Thiruchitrambalam (2022)
Experience the life of Pazham
ジャンル : ロマンス, ドラマ, コメディ
上映時間 : 2時間 13分
演出 : Mithran Jawahar
A guy-next-door tries to find romance in his life while also dealing with his personal problems. How long will it be before he realises what he is looking for is right next to him?
Two crazy, jobless, horror-film addicts Major and Gullu, under immense family pressure to find work, hit upon the idea to float a unique ghost-capturing service when they meet a spirit, Ragini, who makes their business a success but in return asks them for a favour which they are compelled to honour.
A slick robotics expert joins a murderous plot after a passionate affair takes a sudden turn, but nothing — not even death — is what it seems to be.
Rafsan Haq is a famous chef of Bangladesh. After disappearing for three years, one day his wife Neela suddenly shows up in a local police station. Everyone around Rafsan including the police became skeptical of this miraculous event and started doubting Neela's identity. What will Rafsan do now? Accept the love of his life or doubt her?
Wazim is young, carefree and often drawn to fights. But when love blooms with a star vlogger, the impact of his fists could have disastrous effects.
Amar is assigned to investigate a case of serial killings. When Amar investigates the case, he realizes it is not what it seems to be and following down this path will lead to nothing but war between everyone involved.
Kichu takes up an assignment to befriend a gangster David, who has lost his memories to learn about a valuable gold shipment that has gone missing. Will Kichu pull off the task, or end up waking the monster in the gangster?
A social butterfly who dies during her birthday week is given a second chance to right her wrongs on Earth.
The murder of a youngster creates confusion among a few cops when they find out that the one accused in the crime has a look-alike!
Dharma is stuck in a rut with his negative and lonely lifestyle and spends each day in the comfort of his loneliness. A pup named Charlie who is naughty and energetic which is a complete contrast with the Dharma’s character enters his life and gives him a new perspective towards it.
We lead our lives in ways where we do not think much before doing something, which may or may not have a huge impact on other people. How our small actions can create big ripples in someone else`s life is the idea on which the film is based.
Two childhood sweethearts love to hate each other due to their egos. What happens when they reconcile but their families begin warring each other instead?
Sundari Sara Mathews, popularly known as Suma, meets Victor, the school's new English teacher and falls for him. However, before expressing her feelings to him, another teacher, Lekha, asks him out and he accepts, leaving Suma heartbroken. While at a low point in her life after losing her mother and arguing with her brother, Suma is consumed by jealousy and plots to break up Lekha and Victor to have him to herself.
「ゲット・アウト」「アス」で高い評価を受けるジョーダン・ピールの長編監督第3作。広大な田舎町の空に突如現れた不気味な飛行物体をめぐり、謎の解明のため動画撮影を試みる兄妹がたどる運命を描いた。 田舎町で広大な敷地の牧場を経営し、生計を立てている一家。ある日、一家の長男が、家業をサボって町に繰り出す妹にうんざりしていたところ、突然空から異物が降り注いでくる。その謎の現象が止んだかと思うと、直前まで会話していた父親が息絶えていた。長男は、父親の不可解な死の直前に、雲に覆われた巨大な飛行物体のようなものを目撃したことを妹に明かす。兄妹はその飛行物体の存在を収めた動画を撮影すればネットでバズるはずだと、飛行物体の撮影に挑むが、そんな彼らに想像を絶する事態が待ち受けていた。 「ゲット・アウト」でもピール監督とタッグを組んだダニエル・カルーヤが兄、「ハスラーズ」のキキ・パーマーが妹を演じるほか、「ミナリ」のスティーブン・ユァンが共演。
親友のベッキーとハンターにとって、人生とは恐怖を克服し、限界に挑戦することです。 しかし、人里離れた廃墟となった電波塔の頂上まで 2,000 フィート登った後、彼らは降りることができず立ち往生していることに気づきます。 今、ベッキーとハンターの熟練したクライミング スキルが究極の試練にさらされます。彼らは要素、物資の不足、めまいを誘発する高さを生き残るために必死に戦います。
何もかもが変わりつつある世界を元に戻すため、ストレンジはかつてアベンジャーズを脅かすほど強大な力を見せたスカーレット・ウィッチことワンダに助けを求める。 しかし、もはや彼らの力だけではどうすることもできない恐るべき脅威が人類、そして全宇宙に迫っていた。 さらに驚くべきことに、その宇宙最大の脅威はドクター・ストレンジと全く同じ姿をしていて…。