
A Pig's Tail (2012)

A young pig in a factory farm dreams about a better future.

ジャンル : アニメーション, ドラマ, ファミリー

上映時間 : 5分

演出 : Sarah Cox


Ginger imagines a future for her family that is much nicer than the dark and smelly intensive Pig Farm where they all live.


Sophie Angelson
Sophie Angelson
Mama Pig
Heidi Lynch
Heidi Lynch
Mean Piglet
Kaia Rose
Kaia Rose
Nice Piglet
Catherine Taber
Catherine Taber
James Arnold Taylor
James Arnold Taylor
The Farmer


Sarah Cox
Sarah Cox
Nathan Sale Sr.
Nathan Sale Sr.
Jason Bartholemew
Jason Bartholemew
Gutleben Christine
Gutleben Christine
Executive Producer
Heather Wright
Heather Wright
Executive Producer
Victoria Stevens
Victoria Stevens
Mark Simon Hewis
Mark Simon Hewis
Production Manager
Kaia Rose
Kaia Rose
Production Manager
Jonny Crew
Jonny Crew
Sound Supervisor
Steven Delopoulos
Steven Delopoulos
Nick Herbert
Nick Herbert
Prop Designer
Spencer Cross
Spencer Cross
Visual Effects
Jonathan Biggins
Jonathan Biggins
Visual Effects
Pitt Dominic
Pitt Dominic
Visual Effects
Stewart Amelia
Stewart Amelia
Assistant Camera
Joe Maxwell
Joe Maxwell
Assistant Camera
Daniel Capozzi
Daniel Capozzi
Martin Davies
Martin Davies
Emma Lazenby
Emma Lazenby
George Sander-Jackson
George Sander-Jackson
Background Designer
Justin Smith
Justin Smith
Animation Production Assistant
Inez Woldman
Inez Woldman


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A classic story known all over the world that has captured and thrilled generations of children and adults now in puppet animation format. With all of the sense of childish enthusiasm intact, this romantic story disguised as humour and farce will once again delight.
The Adventures of Mark Twain
Based on elements from the stories of Mark Twain, this feature-length Claymation fantasy follows the adventures of Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher and Huck Finn as they stowaway aboard the interplanetary balloon of Mark Twain. Twain, disgusted with the human race, is intent upon finding Halley's Comet and crashing into it, achieving his "destiny." It's up to Tom, Becky, and Huck to convince him that his judgment is wrong and that he still has much to offer humanity that might make a difference. Their efforts aren't just charitable; if they fail, they will share Twain's fate. Along the way, they use a magical time portal to get a detailed overview of the Twain philosophy, observing the "historical" events that inspired his works.
前作でウェクセル・ホール社の秘密研究施設から逃げ出した二匹の蛇は、唯一人生き残った女性科学者アマンダの手によって死んだ。だが、その腹の中に既に芽生えていた新たな生命を、密かに持ち出していた研究者がいた。やがて、蛇の子供たちは予想をはるかに上回るスピードで成長し、研究者を襲い脱走してしまう。 この事態に再びアマンダは立ち上がるが、時を同じくしてアナコンダ誕生のきっかけとなった『不死の蘭』から抽出した薬で不老不死の身体を得ようと企む ウェクセル・ホール社会長マードックも殺し屋を雇ってアマンダを追跡していた…
巨大企業であるウェクセル・ホール社の秘密の研究施設で、女性生物学者のアマンダは生物の老化を抑制する謎の成分が含まれた『不死の蘭』を研究するため、2匹の巨大なアナコンダを飼育し実験を続けていた。 実験は予想以上の成果を生み、アナコンダ達は突然変異によって18mもの巨体へと成長していたが、査察に訪れたウェクセル・ホール社会長のマードックの些細なミスが原因で、『クイーン』と呼ばれる雌のアナコンダと、もう1匹の雄のアナコンダが実験用のケージから逃走、数人のスタッフを殺害した後、森に逃げ出してしまう。 アマンダと施設責任者のピンカスは2匹のアナコンダを捕獲するために、腕利きのハンターであるハーマットらと共に追跡を開始するが…
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The Easter Bunny Is Comin' to Town
The Mailman decides to stop another deluge of letters by answering questions about the Easter Bunny: Sunny, a baby rabbit found and adopted by Kidville (a town of only kids--even a kid mailman). And when Sunny goes delivering eggs to the nearby town (which he has to dye to fool Gadzooks, the mean bear on the mountain), he discovers that there are no kids in the town, and that the rightful (kid) ruler is being suppressed by his aunt. But the young king likes Sunny's dyed eggs and jelly beans. So Kidsville, with the help of an old train engine, makes a few plans (and a decoy chocolate rabbit) to distribute them.
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A female magician presents several impressive metamorphoses, combining stop-motion animation and camera tricks.
There It Is
When a mysterious figure appears to cause a series of disruptions at the Frisbie Home in New York, word goes out to Scotland Yard that the Fuzz-Faced Phantom is at work. Soon, Charley MacNeesha and his assistant MacGregor are sent across the ocean to investigate.
The Wizard of Oz
A cartoon about a girl, Ellie, of her little dog Totoshka, who, because of the evil Gingema, ended up in the Magic Country, where incredible adventures awaited them.
Joseph the Dreamer
Directed by Alina Gross & Yoram Gross
The recipes of Gross and Klein
Two astrologist from the spanish cosmic legion are sent to a galaxy full of evil radiation to achieve the hardest mission of their lifes. Along the road they will know each other, personal self-realization will be inminent. Two years ago the captain Gross and the sargen Klein began an epic adventure with very limited resources. Together they found the meaning of the life: "you have to eat and drink".
Invention of Love
An inventor tries to impress the woman he loves. Will she love him back?
A bust of Stalin is cut open on an operating table, leading to an elaborate animated depiction of Czech history from 1948 (the Communist takeover) to 1989 (the Velvet Revolution). Some knowledge of the subject is essential in order to understand the film, which is entirely visual.
Misa Mi
When her mother died, 10 year old girl Misa's world stopped. And when her father, along with his new girlfriend, wants to spend the summer in the Swedish province Skåne, she refuses to go with them. Misa's father reluctantly agrees that she can stay with her grandmother in Arjeplog over the summer instead. In the deep forest of northern Sweden, Misa find more than she ever could imagine; she meets a wolf with cubs that Misa develop a deep and strange connection with. But the wolf spreads fear in the small village and someone has hired a poacher to kill it and her cubs...
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The Gloaming
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The Gold Spider
Some gnomes are searching for a wonderful spider that weaves webs of golden coins. Intent on their search, they are unaware that their movements are closely followed by a poor woodcutter, who also penetrates into their caves when they have caught the spider and imprisoned it there. He watches the wonderful spider making gold and other articles with wonder and in this scene the moving picture camera has excelled itself in turning out some good tricks, and finally he steals the golden spider. (Moving Picture World)