The Merry Old Soul (1933)

ジャンル : アニメーション

上映時間 : 8分

演出 : Walter Lantz, William Nolan


Oswald is at the dentist. A tooth being pulled hangs on tight. Just then, the radio reports "Old King Cole has the blues" and Oswald races off in his car. He gathers up a collection of comics: Charles Chaplin, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, etc. At the castle, they start singing off-kilter versions of Mother Goose rhymes, with Al Jolson in a blackface routine, and the king is quickly cheered up. Laurel & Hardy haul in a large pile of pies, and an all-out fight breaks out. The jester, who has been getting jealous of Oswald, kidnaps him during the fight and hauls him into a dungeon, submitting him to various tortures, where we discover that the real torture has been the dentist pulling the tooth all along.



Walter Lantz
Walter Lantz
William Nolan
William Nolan
Walter Lantz
Walter Lantz
James Dietrich
James Dietrich
Original Music Composer
Lester Kline
Lester Kline
Fred Kopietz
Fred Kopietz
Manuel Moreno
Manuel Moreno
Ernest Smythe
Ernest Smythe
George Grandpré
George Grandpré


The Merry Old Soul
Oswald is at the dentist. A tooth being pulled hangs on tight. Just then, the radio reports "Old King Cole has the blues" and Oswald races off in his car. He gathers up a collection of comics: Charles Chaplin, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, etc. At the castle, they start singing off-kilter versions of Mother Goose rhymes, with Al Jolson in a blackface routine, and the king is quickly cheered up. Laurel & Hardy haul in a large pile of pies, and an all-out fight breaks out. The jester, who has been getting jealous of Oswald, kidnaps him during the fight and hauls him into a dungeon, submitting him to various tortures, where we discover that the real torture has been the dentist pulling the tooth all along.
Hungry Hoboes
Oswald and his friend and nemesis Peg-Leg Pete are hobos riding on a train and playing checkers when hilarity ensues
Hells Heels
Three desperadoes come to Heela City to rob a bank. One of them is the tough-acting, but ultimately cowardly, Oswald the Rabbit. His two fellow bad men - a dog with an eye patch and another with a peg-leg - force him to blow up the town bank with dynamite. Oswald ends up surviving the explosion that turns the other two villains into animate skeletons. The bank is destroyed, but the safe remains. Oswald tries to open it, but turning the dial only gives him a radio broadcast. And then out of the safe pops the bulldog sheriff. The sheriff runs him out of town. Unluckily for the supposedly lucky rabbit, he comes across a wailing baby out in the desert. The baby, in a gruff voice, reveals that his father is the sheriff Oswald just escaped. Oswald is forced to return to town, not so much by his conscience as by the baby's force of will.
The mortgage is due by 6 p.m. or Grandma and Oswald will lose the homestead. Oswald is forced to take the beloved old milk cow to market. On the way, he's accosted by a scary old witch. She wants the cow and gives Oswald a bag of magic beans in exchange. The beans grow into a huge beanstalk which transports Oswald to a giant ogre's castle in the clouds.
Grandma's Pet
After reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood to three kittens in a cradle, Oswald the Rabbit goes to sleep thinking about the girl heroine. In his dream, he sees the girl pass by and decides to pick a couple of flowers for her. But the stems are impossibly long, and no matter how much he pulls, they just get longer and longer. Meanwhile, a wolf, craving the girl's basket of goodies, pulls the wool off a nearby sheep and disguises himself in it. As a bogus sheep, he asks questions of the girl. She reveals she is going to grandma's house. Soon, the wolf is at grandma's door. The old woman is so frightened, she swallows her harmonica. The wolf stores her in the icebox, promising to eat her later. By the time the girl arrives, the wolf has disguised himself as the old woman. Oswald eventually comes to the rescue. But the wolf finds a magic wand inside the basket of goodies and uses it to put Oswald on top of a construction site.
Late in the evening, just as a skeleton puts out its cat for the night, the masked Phantom stalks the graveyard, pausing only to insult an overly inquisitive owl. The Phantom enters the local opera house and falls in love with Kitty, a feline singer who is terribly jealous of the star of the show, a husky-voiced hippo. The Phantom falls in love with Kitty at first sight. For her sake, he sabotages the hippo (by popping and deflating her). Then he puts a phonograph player down Kitty's skirt. She walks out and pretends the recording is her own voice. Even though the record skips and, moments later, slows down to a stop (forcing the Phantom to crank the machine for her), Kitty is a hit. But does she appreciate the Phantom? No. Backstage, she jumps into the arms of Oswald the Rabbit. Enraged, the Phantom grabs Kitty and takes her down with him to the catacombs underneath the stage. Oswald goes on a rescue mission.
The animals on Oswald the Rabbit's farm couldn't be happier with their work. The hens, in particular, enjoy their jobs as egg producers. True, a hen gets a bit anxious when her egg is too small or when she can't lay anything. But on the whole, times are good. That changes when a specter by the name of Depression rises from the dump and travels the globe spreading fear and panic. The Great Depression has begun and has poisoned the entire country, including Oswald's farm. Now, the roosters are listless and the chickens flop around in a daze. Oswald runs to the doctor for help. But Dr. Pill points to a poster of the President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. "There's your doctor!" he declares. Soon, Oswald is in the White House, knocking down the Vice President in his haste to see FDR. Roosevelt sings "Confidence" and gives the rabbit a generous supply.
Farming Fools
Three hitchhiking, hobo chimpanzees, followers of the open road and work-dodgers are put to work on Oswald Rabbit's farm in payment for pies stolen from the hard-working rabbit. The simians find it hard to milk a cow, paint a house and haul water from the well.
ワンピース 珍獣島のチョッパー王国
航海を続けている麦わらの一味は、現在の海域に珍獣ばかりしか住んでいない王冠島と呼ばれる島があり、そこに黄金の力を宿した宝があるという話を耳にする。しかしチョッパーは、危険だからよそうと提案する。 そんな中突然、海底火山が爆発し、ゴーイングメリー号が空を飛んだ。そして一味がたどり着いた所こそ、その王冠島だった。
ワンピース デッドエンドの冒険
2003年3月1日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第4作。 ハンナバルという島の港町に立ち寄っていた麦わらの一味は、海賊だけで行われる何でもありのレース「デッドエンド」が行われると知る。賞金と冒険を求めて、一味は「デッドエンド」に参加する。
ONE PIECE 呪われた聖剣
2004年3月6日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第5作。 伝説の美しい宝刀「七星剣」と、目も眩むようなお宝が隠されているというアスカ島に上陸した麦わらの一味。しかし、メリー号の船番をしていたゾロが、いつのまにか姿を消していた。一行がゾロを探して島の奥に向かうと、村を襲う海軍剣士の中にゾロの姿があった。信じ難い彼の行動に驚く一行をよそに、ゾロは島の少女・マヤが持っていた三つの宝玉を奪い、去って行ってしまった。
ワンピース the movie オマツリ男爵と秘密の島
2005年3月5日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第6作。 「オマツリ島」への永久指針と地図を拾った麦わらの一味は、パラダイスだというその島を訪れる。島の当主と名乗るオマツリ男爵により数々の不条理な試練を受けさせられ、最初は楽しんでいたものの、仲間達が試練での苛立ちでどんどん不協和音を鳴らし、仲間割れを起こしてしまう。そんな中、チョッパーとロビンは島の不自然さを感じ始めていた。
ワンピース カラクリ城のメカ巨兵
2006年3月4日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第7作。麦わらの一味は、難破した海賊船から宝箱を手に入れた。早速中を見てみると、そこには老婆が入っていた。老婆は自分の島の財宝伝説を話し、一行はその「メカ島」へ向かう。
ONE PIECE(ワンピース) エピソードオブチョッパー+冬に咲く、奇跡の桜
2008年3月1日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第9作目。 新たな愛船サウザンドサニー号で航海を続けるルフィたち。そんな中、突然ナミが高熱で倒れ、一行は医療大国として知られるドラム王国を訪れる。だが、現在この国にいる医者は、魔女のDr.くれはただひとりになっていた。聞けば黒ひげ海賊団の襲撃を受け、医療を独占する国王が医師団を連れて逃亡したのだという。一行はくれはの住む雪山の頂上を目指すが力尽き、チョッパーと名乗る奇妙な青っ鼻のトナカイに助けられるが……。
Spider-Man: The Venom Saga
A space-shuttle crash-landing puts the famous web-slinger Spider-Man in contact with a living alien substance that bonds to his suit and enhances his super-powers. Unfortunately, the alien substance begins to change him and he feels the pull of evil, so discards the suit. The evil attaches itself to another host leading to an epic confrontation between good and evil.
It's not easy being a teen like Duncan. His mom wants him to pay more attention to his homework, while his dad - a 120-foot-tall monster known as a Kaiju - wants him to become the next King of All Monsters. When these worlds collide, Duncan must use his human wits and his Kaiju powers - including super strength, agility and the ability to breathe fire - to protect his family and friends from a giant monster rampage.
イースター島にあるキャンディの国。うさぎとヒヨコが世界中の子どもたちの為に、おいしいキャンディを作っていた。この国の王子イービーは、父親の後を継いでイースターの日にキャンディを配達するイースターラビットになるはずだった。しかし、ドラムの才能を持つ彼は、ミュージシャンとして成功するという夢をあきらめきれずにおり、キャンディの国を抜け出してハリウッドへ向かい、その道中自動車に轢かれてしまった。 負傷したイービーを介抱したフレッドは、イービーから事情を聞き、彼の夢を応援することにした。 一方、イースター島ではイービー捜索のために国一番の最強部隊“ピンク・ベレー”がかりだされていた。そんな中、王国のキャンディ工場乗っ取りをたくらむヒヨコたちのボスであるカルロスがクーデターを起こし、王国の混乱はさらに悪化した。