Wolf Pup (2019)
An insectile angel haunts a young woman's most intimate memories.
ジャンル : ホラー, サイエンスフィクション, ドラマ
上映時間 : 14分
演出 : Dante Capone
This art-horror film about an age-difference relationship explores the process of image-corruption through the language of horror, CGI artifice, and telesynthesis.
殺害事件の手口から捜査線上に浮上したのは、すでに死んだと思われていたソビエト伝説のスパイ“カシウス”だった。犯人はカシウスなのか? 真相を解明するため、CIAは引退した元諜報員ポールと、仕事への情熱に溢れる若きFBI捜査官ギアリーに捜査にあたらせるが……
Nineteen-year-old Laura is stressed by her first year at college when money worries distract her from her studies and so, desperate for cash, she answers an online advertisement for intimate companionship that leads her down a dangerous path.
The story of a dysfunctional couple, whose problems will inevitably deteriorate their marriage and their son's life.
主人公のサムたちは会社の研修旅行の中、工事が続いている巨大な吊り橋をバスで渡ろうとしていた。 その瞬間、サムは自然災害により突如として橋が崩れ落ち、同僚や上司が次々と死んでいく凄惨な予知夢を見る。 パニックに陥ったサムは周りに危険を知らせると、恋人モリーを連れ橋から避難、彼らを含め8人の社員が奇跡的に事故から生き延びる。 ところが、それは新たな惨劇の始まりであった・・・。
On the eve of his high school graduation, unremarkable Will Kidman finally bonds with the girl he has long yearned for, reclusive Eliana Wynter. But he also discovers a dark secret from his past... that he is about to become a werewolf. Now, in an effort to fight destiny and save their love as well as their lives, they must battle not only Will's growing blood lust but an army of fearsome beasts bent on killing them... and then, us all.
大災害「セカンドインパクト」後の世界を舞台に、人型兵器「エヴァンゲリオン」のパイロットとなった少年少女たちと、第3新東京市に襲来する謎の敵「使徒」との戦いを描いたテレビアニメ『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン』(1995年 - 1996年)を、新たな設定とストーリーで「リビルド」(再構築)したものが『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版』シリーズである。本作は2007年公開の『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:序』、2009年公開の『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:破』に続く第3作目にあたる。タイトルの「Q」は、当初は雅楽の用語「序破急」に由来する「急」とされていた。 シリーズ第1作『序』は、TVシリーズ第壱話から第六話までのストーリーをほぼ踏襲していたが、第2作『破』からは、TVシリーズ第八話から第拾九話を元にしつつも、新たな登場人物、エヴァンゲリオン、使徒などが加わり『新劇場版』独自のストーリーへとシフトしていった。そして本作『Q』では、前作から14年後の世界におけるNERVと反NERV組織「ヴィレ」の戦いなど、TVシリーズや旧劇場版とは全く異なるストーリーが展開される。
A bad boy and a socialite girl hook-up.
A group of friends stranded near a desolate cornfield find shelter in an old farmhouse, though they soon discover the dwelling is the center of a supernatural ritual.
Milos, a retired porn star, leads a normal family life trying to make ends meet. Presented with the opportunity of a lifetime to financially support his family for the rest of their lives, Milos must participate in one last mysterious film. From then on, Milos is drawn into a maelstrom of unbelievable cruelty and mayhem.
A plane is taken over by a mysterious virus. When the plane lands it is placed under quarantine. Now a group of survivors must band together to survive the quarantine.
Law enforcement officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners stand up to the worst the streets have to offer with confidence and focus. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God... and to their children?
Viviana and Alicia have never met, but they're about to get intimately acquainted. One day, while tipping drinks back in a bar, the two women strike up a conversation that quickly turns personal, Viviana is locked in an abusive marriage, and Alicia's female lover, Lorena, has recently fallen for another woman. As the two women strangers find common ground in their lives, they enter into a secret pact to kill the people who have made their lives a living hell. Seductive, bloody and shocking events send them both plummeting down a destructive path from which there is no escape.
In Italy, a woman becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother, who allegedly murdered three people during her own exorcism.
Fifteen-year-old Lulu has never known any affection from her family. But when she goes to a rock concert with Pablo, a friend of the family, he introduces Lulu to her first sexual experience. Years later, Pablo and Lulu have married; Pablo has created a sheltered, private world for Lulu, into which nothing intrudes. However, Lulu tires of her cloistered existence, and begins hanging out in shady bars, looking for vicarious thrills and danger.
感染から60日で石化し死に至る奇病メドゥーサ。「致死率100%」の病魔の治療法を未来に求めて、少女カスミはコールドスリープ資格者に選ばれた。同じ病に侵された双子の姉シズクとの果たせない再会を夢見、深い眠りにつくカスミ。しかし、目覚めた彼女を待ち受けていたのは、不気味なイバラと怪物が支配する変わり果てた施設の姿だった。なぜ怪物が? 何年の刻が過ぎたのか? ウィルスの治療法は? そして世界は? 全ての情報が遮断された極限の状況下で、混乱と哀しみを抱いた7人の脱出劇が、今、幕を開ける・・・。