Daleko od stromu (1957)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 0分

演出 : Bohumil Vošahlík
脚本 : Bohumil Vošahlík



Otto Lackovič
Otto Lackovič
Luka Rubanovičová
Luka Rubanovičová
Petr Rachner
Petr Rachner
Antonín Hrabánek
Antonín Hrabánek
Magda Kopřivová
Magda Kopřivová
Mirko Musil
Mirko Musil


Bohumil Vošahlík
Bohumil Vošahlík
Bohumil Vošahlík
Bohumil Vošahlík
Bohumil Vošahlík
Bohumil Vošahlík
Sylvie Daníčková
Sylvie Daníčková
František Jindra
František Jindra
Director of Photography
Karel Černý
Karel Černý
Production Design
Jaroslav Houžvička
Jaroslav Houžvička
Production Manager
Václav Lídl
Václav Lídl
Original Music Composer
Štěpán Koníček
Štěpán Koníček


Dragon Ball: Goku's Fire Brigade
Goku's Fire Brigade is a ten-minute public service video about fire safety, which aired in Japan in June 1988. This video features the main Dragon Ball characters having jobs as firefighters and Bulma living in a new apartment with Scratch.
Nick Naylor is a charismatic spin-doctor for Big Tobacco who'll fight to protect America's right to smoke -- even if it kills him -- while still remaining a role model for his 12-year old son. When he incurs the wrath of a senator bent on snuffing out cigarettes, Nick's powers of "filtering the truth" will be put to the test.
キュア 〜禁断の隔離病棟〜
ウォールストリートで働く金融マンのロックハートが役員に呼び出されて会議室に向かうと、社長のロバート・E・ペンブロークからの「会社には戻らない」と書かれた手紙を見せられ、実際に休暇から戻ってきていないことを知らされる。ロックハートの不正に気付いている役員たちは彼に圧力をかけ、スイスの療養所まで迎えに行くよう命じた。 ロックハートが療養所に到着すると既に面会時間を過ぎていたものの、責任者と交渉して夜には会えるように取り計らってもらう。ロックハートは一旦ホテルに向かうため療養所から離れるが、途中でタクシーが鹿に激突して大事故になってしまう。
Dragon Ball: Goku's Traffic Safety
An educational film featuring characters from "Dragon Ball". Roshi and Krillin are on their way to Bulma's birthday party, and they see a boy run into the street, nearly getting run over. Launch, as a traffic officer, teaches him about traffic safety. Meanwhile, Goku, who is also on his way to Bulma's party, gets a traffic lesson of his own from Suno after running through traffic to see her.
Octonauts and the Caves of Sac Actun
The Octonauts embark on an underwater adventure, navigating a set of challenging caves to help a small octopus friend return to the Caribbean Sea.
What the Health
Filmmaker Kip Andersen uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases, and he investigates why the nation's leading health organizations doesn't want people to know about it.
Super Size Me
Morgan Spurlock subjects himself to a diet based only on McDonald's fast food three times a day for thirty days without exercising to try to prove why so many Americans are fat or obese. He submits himself to a complete check-up by three doctors, comparing his weight along the way, resulting in a scary conclusion.
ベルギーの絵本作家ガブリエル・バンサンの代表作で、世界中で親しまれている「くまのアーネストおじさん」シリーズをアニメ映画化。無愛想で大きなくまの音楽家アーネストおじさんと、小さなネズミの女の子セレスティーヌの出会いと冒険、そして種の違いを超えて育まれる関係を描く。優しいタッチでつづられる心温まるストーリーは、第86回アカデミー賞長編アニメ映画賞にノミネートされた 大きなくまの音楽家アーネストおじさんは空腹でゴミ箱をあさっていたとき、小さなねずみの女の子セレスティーヌを見つけて食べようとする。その後セレスティーヌは、アーネストに菓子屋の倉庫に潜り込む方法を教え、難を逃れた。やがて両者の間には、種の違いを超えた友情が芽生えるが……。
The Redeemed and the Dominant: Fittest on Earth
In 2017, the fittest athletes on Earth took on the unknown and unknowable during four of the most intense days of competition in CrossFit Games history. "The Redeemed and the Dominant: Fittest on Earth" captures all the drama as the top athletes resembling chiseled Grecian gods descend on Madison, Wisconsin, to face a series of trials. Hercules faced 12; they take on 13. Emotions run high as a throng of Australian athletes rise to the top. By the end of the competition, some learn tough lessons - that all that glitters isn't gold, or even bronze - and some learn that they're even stronger than they realized. The best among them enter the pantheon of the CrossFit giants and earn the right to call themselves the "Fittest on Earth"
That Sugar Film
One man's journey to discover the bitter truth about sugar. Damon Gameau embarks on a unique experiment to document the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body, consuming only foods that are commonly perceived as 'healthy'. Through this entertaining and informative journey, Damon highlights some of the issues that plague the sugar industry, and where sugar lurks on supermarket shelves.
The Fittest
In 2019 the fittest athletes on earth took on the unknown and unknowable during four intense days of competition at the CrossFit Games. "The Fittest " captures all the drama as chiseled athletes descend on Madison, Wisconsin, to face a series of trials. On top of the physical challenges, this year the sport grew from 40 men and women, to over 100 of each. But with this new format came cuts of the field, so for the final half of the weekend, only 10 men and 10 women move on to determine who is the fittest. The best among them enter the pantheon of CrossFit giants and earn the right to call themselves the "Fittest on Earth."
The Moustache
One day, on a whim, Marc decides to shave off the moustache he's worn all of his adult life. He waits patiently for his wife's reaction, but neither she nor his friends seem to notice. Stranger still, when he finally tells them, they all insist he never had a moustache. Is Marc going mad? Is he the victim of some elaborate conspiracy? Or has something in the world's order gone terribly awry?
A documentary film that takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that by changing one's perceptions, the human body can heal itself from any disease.
Karius og Baktus
The little tooth trolls Karius and Baktus tries to persuade Jens not to brush his teeth, and their picking wholes in his teeth can go on as planned. If the mother's plea to Jens is winning, the happy days of white bread and syrup is over.no
Je Vous Aime
This early cinematic instance of a close-up—or, more accurately, a medium close-up shot of the chest and face of the maker of this film and others like it, Georges Demenÿ saying “Je vous aime”—was made at the request of Hector Marichelle, professor and director of the National Deaf-Mute Institute in France, who planned to use filmed speech to teach deaf students to speak and lip read. This required close views of the performer's lip movements. The project was given to Demenÿ by Étienne-Jules Marey, who headed the Station Physiologique in Paris and whose chronophotographic scientific research of motion is among the most important contributions to the invention of movies. Despite these educational and scientific beginnings, however, this project led Demenÿ to pursue and influence the commercialism of cinema.
Fat Fiction
Leading health experts examine the history of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and question decades of dietary advice insisting that saturated fats are bad for us.
The Magic Pill
Doctors, scientists and chefs around the globe combat illness with dietary changes, believing fat should be embraced as a source of fuel.
Poverty, Inc.
Poverty, Inc. explores the hidden side of doing good. From disaster relief to TOMs Shoes, from adoptions to agricultural subsidies, Poverty, Inc. follows the butterfly effect of our most well-intentioned efforts and pulls back the curtain on the poverty industrial complex - the multi-billion dollar market of NGOs, multilateral agencies, and for-profit aid contractors. Are we catalyzing development or are we propagating a system in which the poor stay poor while the rich get hipper?