Hijo de Familia (1953)
ジャンル : ロマンス, 音楽
上映時間 : 1時間 58分
演出 : F.H. Constantino
脚本 : F.H. Constantino
A story about a son and his rich overbearing widow mother who's a vocal coach, one day he finds love in his mother's student.
Her husband Sejin is not interested in his wife Ahae as a woman. Ahae's husband is just heartless. In fact, Sejin is having an affair with Ara's young and beautiful younger brother Ara. After having suffered from depression due to work poisoning, he receives a message from the alumni association, and he changes his mind and attends. There, she meets Ahae, the next-door sister who had a crush on her childhood, and is still fantastic with her pretty appearance. Lonely Aha due to the innocence of her husband and Gunhoo approaching her with counseling. As if they were aware of each other's loneliness, they are attracted to each other and spend one night, returning to each other's daily lives, but after forgetting about the Ahae, the hand of the Ahae Abandonment comes to mind all night. Will they be able to go back to their daily lives?
『白蛇:縁起』は中国の四大民間説話の一つ『白蛇伝』の前世の話。 晩唐の時代、国師が民間人に蛇を大量に捕獲させていた。 白蛇の妖怪「白」(見た目は人間の美少女)が国師を刺殺しようとしたが失敗。 少女は逃亡の末、記憶をなくしてしまったが捕蛇村の少年「宣」に救われる。 「白」の記憶を取り戻すため二人は冒険の旅に出る。 その旅の中で二人は恋に落ちるが、少女が白蛇の妖怪ということも明らかになってしまう。 一方、国師と蛇族との間に激しい戦いが始まろうとしていた。二人の恋に大きな試練が待ち受ける。
Oh, Ramona! seeks the transformation of Andrew from a teenager into an adult who lives candidly and selflessly his first love story, innocent and uninvolved, alternating with the second, intense and insane story, incapable of making a choice. Oh, Ramona! is the cinematic rewriting of Andrei Ciobanu's book "Suge-o, Ramona!".
A guy meets the woman of his dreams and invites her to his company's corporate retreat, but realizes he sent the invite to the wrong person.
ビリー・ホリデーは、そのキャリアの大半をファンから慕われることに費やした。1940年代、政府は人種差別を助長するためにホリデイを標的にし、最終的には物議を醸したバラード "Strange Fruit "を歌わせないようにしようとした。
Jin Hee is a female urologist who runs a urology department with few patients. One day, a new nurse, Yeon-hee, comes in and works. However, she throws her her whole body in the treatment of patients with an unusual professional spirit. This fact is quickly rumored and patients flock in. Skilled female doctor Jin Hee also starts hot treatment to save the hospital...
Wary of the effects of his good looks on others, a shut-in agrees to attend high school for the first time and meets a girl who's immune to his charm.
A pampered dog named Trouble must learn to live in the real world while trying to escape from his former owner's greedy children and must learn how to survive on the big-city streets.
17回目の夏、地方都市⸺。 コミュニケーションが苦手で、人から話しかけられないよう、 いつもヘッドホンを着用している少年・チェリー。 彼は口に出せない気持ちを趣味の俳句に乗せていた。 矯正中の大きな前歯を隠すため、 いつもマスクをしている少女・スマイル。 人気動画主の彼女は、“カワイイ”を見つけては動画を配信していた。 俳句以外では思ったことをなかなか口に出せないチェリーと、 見た目のコンプレックスをどうしても克服できないスマイルが、 ショッピングモールで出会い、やがてSNSを通じて少しずつ言葉を交わしていく。 ある日ふたりは、 バイト先で出会った老人・フジヤマが失くしてしまった 想い出のレコードを探しまわる理由にふれる。 ふたりはそれを自分たちで見つけようと決意。 フジヤマの願いを叶えるため一緒にレコードを探すうちに、 チェリーとスマイルの距離は急速に縮まっていく。 だが、ある出来事をきっかけに、ふたりの想いはすれ違って⸺。 物語のクライマックス、 チェリーのまっすぐで爆発的なメッセージは心の奥深くまで届き、 あざやかな閃光となってひと夏の想い出に記憶される。
When Cindy decides that she doesn't want to marry her boyfriend, she runs to Mexico City, where new friendships and unexpected paths teach her that there are so much more possibilities on her life and her talent than she imagines.
リア充美少女と恋愛経験ゼロのオタク男子の純愛を描いた那波マオ原作の同名人気コミックを、中条あやみ&佐野勇斗主演で実写映画化。ある日、リア充女・五十嵐色葉からなぜか猛烈なアプローチをされたオタク高校生・筒井光。ゲームやアニメの2次元の女の子さえいれば生きていけると思っていた光は、初めてのリアルな恋愛に、新手のいじめではないかと疑うなど被害妄想にとりつかれて戸惑う。一方、校内はオタク男とリア充女のありえない組み合わせに騒然となり、色葉と光の交際を不快に思うイケメン男子や2次元オタク後輩女子からの告白など、光を取り巻く状況は大きく変化し、光自身のコミュ力も限界を突破してしまう。人気ファッションモデルで、女優として「チア☆ダン」などに出演した中条が色葉、「ミックス。」「ちはやふる 結び」の佐野勇斗がオタク高校生・光を演じる。監督は「ハンサム★スーツ」「ヒロイン失格」「トリガール!」などを手がける英勉。
Zander Raines, a dazzling and tempestuous young choreographer, gives the break of a lifetime to two hopeful artists when he casts a stunning contemporary dancer, Barlow, and innovative pianist, Charlie, in New York’s most-anticipated new Broadway show: Free Dance. But the move throws off the show’s delicate creative balance when Charlie falls hard for Barlow, while Zander embraces her as his muse.
The staff of an American magazine based in France puts out its last issue, with stories featuring an artist sentenced to life imprisonment, student riots, and a kidnapping resolved by a chef.
Shot at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul during the BTS World Tour ‘Love Yourself’ to celebrate the seven members of the global boyband and their unprecedented international phenomenon.
It seemed like just another day at the park for Maggie Simpson. But when Maggie faces playground peril, a heroic young baby whisks her from danger and steals her heart.
In 1840s England, palaeontologist Mary Anning and a young woman sent by her husband to convalesce by the sea develop an intense relationship. Despite the chasm between their social spheres and personalities, Mary and Charlotte discover they can each offer what the other has been searching for: the realisation that they are not alone. It is the beginning of a passionate and all-consuming love affair that will defy all social bounds and alter the course of both lives irrevocably.