チャプター27 (2007)
He came to New York to meet John Lennon... and the world changed forever.
ジャンル : ドラマ
上映時間 : 1時間 24分
演出 : J.P. Schaefer
A film about Mark David Chapman in the days leading up to the infamous murder of Beatle John Lennon.
Fictionalized portrait of one of history's great literary couples: Stein & Toklas. Summer 1930s France, Alice tends to ailing Gertrude; they visit Fernande Olivier, Guillaume Apollinaire, others; and Hemingway pops in.
Love Building is a comedy about a camp designed to mend broken relationships. 14 couples try to break the deadlock and rebuild their love, with the help of three psychotherapists and trainers. The program lasts for 7 days and the participants go through different stages of redesigning their love lives. But the three trainers meant to assist them have problems of their own and things gradually get out of hand. In an ongoing search for the "happily ever after”, one question pops up: "Can love be fixed in seven days?”
Duane is a successful salesman who wants to be a writer yet never makes time to actually write. After his coworker strays down a dark path, Duane abandons the corporate fast track for an easygoing job as a hotel audio/visual technician. But his colorful new workmates cause him to question whether this is the type of setting to nurture a dream or a hangover. A/V is a dramedy that looks at the unexpected paths one must follow while in pursuit of a dream.
Eight twenty-somethings gather together to celebrate the birthday of a mutual friend. Before the evening concludes, relationships are tested, hearts are broken and passions are renewed.
Three alien beings - a Sontaran officer, a Draconian nobleman and a Human mercenary - find themselves transported to a remote asteroid by a mysterious alien who wants to test their worthiness for his race's masterplan
This visually stunning short film set in the rural wheat belt of Western Australia, provides a candid insight into the life of Ronan, a 14 yr old boy who's been bullied his whole life at school. This accurate & controversial portrayal of life for someone who has fallen victim to bullying and the repercussions which exist, is told by director A.J. Carter in a unique, exposition intensive format with very little use of dialogue. Ronan's Escape presents arbitrary scenes rather than traditional storytelling which provokes audiences into discussion and interpretation of the scenes on a more personal level while reflecting on their own experiences.
A couple of slackers' apartment is invaded by a garden shear-wielding maniac (think The Burning) bent on brutally murdering everyone in his path.
After being hit by rustlers, a group of Montana ranchers asks the governor to send state rangers for protection. State Ranger Rocky Lane becomes involved in a mystery surrounding a gang of horse rustlers and a young rancher who is blamed falsely for a killing. Lane helps uncover the real killers and unmasks the ringleader of the rustlers.
While at her grandmother's house, a ten-year-old girl finds a coat in the closet. As she inspects it, she is suddenly taken back in time.
Two young lovers Ray and Suzy are split apart by the revelation of Suzy's one night stand with Ray's best friend, and fellow storm chaser, Stanley. Both friends operate a Toteable Tornado Observatory ("Toto" for short) in a pickup truck. Before Ray and Suzy can resolve their issues, Ray is called away to chase the biggest tornado producing storm to hit Texas in a century along with Stanley. As they race towards the storm, arguing and fighting with each other, they come across a mysterious woman named Ruby, who changes the course of their destiny and scramble their senses and lives.
Follow the adventures of Kiss of the Spider Woman scribe Manuel Puig portrayed by Fabio Aste, who left Argentina after being persecuted for his homosexuality and settled in exile in Rio de Janiero in this intimate drama from filmmaker Javier Torre. Though life in Rio was full of romance and adventure for Manuel, the controversy surrounding him grew ever more intense, until the only way out was a trip back to his native Argentina. In the years that followed, Puig eventually made the painful decision to move to Mexico, where he spent his final days until death caught up with him at the age of fifty-eight.
This color documentary chronicles the musical concert on Mount Scopus in Israel a mere three weeks after the Six Day War. Leonard Bernstein and Isaac Stern join the Yoi Yisrael Philharmonic Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic, and the Tel Aviv Philharmonic Choir for stirring classical renditions by Mahler and Mendelssohn. The concert was recorded by Columbia records for release at a later date and accurately captured the live music in all its classic splendor. Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion sits proudly in the front row as the symphonies play to a capacity crowd. Scenes of the war, the Wailing Wall, schools and hospitals are also included as Bernstein and Stern tour the country and meet the people of Israel.
Angie, a young Brazilian artist, abandons her old life and embarks on a journey around the country. Running from her past, and searching for her foundation in life, Angie finds not only herself but love in its many forms.
In this musical gem, big-hearted Jubal Bristol (Arnold Stang) takes it upon himself to mount a country and western benefit concert after the opera company that his wife (Pamela Hayes) booked suddenly backs out. Along with country icons Minnie Pearl, Dottie West, Connie Smith and Faron Young, the film features great tunes such as "Born to Lose," "Abilene" and "Young Love." Huntz Hall and Leo Gorcey (of Bowery Boys fame) portray stagehands.
Quasi-documentay on Bonnie and Clyde... Larry Buchanan style!
"Bulldog in the Whitehouse" takes political satire to obscene new heights: portraying the Bush administration as a cabal of lustful and traitorous gay men who are too busy having sex to notice the empire crumbling down around them. An explosive and darkly comic adaptation of Choderlos de Laclos' novel Dangerous Liaisons, the film's web of sex and deceit centers on Bulldog, a hustler who seduces his way into the Washington press corps to gain access to the halls of the political elite. At the bidding of his puppet master, a corpulent and power mad Karl Rove, Bulldog engages in manipulative trysts with Whitehouse hotties like the demure press secretary, the religious leader and the confused, imbecilic good ol' boy president himself.
Janet recalls the summer during her teenage years when her family moved yet again for her father's job with NASA, including him teaching her to drive and her meeting her first boyfriend.
Based on the spaghetti westerns of the 70's and Film Noir of the 50's but set in today's times, Virgil is a gun for hire for the mysterious Boss. He visits The Man to collect information for The Boss that only 3 men have. The first 2 are dead.
In a post-nuclear world, a happy family of ranchers is beseiged by a roving band of ne'er do well marauders who want to eat the men and mate with the women. Having already killed and eaten an entire mission full of nuns, the family has no choice but to grab their rifles and defend their homestead. Meanwhile, the lonely, nubile daughter begins to have feelings for the buff blond stranger with no family who has wandered onto the property. It's romance, intrigue, action, and violence on the dark continent!
In the late 1940s, a murderous couple known as the 'The Lonely Hearts Killers' kills close to a dozen people. Two detectives try to nab the duo who find their targets via the personals in the paper.
Ten years after the first American Pie movie, three new hapless virgins discover the Bible hidden in the school library at East Great Falls High. Unfortunately for them, the book is ruined, and with incomplete advice, the Bible leads them on a hilarious journey to lose their virginity.
Mother and daughter bicker over everything -- what Anna wears, whom she likes and what she wants to do when she's older. In turn, Anna detests Tess's fiancé. When a magical fortune cookie switches their personalities, they each get a peek at how the other person feels, thinks and lives.
夫と離婚して間もないメグは、11歳の娘・サラと共に、少し前に死去した老富豪が住んでいたニューヨークの豪邸に引っ越してくる。その豪邸は法律上あと数日は入居してはならないと決められていた物件だったが、販売業者のミスでメグ達は予定より早く入居してしまう。 その夜、メグ達が入居していることを知らずに、富豪の遺族の一人であるジュニアが仲間であるラウールとバーナムを連れて邸内に侵入する。ジュニアは屋敷に設けられた緊急避難用の密室「パニック・ルーム」に隠し財産があることを知り、屋敷が人手に渡る前に仲間を連れてこれを秘密裏に奪取しようと考えていたのだった。 強盗達の存在を監視カメラと物音で確認したメグはすぐに事態を察知し、娘と共にパニック・ルームへと逃げ込む。それに対し強盗達は、数々のパニック・ルームの建設に携わってきたバーナムの知識を頼りに、中から出てこさせようと様々な行動に出る。
動物学者の両親を持つケイディは、ずっとアフリカで暮らしていたが、16歳になってアメリカ合衆国のシカゴの郊外に引っ越してきた。新しい環境に馴染めるかと心配する両親をよそに楽天的なケイディだったが、いざ学校に行ってみると、そこは細かいルールが幅を利かす世界だった。すぐにジャニスとダミアンという友人が出来るも、ケイディは戸惑うばかり。そんなある時、同級生レジーナをクイーンとする人気グループ"Plastics"に気に入られる。 <リンジー・ローハン主演の学園コメディ。保護者指導教員であるロザリンド・ワイズマンのノンフィクション『女の子って、どうして傷つけあうの?(Queen Bees and Wannabes)』が原作となっている。>
衝撃的な内容で話題となったブレット・イーストン・エリスの小説を「I SHOT ANDY WARHOL」のメアリー・ハロン監督が映画化したサスペンス・ドラマ。80年代のニューヨーク。27歳のハンサムなヤッピー、パトリック・ベイトマンは一流企業の副社長。高級マンションに住み、美しい婚約者もいる彼は一見誰もが羨む生活を送っていた。しかし、彼の心の中には深い闇が広がっており、突如襲う衝動に突き動かされ、夜の街をさまよいホームレスや娼婦を殺害していたのだった……。
クリスのアラスカでの生活と、アラスカに至るまでの道中、妹のナレーションが交互に挟まれる構成である。 裕福な家庭に生まれ、物質的に恵まれた環境で育ったクリス・マッキャンドレスは、エモリー大学を優秀な成績で卒業する。両親はハーバードのロースクールに進学することを望んでいたが、幼い頃から不和を見せつけられ、金で物ばかりを与えようとする両親に嫌気が差していたクリスは、学資預金を全額寄付し、世界の真理を求めアラスカへと旅に出る。