
Nudes at Eleven 2 (1987)

ジャンル :

上映時間 : 1時間 23分

演出 : Damon Christian


This sequel is a compilation of porn director Damon Christian's hottest scenes ever. The whole thing is structured as a news report, with anchorwoman Krista Lane helping him deliver one hard hitting scene after another. Of course, the things they report on might have a hard time making most newscasts. You'll find lots of naturally curvaceous cuties, all 80's erotica, this is a good choice for anyone looking to experience a little old school style heat, as it's chock full of some of the prettiest, most passionate lust bunnies in the business.


Krista Lane
Krista Lane
Cindy James
Cindy James
Monique Starr
Monique Starr
(archive footage)
Melba Bruce
Melba Bruce
(archive footage)
Siobhan Hunter
Siobhan Hunter
Lynn Francis
Lynn Francis
Jessica Wylde
Jessica Wylde
(archive footage)
(archive footage)
Billy Dee
Billy Dee
John Holmes
John Holmes
(archive footage)
Jon Martin
Jon Martin
Mike Horner
Mike Horner
Nick Random
Nick Random
(archive footage)
Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas
(archive footage)


Damon Christian
Damon Christian


視聴率低下を気に悩んでノイローゼになった、ニュース番組の司会者ビール。しかし彼が番組中に自殺予告をしたことで、視聴率はどんどん上がっていき!? 大手テレビ局を舞台に悪戦苦闘する人間たちの姿を、社会派シドニー・ルメットが鋭く描く。
Morgan Pålsson - Världsreporter
Utrikesreportern Morgan Pålsson och hans fotograf Robert Flycht blir skickade på ett uppdrag till ett okänt nordafrikanskt land – Matóbo. Uppdraget går ut på att följa valet i landet men istället utbryter en militärkupp och Morgan visar sig vara den enda utländska journalisten på plats. Detta är hans chans att visa vad han går för.
Digimon: The Movie
The first story focused on Tai and Kari Kamiya four years before their adventure in the Digital World. It shows their first encounter with Digimon and what happened to them (as well as the other children). Tai and Kari wake one morning to find a Digi-Egg that came out of their computer the night before and the egg soon hatches, revealing a Botamon. The Digimon then evolves into Koromon and then Agumon (not the same one that became friends with Tai in the series, and yet, somehow, both Koromon and Kari remember each other), who then goes out and unintentionally destroys a good part of the neighborhood with Kari riding on his back. A second Digi-Egg appears in the sky to reveal an evil digimon, Parrotmon. Agumon then Digivolves to Greymon but isn't strong enough to beat Parrotmon and is knocked out. Tai grabs Kari's whistle and wakes up Greymon, who defeats Parrotmon and disappears with him.
キム・ポッシブル ザ・シークレット ファイル
彼女はごく普通の女の子だが、実は世界を救っている。小学生向け番組の正義のヒロイン、ディズニー・チャンネルのキム・ポッシブルは、高校のチアリーダーだがスーパーエージェントの顔も持つ。本作は連続テレビドラマ「キム・ポッシブル」のエピソードを集めたものだ。第1話「ビービー・ロボット」ではキム(声:クリスティ・カールソン・ロマノ。ディズニー・チャンネルの「イーヴン・スティーヴンス:原題"Even Stevens"」の主役である)、相棒のロン・ストッパブル(声:ウィル・フリードル)、ロンのペットでハダカデバネズミのルーファス、天才ウェイドが、キムの宿敵ドラッケンのあやつる悪のロボット集団と対決する。第2話「ミドルトン山の怪物」では、違う種類の動物をかけあわせて恐ろしい怪物を作り出した邪悪な遺伝学者DNエイミーが登場する。DVD初登場の第3話(アメリカではDVDで公開されたのちテレビで放映された。日本ではテレビで放映済み)「パートナーは天才:原題"Partners"」のタイトルには2つの意味がある。1つはキムとロンがコンビとしての協力関係(パートナーシップ)をやめようと決めることであり、もう1つはドラッケンがDNエイミーと手を組んでミュータントの軍隊で世界を征服しようとすることである。だが心配いらない。キムと仲間たちは頭がよく、チアリーダーらしい機敏な動きを見せ、ハイテク機器を使って最後には勝利を収める。彼らのウィットに富んだ賢さ、キムの高校生らしいはにかみが、大人びた子どもたちにはとても魅力的に感じられるのである(6~10歳児向け。アクションアニメ。へそ出しルックのチアリーダーが平日の夜に夜更かしして活躍する)。
Flesh Gordon
Emperor Wang (the Perverted) is leader of the planet Porno and sends his mighty "Sex Ray" towards Earth, turning everyone into sex-mad fiends. Only one man can save the Earth, football player Flesh Gordon. Along with his girlfriend Dale Ardor and Professor Flexi-Jerkoff, they set off towards the source of the Sex Ray, unaware of the perils that face them!
ニューヨーク、クイーンズ区のパトロール警官、チャーリ ー・ラングは、下町の人気者である。仕事熱心で気の優しい彼は、住民たちに親しまれている平凡な生活に満足していた。イヴォンヌ・ビアジは下町のコーヒーショップで働く、心根のいいウエイトレス。だが、別居中の夫エディの不始末を被って破産宣告を受けている身であった。 ある日、イヴォンヌの店に立ち寄ったチャーリーは、チップの持ち合わせがなく、「持っていた宝くじが当たったら、賞金の半分を君にあげる」と約束する。なんと、そのくじが400万ドルという大金に当たった。200万ドルの贈り物に、ことのほか喜ぶイヴォンヌ。おとぎ話のような逸話に、マスコミがさっそく飛びついたのだった…。
Nirvana: With the Lights Out
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Astrid Lindgrens jul
A collection of well-known Christmas scenes from a number of classic screen versions of Astrid Lindgren's beloved children's books. "Astrid Lindgren's Christmas" includes scenes from "Pippi Longstocking", "Ronia the Robber's Daughter", "Brenda Brave" ("Kajsa Kavat"), "Lotta on Troublemaker Street", "Emil of Lönneberga" and more.
Year of the Gun
In this thriller, American novelist David Raybourne (Andrew McCarthy) accidentally becomes entangled in the Red Brigade's terrorist plan to kidnap Italian Premier Aldo Moro during a research trip to Rome. As the terrorists attempt to kill David, he and his photojournalist friend (Sharon Stone) must struggle to stay alive.
The Puppetoon Movie
Animated characters introduce a compilation of George Pal replacement animation Puppetoon short films from the 1930s and 1940s. Originally released in 80 minutes length, The Puppetoon Movie also exists in a subsequently expanded ten minutes longer version.
Too Hot to Handle
While in Shanghai reporting on the Sino-Japanese war, Chris Hunter, a shrewd news reporter, meets pilot Alma Harding. She does not trust him, but he manages to hire her as his assistant. During an adventurous expedition through the jungles of South America, her opinion of him begins to change.
Atle Antonsens Bestenoteringer
Atle Antonsen is one of Norway's most awarded comedians. This 5 hour double-DVD contains highlights from his carriere.
Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin is a double DVD set first released in 2003. It represents the first official video release of Led Zeppelin's live material since 1976's The Song Remains the Same. The recording of the DVD spans the years from 1969 to 1979 and includes performances from the Royal Albert Hall in 1970, Madison Square Garden in 1973, Earls Court in 1975, and Knebworth in 1979. Extras provided on the set include a 1969 promo film for Communication Breakdown, a short performance on the French TV show 'Tous En Scene' in 1969, a short performance on the Danish TV Show 'TV-Byen' in 1969, a performance on the British TV shoe 'Supershow' in 1969, a performance of Immigrant Song from the band's show at the Sydney Showground in February 1972, an interview with the NYC Press Conference in 1970, an Australian press conference in 1972, an interview with The Old Grey Whistle Test, the Over The Hills And Far Away promo (1990) and the Travelling Riverside Blues promo (1990).
The Note
Following a tragic plane crash, newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder happens upon a hastily-written note that was from one of the passengers onboard. She makes it her mission to deliver it to its intended recipient by Christmas, bringing her readers along for the ride.
Visions of Europe
Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.