Our Friend Flint

ジャンル : スリラー, ホラー, 謎

上映時間 : 0分



Josh Sinclair
Josh Sinclair
Angel Dennis-Serhan
Angel Dennis-Serhan
Kayla Outhred
Kayla Outhred
Henry Pettman
Henry Pettman
Megan Leschnik
Megan Leschnik
Chad Darnell-Oldham
Chad Darnell-Oldham
Bohdi Kidd
Bohdi Kidd
Teddy Dennis-Serhan
Teddy Dennis-Serhan
Little Bear
Dellecia Oldham
Dellecia Oldham
Imogen Baxter
Imogen Baxter
Samantha Dennis-Serhan
Samantha Dennis-Serhan
Matthew Gardener
Matthew Gardener
Natasha Reynolds
Natasha Reynolds
Gwen Winston
Quinlan Deakin
Quinlan Deakin
Vanessa Davis
Vanessa Davis
Stella Acqualina



Nell, Simon, and their boy Art are ready to welcome friends and family for what promises to be a perfect Christmas gathering. Perfect except for one thing: everyone is going to die.
In response to a global rise in demonic possessions, the Catholic Church reopens exorcism schools to train priests in the Rite of Exorcism. On this spiritual battlefield, an unlikely warrior rises: a young nun, Sister Ann. Thrust onto the spiritual frontline with fellow student Father Dante, Sister Ann finds herself in a battle for the soul of a young girl and soon realizes the Devil has her right where he wants her.
Yakuza Princess
In Brazil, Akemi finds out that she's the heiress to the Yakuza empire. Just after that, her destiny enters a spiral of violence and mystery, where a gaijin (foreigner) who's been protecting her all this time, Shirô, may have been actually sent to kill her.
La Llorona
Accused of the genocide of Mayan people, retired general Enrique is trapped in his mansion by massive protests. Abandoned by his staff, the indignant old man and his family must face the devastating truth of his actions and the growing sense that a wrathful supernatural force is targeting them for his crimes.
臨床心理士の森田奏の周りで突如、奇妙な出来事が起こり始める。 「わんこがねぇやに ふたしちゃろ~♪」奇妙なわらべ歌を歌い出しおかしくなった女性、行方不明になった兄弟、そして、繰り返される不可解な変死。 それらの共通点は心霊スポット【犬鳴トンネル】だった。突然死した女性が死の直後に残した言葉「トンネルを抜けた先に村があって、そこで●●を見た・・・」 これは、一体どんな意味なのか? 全ての真相を突き止めるため、奏は犬鳴トンネルに向かう。しかしその先には、決して踏み込んではいけない、驚愕の真相があった・・・。 身も凍る恐怖と戦慄、古より続く血の祝祭からあなたは逃げられない。
La Casa
Responding to an urgent call for help, a police officer becomes trapped by the evil spirits of a cursed house.
The Card Counter
William Tell just wants to play cards. His spartan existence on the casino trail is shattered when he is approached by Cirk, a vulnerable and angry young man seeking help to execute his plan for revenge on a military colonel. Tell sees a chance at redemption through his relationship with Cirk. But keeping Cirk on the straight-and-narrow proves impossible, dragging Tell back into the darkness of his past.
Inside the halls of an elite arts academy, a timid music student begins to outshine her more accomplished and outgoing twin sister when she discovers a mysterious notebook belonging to a recently deceased classmate.
When his car breaks down, a quiet loner agrees to clean an abandoned family fun center in exchange for repairs. He soon finds himself waging war against possessed animatronic mascots while trapped inside Willy's Wonderland.
愛妻に先立たれ、メキシコ国境付近の町で牧場を営みながら愛犬と暮らす元海兵隊の腕利き狙撃兵、ジム・ハンソン。ある日、メキシコの麻薬カルテルの魔の手を逃れ、越境してきた母子を助けたことから、彼の運命は大きく変わり始める。カルテルに撃たれた母親は、ジムに11歳の息子ミゲルを託して絶命した。ミゲルをシカゴに住む親類のもとに送り届けてほしい――日々の生活に手いっぱいのジムだったが、仕方なくこれを引き受ける。一方、米国に侵入したカルテルは執拗に彼らを追撃。迫りくる危機に、ジムは必死に抵抗する。果たして彼は、ミゲルを守り、シカゴにたどり着くことができるのか? 命を懸けた戦いの火ぶたが、切って落とされた!
悪魔のいけにえ -レザーフェイス・リターンズ-
The Wolf of Snow Hollow
A stressed-out police officer struggles not to give in to the paranoia that grips his small mountain town as bodies turn up after each full moon.
Christmas Carol
On a Christmas Eve, a lifeless body of teenage boy is found. The victim's revenge-driven twin brother checks himself into a juvie to hunt down the suspects.
Safer at Home
Two years into the pandemic, a group of friends throw an online party with a night of games, drinking and drugs. After taking an ecstasy pill, things go terribly wrong and the safety of their home becomes more terrifying than the raging chaos outside.
CUBE 一度入ったら、最後
目が覚めるとそこは謎の立方体=CUBEの中だったー。 突然閉じ込められた男女6人。 エンジニア、団体職員、フリーター、中学生、整備士、会社役員。 彼らには何の接点もつながりもない。 理由もわからないまま、脱出を試みる彼らを、 熱感知式レーザー、ワイヤースライサーや火炎噴射など、殺人的なトラップが次々と襲う。 仕掛けられた暗号を解明しなくては、そこから抜け出すことは絶対にできない。 体力と精神力の限界、極度の緊張と不安、そして徐々に表れていく人間の本性… 恐怖と不信感の中、終わりが見えない道のりを、 それでも「生きる」ためにひたすら進んでいく。 果たして彼らは無事に脱出することはできるのか?!
You Won't Be Alone
In an isolated mountain village in 19th century Macedonia, a young feral witch accidentally kills a peasant. She assumes the peasant's shape to see what life is like in her skin, igniting a deep seated curiosity to experience life inside the bodies of others.