
Royal Jelly (2021)

Once upon a hive...

ジャンル : ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 33分

演出 : Sean Riley


A high school social outcast is taken under the wing of a mysterious mentor, only to be groomed as the hive's next queen.


Elizabeth McCoy
Elizabeth McCoy
Sherry Lattanzi
Sherry Lattanzi
Fiona McQuinn
Fiona McQuinn
Jesse Hartsog
Jesse Hartsog
Raylen Ladner
Raylen Ladner
Jake McCoy
Jake McCoy
Jonas Chartock
Jonas Chartock
Lory Tom Thompson Sr.
Lory Tom Thompson Sr.
Gregory Tremain Merrell
Gregory Tremain Merrell


Sean Riley
Sean Riley
Sean Riley
Sean Riley
Daniel S. Allen
Daniel S. Allen
Executive Producer
Michael Cline
Michael Cline
Executive Producer
Joe Hodgin
Joe Hodgin
Jonathan Hammond
Jonathan Hammond
Sean Riley
Sean Riley


When a vintage Jack-in-the-box is un-earthed and opened, it's new owners soon have reason to believe the creepy clown doll within has a life of it's own.
During a Whiton University's pledge week, the carefree partying turns deadly when brutal murders start befalling the students, sending Ellery into a race against time to uncover the truth behind the school's dark secrets and the horrifying meaning of a recurring symbol: a single exclamation mark.
ハロウィン KILLS
40年におよぶローリー・ストロードと“ブギーマン”ことマイケル・マイヤーズの因縁の戦いに決着はついたはずだった。しかし、悪夢は終わってはいなかった。ローリーの仕掛けたバーニングトラップから生還したマイケルは、過去を背負う街ハドンフィールドでさらなる凶行を重ねる。恐怖に立ち向かいブギーマンとの戦いを選ぶ者、その恐怖に耐えかね暴徒と化す者。果たして、ハドンフィールドの運命は!? そして、物語はついにブギーマンの正体に迫り新たな展開を迎えるー!! 全世界で250億円を超える大ヒットを記録した究極のショッキング・ホラーの新章がこのハロウィンに、日本に解き放たれる!!
Whispering Corridors 6: The Humming
After being appointed as the vice-principal of her alma mater, Eun-hee becomes plagued by hallucinations. Branded a troublemaker by the teachers, Ha-young hears strange sounds coming from the school's dilapidated restroom.
A Nun's Curse
A group of travelers are forced to seek shelter inside an abandoned jail where a notorious nun named Sister Monday had once been assigned and was suspected of murdering prisoners.
Chucky's Family Vacation
Chucky, Tiffany and Glen tell about their travels.
Soy leyenda
First the atomic war broke out, new machines were made, dead birds appeared. In 1999, a bacteriological warfare began, there were sandstorms and giant locust infestations; the human tissue was transformed and a new being, once legendary, now real, emerged: the vampire. Only Robert Neville, the last man on Earth, remains unpolluted, living in constant struggle with the new inhabitants of the planet.
19年前、アルツハイマー病の最先端治療を開発する目的で、遺伝子操作されたサメを利用したアクティカ計画。 あと一歩で目的を達するところまで来たものの、予期せぬ悲劇のため実験は失敗に終わる。 そして今、製薬会社の大富豪カール・デュラントの決断によって、海底の実験施設で研究が再開される。元ネイビーシールズ (海軍特殊部隊)のトレント・スレイターと科学者ダニエル・キム夫妻の参加が決定する中、デュラントはサメ保護活動家の ミスティ・カルホーンをチームに加えようとする。 だがカルホーンがショックを受けたことに、会社が実験体に使ってるのはオオメジロザメだった。それは予測不能な行動をとる非常に 攻撃的なサメで、海中で最も獰猛な肉食動物だったのだ。やがて薬物を投与され巨大化したサメたちは、群れのリーダー格である ベラに率いられ、さらに賢く、素早く、そしてさらに凶暴になっていく。深い海の底で、血に飢えた恐怖が再び繰り広げられる。 容赦ないサスペンスの連続に、あなたはどこまで耐えられるのか! ?
The Banana Splits Movie
A boy named Harley and his family attend a taping of The Banana Splits TV show, which is supposed to be a fun-filled birthday for young Harley and business as usual for Rebecca, the producer of the series. But things take an unexpected turn - and the body count quickly rises. Can Harley, his mom and their new pals safely escape?
Daphne & Velma
Before their eventual team-up with Scooby and the gang, bright and optimistic Daphne and whip-smart and analytical Velma are both mystery-solving teens who are best friends but have only met online - until now. Daphne has just transferred to Velma's school, Ridge Valley High, an incredible tech-savvy institute with all the latest gadgets provided by the school's benefactor, tech billionaire Tobias Bloom. And while competition is fierce among the students for a coveted internship at Bloom Innovative, Daphne and Velma dig beyond all the gadgets and tech to investigate what is causing some of the brightest students in school to disappear - only to emerge again in a zombie-fied state.
La Llorona
Accused of the genocide of Mayan people, retired general Enrique is trapped in his mansion by massive protests. Abandoned by his staff, the indignant old man and his family must face the devastating truth of his actions and the growing sense that a wrathful supernatural force is targeting them for his crimes.
The Other Lamb
For her entire life, the cult she was born into has been all that teenage Selah has known. Along with a band of similarly cloistered young women she lives seemingly unstuck in time, cut off from modern society in a remote forest commune presided over by a man called Shepherd, a controlling, messiah-like figure with a frightening dark side. But when her insular world is rocked by a series of nightmarish visions and disturbing revelations, Selah begins to question everything about her existence—including her allegiance to the increasingly dangerous Shepherd.
The Voices
Angry and upset after a sudden breakup with her fiancé, Grace Crawford seeks sanctuary at the remote home of her sister, Catherine. It becomes clear that Catherine is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, much like their late mother, who had taken her own life. While coming to terms with this heavy realization, Grace also uncovers another terrible little secret that has her struggling to maintain her own sanity and ultimately scurrying to save herself and her family from further harm.
マリグナント 狂暴な悪夢
『死霊館』『ソウ』シリーズのジェイムズ・ワン監督によるホラー。目の前で恐ろしい殺人を目撃するという悪夢に苛まれる女が、リアルな殺人現場を疑似体験し、自らの秘められた過去に導かれていく。主演は『アナベル 死霊館の人形』のアナベル・ウォーリス。