
羞恥 生徒同士が男女とも全裸献体になって実技指導を行う 質の高い授業を実践する看護学校実習 (2016)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 3時間 50分

演出 : Nyu-kaji- Kazama


I want to become a nurse and save people's lives! A ruthless word told to female students who have entered a nursing school with a clean and high ideal in mind ... "Now, take off all your clothes." In this school, students practice using each other's bodies. "What I can understand the feeling of the patient not shy?" "Go Yuki out of the classroom, if unpleasant, but practice is a failure," the eyes of the parents to have never showed even tits and hair a dirty boys Expose in front of!


Chisa Shihono
Chisa Shihono
Sana Moriho
Sana Moriho
Rika Mari
Rika Mari


Nyu-kaji- Kazama
Nyu-kaji- Kazama


The Princess and the Warrior
Young nurse Sissi lives a secluded life entirely devoted to her patients at Birkenhof asylum. Her first encounter with ex-soldier and drifter Bodo has a lasting impact. He causes an accident in which he provides first aid, Sissi wonders if he may be the man of her dreams. But when she finds him weeks later she is rejected, as Bodo is stuck somewhere between a traumatic past and a criminal future.
Room 6
A schoolteacher with a phobia of hospitals finds herself searching for her boyfriend inside one while teaming up with a man suffering the same ordeal that she's in.
Dead Eyes of London
A disfigured killer with glazed-over white eyes is doing the dirty work so that an insurance agent-doctor can get the victims' insurance money.
The Honeymoon Killers
Martha Beck, an obese nurse who is desperately lonely, joins a "correspondence club" and finds a romantic pen pal in Ray Fernandez. Martha falls hard for Ray, and is intent on sticking with him even when she discovers he's a con man who seduces lonely single women, kills them and then takes their money. She poses as Ray's sister and joins Ray on a wild killing spree, fueled by her lingering concern that Ray will leave her for one of his marks.
パッチ・アダムス トゥルー・ストーリー
Haunted by memories of a patient's death, a nurse takes a job at an antiquated hospital for children. Soon she learns that the kids fear a ghost that prowls the floors and will not allow anyone to leave. Amy tries to protect them and convince the other staffers of the evil that lurks there.
After she discovers that her boyfriend has betrayed her, Hilary O'Neil is looking for a new start and a new job. She begins to work as a private nurse for a young man suffering from blood cancer. Slowly, they fall in love, but they always know their love cannot last because he is destined to die.
Admitted to Mt. Abaddon Hospital for a routine procedure, George Grieves discovers that his condition is much more serious and complicated than originally expected; and as his own fears begin to manifest around him, he learns that Mt. Abaddon is not a place where people come to get better... it is a place where people come to die.
High Heels and Low Lifes
A nurse eavesdrops with a friend on a cell phone conversation that describes a bank heist. She and the friend then conspire to blackmail the robbers for $2 million.
Who Killed Bambi?
Isabelle, a beautiful nursing student, is starting her internship at a prestigious hospital. She meets Dr. Philip there, feels atracted to him from the beggining and starts suffering from strange fainting; so he calls her Bambi: her legs don't support her. Patients mysteriously start to dissappear from their rooms; so Bambi and Dr. Philip start a cat vs. mouse paranoid game, in order to catch the probable killer.
アウェイ・フロム・ハー 君を想う
Young blonde translator Rebecca lives with her boyfriend ski instructor Marco in a mountain villa owned by her friend, nurse Laura. Rene, local cinema projectionist, steals Marco's car and gets into a car crash with local Theo, whose daughter, after being in coma for a time, dies. Rene suffers from partial short term memory loss and starts a relationship with Laura. Meanwhile Marco is looking for the man who stole his car and Theo - for the man who killed his daughter...
A young nurse, Alma, is put in charge of Elisabeth Vogler: an actress who is seemingly healthy in all respects, but will not talk. As they spend time together, Alma speaks to Elisabeth constantly, never receiving any answer. The time they spend together only strengthens the crushing realization that one does not exist.
アメリカ人大学生のデビッドとジャックは三か月の休暇中イギリスでの気ままなヒッチハイクを楽しんでいた。ヒッチハイクで乗り込んだ車を、何もないど田舎の途中で降ろされて近場の町まで歩くことになってしまう。 日が落ち雨も降る中荒れ地を歩くうち闇夜に紛れてみたこともない恐ろしい大きな野獣に襲われジャックはかみ殺されデビッドもかみ殺される寸前で野獣は村人に射殺され命を救われる。 病院で目を覚まし療養していたデビッドだが、その夜からおかしな夢をみるようになりだんだんと不安にかられるようになってゆく。 そんな不安定なデビッドのまえに突然死んだはずのデビッドが、野獣にかみ殺されたままの無残な姿で現れこう警告する。 「俺たちを襲ったのは狼男だった。狼男に殺されると魂は呪われ永遠にさまよい続ける。お前は狼男の血を継いだ。呪いの系譜が立たれないと殺されたものは解放されない。お前は今すぐ死ぬべきだ」 警告を信じないで無視し続けるデビッドであったが、満月の夜、デビッドは耐え難い痛みとともに恐ろしい獣の姿に変貌し新たな狼男の犠牲者を作り始めるのだった。
グレッグフォッカー(ベンスティラー)はやや不器用な看護師で、パム(テリポロ)への婚約を発表した後、両親と会うために両親と数日過ごす必要があります。 彼らの最初の会議は、特にグレッグがガールフレンドの厳格な父親(ロバート・デ・ニーロ)、CIAのために働いていた保護者の父親で育った疑いがあるため、あまり幸運ではありませんが、現在は退職しています 印象づけるのが難しい。 ジムは最初からグレッグを完全に拒否しますが、彼が彼をよりよく知るようになると、彼の拒否は絶対的な軽emptになり、彼のガールフレンドを愛し、良い第一印象を作りたいにもかかわらず、彼はより深く沈み、 彼自身の無能さの泥の奥深くに、そして彼は彼のガールフレンドの親relativeが彼に対して持っている恐ろしい意見を変えるために一生懸命に戦わなければなりません。
看護師グレッグ・フォッカーと美人のパムは結婚間近のラブラブ・カップル。ようやく、パムの父親、元CIAの堅物頑固親父ジャック・バーンズの承諾も取りつけてホッと一息。最後の難関は、フォッカー家とバーンズ家両家のご対面。しかし、そこにはひとつ問題が……。グレッグはジャックに、父は弁護士、母は医者と伝えていたのだ。本当は、父バーニーは専業主夫、母ロズはセックス・セラピストなのに! 予想通り、両家の初顔合わせはとんでもない大激突に! 果たして、グレッグとパムは無事結婚出来るのだろうか!?