
ノー・マンズ・ランド (2001)

A lot can happen between the lines

ジャンル : ドラマ, アクション, 履歴

上映時間 : 1時間 38分

演出 : Danis Tanović




Branko Đurić
Branko Đurić
Rene Bitorajac
Rene Bitorajac
Filip Šovagović
Filip Šovagović
Georges Siatidis
Georges Siatidis
Sergeant Marchand
Sacha Kremer
Sacha Kremer
Alain Eloy
Alain Eloy
Katrin Cartlidge
Katrin Cartlidge
Jane Livingstone
Serge-Henri Valcke
Serge-Henri Valcke
Captain Dubois
Simon Callow
Simon Callow
Colonel Soft
Tanja Ribič
Tanja Ribič
Branko Završan
Branko Završan
Bogdan Diklić
Bogdan Diklić
Serbian Officer
Mustafa Nadarević
Mustafa Nadarević
Older Serbian Soldier


Danis Tanović
Danis Tanović
Danis Tanović
Danis Tanović
Walther van den Ende
Walther van den Ende
Director of Photography
Danis Tanović
Danis Tanović
Original Music Composer
Cat Villiers
Cat Villiers
Igor Pedicek
Igor Pedicek
Cédomir Kolar
Cédomir Kolar
Dunja Klemenc
Dunja Klemenc
Marion Hänsel
Marion Hänsel
Frédérique Dumas-Zajdela
Frédérique Dumas-Zajdela
Judy Counihan
Judy Counihan
Marc Baschet
Marc Baschet
Francesca Calvelli
Francesca Calvelli
Dušan Milavec
Dušan Milavec
Production Design
Zvonka Makuc
Zvonka Makuc
Costume Design
Marco Mueller
Marco Mueller


The Bridge at the End of the World
The war has ended. Villages of Bosnian Croats have been destroyed, and they are living in the homes of the Croatian Serbs. An old man, a Bosnian Croat, disappears. A policeman Filip, himself living in a Serbian home, investigates the case uninterestedly. Through the relationship with his father, Filip tries to understand the motives of the missing old man. As the film moves towards the end, Filip’s investigation becomes more and more personal.
Bums and Dogs
A hotel in the centre of town is a war-time home and refuge for many of Sarajevo's homeless people. Every morning they leave the hotel and wander around the destroyed city gathering again at the defunct hotel in the afternoon. This film follows their separate fates through the bitter comparing of images of the bums with those of dogs abandoned by their owners and now left et the mercy of the war ravaged streets of Sarajevo.
It's cold up on Mount Manjaca. "In the winter it snows, there's nowhere to go," says the central figure in Celebration. "We have to wait until someone comes to clear the road. Sometimes they come, and sometimes they don't." He diligently ploughs the knee-high snowdrifts as the wind howls at his ears.
The carnage in Sarajevo provides the focus of this French documentary which seeks to call attention to the terrible conflict in the hopes of finally ending it. The film is divided into five parts. Each part covers a time frame ranging from April 4, 1992, the beginning of the war, to the present. The major issues that occur are three-fold. It depicts the systematic genocide of Bosnians, the silence of Western countries, and the determination of the Bosnians to resist. They refuse to be seen as victims, even though the filmmakers portray them so. Also included are the origins and political aspects of the war. It offers interviews with participants. It also reveals how the U.S. State Department censored reports about Serbian death camps.
Serbian Epics
Paul Pawlikowski's award-winning documentary on life behind Serbian lines in Bosnia. The film observes the roots of the extreme nationalism which has torn apart a country and provides a chilling examination of the dangerous power of ancient nationalist myths.
The Abandoned
The story of a boy from the orphanage for abandoned children who tried to find out the truth about his origins. Through the story of a boy Alen, it describes the consequences of war casualties and immense injustice that war brought most helpless, the children.
Miners in a Bosnian coal mine. The camera silently watches over the miners working tirelessly amidst endless noise and the flickering light of lanterns.
The Last Switchman of the Narrow Gauge Railway
The abolishment of a railway station in a remote Bosnian village affects the lives of the local railwaymen.
Roger Waters The Wall on Tour 2010 (iShoot, iEdit)
Produced by Harvested Records, iShoot, iEdit is a fan-created DVD documenting Roger Waters' 2010 Wall Live tour. Released on Veteran's Day (November 11, 2010) and dedicated to all fallen loved ones. Filmed at The United Center, Chicago, IL September 20 & 21 Additional footage filmed at The Nassau Coliseum, Long Island, NY October 12 & 13. The foundation of all the footage (and audio) was taken from 9/20. Additional shots are from the 9/21, 10/12 and 10/13 shows and all are from tapehead2's HD master files. "iShoot, iEdit" (HRV DVD 019)
Lotus Wing
The world is recommitting sexual-political suicide by daily insertion of missile-cocks into self-orifices. Complete with ejaculatory delusions, military erections, and the animated virility of Krazy Kat. LOTUS WING spends USA over us all as our lives are spent wiping up the remains of our self-destruct. Probably my last film in this genre.
My Part of the World
A beautiful and poetic at the same time difficult and tragic story. In the distant mountain village in Herzegovina, shortly after the end of World War II, lonely women and children await the return of men from the front. The few men that remained in the village trying to go to America and find the salvation of the lumber and stone. Center of the story is loneliness and anticipation. This is a tragic story of two men whose fight for the heart of a woman cost the head of both.
ジャドヴィル包囲戦 -6日間の戦い-
ネイビーシールズ ナチスの金塊を奪還せよ!
1995年、紛争末期のサラエボ。強引かつ大胆な戦略で敵の将軍を拉致、敵に囲まれたら戦車で大暴走とやりたい放題のマット率いる5人のネイビーシールズ。 上官のレヴィン少将も手を焼く毎日。そんな中、メンバーの一人が恋に落ちたウェイトレスから聞いた、湖に沈んだナチスの金塊・総額3億ドルの話。それさえあれば、戦争に苦しむ避難民を救うことが出来ると懇願され、5人も作戦を立てることに。 タイムリミットはわずか8時間。敵陣真っただ中にある湖の水深45mの湖底から、重さ27トンの金塊をどう運び出すのか? 彼らのとんでもない奇策とは!? 史上最強のアウトサイダーたちが挑む、前代未聞の奪還作戦、遂に始動!!
The War Against Women
Sexual violence against women is a very effective weapon in modern warfare: instills fear and spreads the seed of the victorious side, an outrageous method that is useful to exterminate the defeated side by other means. This use of women, both their bodies and their minds, as a battleground, was crucial for international criminal tribunals to begin to judge rape as a crime against humanity.
Ghetto 59
Nearly 20 years since the end of the 1992-95 Bosnian war, there are people who still live in refugee Centers, usually located on the outskirts of cities and villages. In such centers what should have been temporary has become indefinite. Collecting medicinal herbs or scraps from nearby coal mines and raising children who were born as refugees in their own country are just some aspects of the monotonous daily life of the people in Ježevci.
The Love of Books: A Sarajevo Story
Documentary which tells the story of a group of men and women who risked their lives to rescue a library - and preserve a nation's history - in the midst of the Bosnian war. Amid bullets and bombs and under fire from shells and snipers, this handful of passionate book-lovers safeguarded more than 10,000 unique, hand-written Islamic books and manuscripts - the most important texts held by Sarajevo's last surviving library.
The Man Who Defended Gavrilo Princip
When Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand, Austrian future king , the World War I began. What will Gavrilo Princip do? He has to choose, hard jail untill death, or hanging. There are so much things happening in Bosnia.
Operation 8
Operation 8 examines the so-called 'anti-terror' raids that took place around New Zealand on October 15, 2007 - asking how and why they took place and at what cost to those targeted.
The trials and tribulations of the Goddard family after the entry of Australia into the Vietnam War.


Antonio is a 30 year old family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to stay, a job and a new purpose in life. Antonio finds a room in an apartment owned by Denis and starts to work in a bakery owned by Luca, while attending pastry school. Through this process he discovers that it was wrong of him to give up his independence for the sake of his relationship in the past.
After Mirta dies of a drug overdose with her lover, she resuscitates alone and discovers she's part of a violent world she never knew existed.
ヒトラー ~最期の12日間~
1993年、国際世論におされた米軍は民族紛争の続くソマリアへ派兵。内戦を終結させようと最大勢力ババルギディル族を率いて和平に反対するアイディード将軍の副官2名を捕らえるため、約100名の特殊部隊を首都モガディシュへ強襲させた。当初、作戦は1時間足らずで終了するはずだったが、作戦の開始直後にアイディード将軍派の民兵により2機のヘリコプターがロケットランチャーで撃墜されてしまう。 敵地の中心へ仲間たちの救出に向かう兵士らは泥沼の市街戦に突入していく。
貧しい家庭出身だが野心的なパトリツィア・レッジャーニ(レディー・ガガ)は、 イタリアで最も裕福で格式高いグッチ家の後継者の一人であるマウリツィオ・グッチ (アダム・ドライバー)をその知性と美貌で魅了し、やがて結婚する。 しかし、次第に彼女は一族の権力争いまで操り、 強大なファッションブランドを支配しようとする。 順風満帆だったふたりの結婚生活に陰りが見え始めた時、 パトリツィアは破滅的な結果を招く危険な道を歩み始める…。
ラスト サムライ
ディクテーター 身元不明でニューヨーク
スタンリー・キューブリック監督が、G・ハスフォードの原作を基にベトナム戦争の狂気を描く。徴兵された若者が、次第に戦闘マシーンとして人間性を失っていく様を二部構成で描く。 ベトナム戦争の時代、ジェイムズ(愛称ジョーカー)は、サウスカロライナの海兵新兵訓練キャンプ(ブートキャンプ)で、ハートマン軍曹による厳しい訓練を受ける。新兵たちの中で落ちこぼれの「ほほえみデブ」ことレナードは、徹底的なしごきの中で徐々に正気を失っていく…。 新兵訓練を卒業し海兵隊員となったジョーカーは、テト攻勢が始まる中、軍の報道部員としてフエ市街の前線取材を命じられる。だが、交戦の中で小隊長が戦死、分隊長をブービートラップで失う。下士官が指揮を引き継ぎ転進を図るも進路を誤り、今度は狙撃兵の襲撃を受ける。残されたジョーカーは狙撃兵への復讐を図るのだが…。