunity. Alex finds a friend and mentor in the jailhouse, Master Sun, who teaches him a superior fighting style called Iron Hand. When a 'best of the best kumite' is to take place, Demon gets an invitation. Now Master Sun and Alex need to find a way to let Alex take part in the kumite too.
The story of two men on different sides of a prison riot -- the inmate leading the rebellion and the young guard trapped in the revolt, who poses as a prisoner in a desperate attempt to survive the ordeal.
Distraught, confused, and half-wild with fear, Sarah Carter emerges alone from the Appalachian cave system where she encountered unspeakable terrors. Unable to plausibly explain to the authorities what happened - or why she's covered in her friends' blood - Sarah is forced back to the subterranean depths to help locate her five missing companions.
Children of the Living Dead
Starting a new life in a quiet Pennsylvania town, Matthew Michaels only thought is to turn an old farm property into a profitable car dealership. He soon discovers that beneath the gentle surface, this small town is anything but calm and peaceful. Firstly, he learns that his new property is located on the site of a graveyard, which all the townsfolk regard as an evil place that must never be visited. He then discovers that years earlier the town had suffered an infestation of the living dead ...zombies who prey on human flesh. One zombie, the infamous Abbot Hayes, escaped destruction. As the construction team begin degging, they unleash the thing the townsfolk fear the most, the wrath of Abbot Hayes and the awakening of ... The Children of the Living Dead.