ECQ Diary (Bawal Lumabas) (2021)
ジャンル : ドラマ
上映時間 : 0分
演出 : Arlyn dela Cruz
An upcoming movie starring Elizabeth Oropesa and Daria Ramirez
As a filmmaker and his girlfriend return home from his movie premiere, smoldering tensions and painful revelations push them toward a romantic reckoning.
After failing to make it on Broadway, April returns to her hometown and reluctantly begins training a misfit group of young dancers for a competition.
After the strange death of his young son at their new home, Daniel hears a ghostly plea for help, spurring him to seek out a renowned paranormal expert.
Ji-suk, a wealthy mother, wants to send her son, Se-hyuk, to the medical school. While looking for a competent private education coordination, Although it succeeded in recruiting a high-ranking entrance exam coordinator,'Starring', which only a few elite students selected. After hearing the rumors,'Namjae,' the father of Euntae, a high school examinee next door, hears rumors and comes to contact the main character. Like this, the parents of Se-hyeok and Eun-tae's neighbors 'Starring', who was in a difficult situation after entering a strange competition Eventually, I would share the day of the week to go to both houses to teach Se-hyuk and Eun-tae. Although they will agree with the two families, Eun Tae, who is a senior high school student, is in medical school. Not interested and only busy with high school girlfriends Se-hyuk starts talking to a beautiful tutor, starring than the entrance exam.
Finley, a talented aspiring violinist, meets Beckett, a famous young movie star, on the way to her college semester abroad program in a small coastal village in Ireland. An unexpected romance emerges as the heartthrob Beckett leads the uptight Finley on an adventurous reawakening, and she emboldens him to take charge of his future, until the pressures of his stardom get in the way.
On the last day of 1999, 20-year-old Sebastian locks himself in a TV studio. He has two hostages, a gun, and an important message for the world. The story of the attack explores a rebel’s extreme measures and last resort.
史上最も大量に製造・拡散されたアサルトライフル「AK-47」の開発者ミハイル・カラシニコフを描いた伝記ドラマ。独ソ戦争下のソ連。戦車担当の兵士ミハイル・カラシニコフは被弾して重傷を負い、前線から引き戻される。入院中、彼は後に世界中で使用されることになる武器の最初のスケッチを描く。カラシニコフ役に「T-34 レジェンド・オブ・ウォー」のユーリー・ボリソフ。「のむコレ2020」(20年10月9日~/東京・シネマート新宿、大阪・シネマート心斎橋)上映作品。
「ダイバージェント」シリーズのテオ・ジェームズが主演を務めたSFスリラー。日本の山奥にある施設で人型アンドロイドの開発を進めるロボット工学者ジョージ・アルモア。会社からは成果をあげていないと不評だが、実は亡き妻ジュールをよみがえらせるための研究を続けていた。「アーカイヴ」というシステムを通じて彼女と交流するジュールは、そこから違法にデータを取り出し、J1、J2とバージョンアップしたアンドロイドを開発。そしてついに、まるで本物のジュールのようなJ3の完成が目前に迫る。そんな矢先、J2が予想外の行動をとり始め、さらに施設が外部の何者かに見つかってしまう。共演は「ニンフォマニアック」のステイシー・マーティン、「アンダーワールド ビギンズ」のローナ・ミトラ、「裏切りのサーカス」のトビー・ジョーンズ。ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷&シネ・リーブル梅田で開催の「未体験ゾーンの映画たち2021」上映作品。
In the 1960s, two entrepreneurs hatch an ingenious business plan to fight for housing integration—and equal access to the American Dream.
1990年、ソウル五輪で大成功を収め勢いづく韓国政府は国連への加盟を目指し、多数の投票権を持つアフリカ諸国へのロビー活動に励んでいた。ソマリアの首都モガディシュで韓国大使を務めるハン(キム・ユンソク)は、現地政府の上層部に何とか取り入ろうとしている。 一方、韓国より20年も早くアフリカ諸国との外交を始めていた北朝鮮のリム大使(ホ・ジュノ)も国連加盟のために奔走し、両国間の妨害工作や情報操作はエスカレートしていく。 そんな中、ソマリアの現政権に不満を持つ反乱軍による内戦が激化。暴徒に大使館を追われた北朝鮮のリム大使は、絶対に相容れない韓国大使館に助けを求める決意をする。果たして、ハン大使は彼らを受け入れるのか、全員で生きて脱出することができるのか、そしてその方法は──?
Newlywed Jennifer is brutally attacked at a dark rest stop. While healing from her injuries, she can’t recall anything from her past, including the ordeal. Her husband, Russell , is just thankful she’s alive and eager to get her home. As he reintroduces her to their secluded mountain estate, Detective Page pursues Jennifer’s assailant — his own daughter went missing and was never found. The same fate now awaits Jennifer, unless someone realizes that her loving caretaker is actually her captor.
Jessica knows exactly what her life is supposed to look like and where it takes her. But then she meets Danny. He has a complicated past and could confuse all their plans. Jessica has to decide.
After 20 years of marriage, Maria decides to leave her husband. She moves into room 212 at the hotel across the street, with a bird’s-eye view of her apartment, her husband and the life she shared with him. While she wonders if she made the right decision, many of the people in her life offer their opinions on the matter. They intend to let her know, whether she likes it or not, on what proves to be a life-changing evening.
During the last years of Pinochet's military regime, a group of militants from the "Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front" plan a prison break of political prisoners, through a tunnel that will take them 18 months to dig.
After reuniting with his first mentor Bruno and receiving his latest mission, an exiled Ciro is left to fearlessly confront whatever comes his way, navigating a new chapter of gang warfare while grappling with devastating memories of loss and trauma. Weaving between his past as an orphan in Naples' cruel underworld and present as a hardened, cunning assassin with nothing left to lose, Ciro is plunged into the cold, dark depths of a world where immortality is just another form of damnation.
Years after the original Backdraft, Sean, son of the late Steve "Bull" McCaffrey, is assigned to investigate a deadly fire only to realize it is something much more sinister.