
Paura (2012)

ジャンル : ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 44分

演出 : Antonio Manetti, Marco Manetti


Three young musicians think they have luck on their side when they score the keys to a beautiful villa outside of Rome for the weekend. Unfortunately, they soon discover that they are not alone.


Peppe Servillo
Peppe Servillo
Marchese Lanzi
Francesca Cuttica
Francesca Cuttica
Lorenzo Pedrotti
Lorenzo Pedrotti
Domenico Diele
Domenico Diele
Claudio Di Biagio
Claudio Di Biagio
Paolo Sassanelli
Paolo Sassanelli
Claudia Genolini
Claudia Genolini
Massimo Triggiani
Massimo Triggiani


Antonio Manetti
Antonio Manetti
Marco Manetti
Marco Manetti
Antonio Manetti
Antonio Manetti
Marco Manetti
Marco Manetti
Michele Cogo
Michele Cogo
Giampiero Rigosi
Giampiero Rigosi
Original Music Composer
Patrizia Mazzon
Patrizia Mazzon
Costume Design
Noemi Marchica
Noemi Marchica
Costume Design
Sergio Stivaletti
Sergio Stivaletti
Makeup Effects
Valentino Giannì
Valentino Giannì
Gian Filippo Corticelli
Gian Filippo Corticelli
Director of Photography
Laura Contarino
Laura Contarino
Line Producer
Federico Maria Maneschi
Federico Maria Maneschi
Marco Manetti
Marco Manetti
Antonio Manetti
Antonio Manetti


They're Playing with Fire
A married college professor decides to seduce her student, whom she hired as a handyman for her yacht. The hesitant student succumbs to his buxom professor, but their romance is interrupted by her corrupt husband and a masked murderer.
After witnessing a brutal murder on Halloween night, a young woman becomes the next target of a maniacal entity.
V/H/S シンドローム
A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero.
Michael Jackson's Thriller
A night at the movies turns into a nightmare when Michael and his date are attacked by a horde of bloody-thirsty zombies.
インシディアス 第2章
Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire
The Hansen kids are in a jam. Adam and his best friend Duffy have gotten their hands on some tickets for the Headless Horseman concert, and his sister Chelsea has a date with her dreamy boyfriend Peter. The only problem is they're both grounded. Chelsea and Adam will do whatever it takes to get their mom Lynette out of the house, even if it includes a chance meeting with a very mysterious man. Everything seems to go according to plan until their little brother Taylor realizes that this stranger might be a vampire.
Milos, a retired porn star, leads a normal family life trying to make ends meet. Presented with the opportunity of a lifetime to financially support his family for the rest of their lives, Milos must participate in one last mysterious film. From then on, Milos is drawn into a maelstrom of unbelievable cruelty and mayhem.
The modern-day story focuses on two beautiful young vampires who are living the good nightlife in New York until love enters the picture and each has to make a choice that will jeopardize their immortality.
The Squad
The air is thick with tension as a military squad proceeds to the foot of a mountain base, where they're ordered to wait for backup and hold their position. The mountain is shrouded in fog and the men are exhausted. They've been fighting guerrillas on enemy turf for some time, and they're worn down by the stress and anxiety of battle. The men don't want to wait; they want to charge up the hill, fearing that their comrades in the base have been overrun by the guerrillas. The squad's leader tries futilely to keep his men in line while dealing with his insolent second-in-command.
Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption
At the end of civilization, zombies greatly outnumber humans and everyday is a fight to see tomorrow. Just when he is about to give up that fight, rugged wanderer John Knox winds up being saved by a ragtag group of survivors lead by a man named Moses. After initial suspicion, Knox proves his worth and slips into his new family in the wasteland, but one day a war party of maniacal raiders assaults the camp, killing or kidnapping everybody in sight. It's up to Knox and the few who escaped the attack to gather what resources they can (including zombies!) and launch an all-or-nothing attack on the raiders' home fortress.
A group of friends on a rafting trip down a river stop in at an old ghost town to spend the night. Soon their rafts disappear, and then they begin to be eliminated one by one by a mysterious killer.
始まりは、二階の寝室。一匹目は、ヒツジ。二匹目は、キツネ。三匹目は、トラ。家に誰かが入ってきたらしい…    両親の結婚35周年を祝うために集まった、10人の家族。そこに突如として現れる、キツネ、ヒツジ、トラ…アニマルマスク集団。逃げ場のない密室で、次々と襲われていく10人。しかし、ある“事実”が判明したことをきっかけに、アニマルマスク集団も、そして家族すらも予期しなかった結末へと突き進んでいく――全員の予想を裏切り、次々と訪れる“サプライズ”とは!?
17歳の女子高生エリッサは母サラとともにシカゴから郊外の一軒家に引っ越して来る。その家は、4年前に隣家でキャリー・アンという少女が両親を惨殺した事件が起きたため、安く借りることができたのだ。問題の隣家には、今はキャリー・アンの兄で幼い頃から伯母に育てられていたライアンが1人で暮らしているが、ライアンは周囲から変人と見られ、孤立していた。 ある夜、ふとしたことからエリッサはライアンと知り合う。もの静かで音楽の趣味の合うライアンに惹かれたエリッサは、母サラの反対を無視して、ライアンと付き合うようになる。しかし、ライアンには秘密があった。実は4年前の事件後、失踪したことになっているキャリー・アンを密かに地下室に閉じ込め、面倒を見ていたのだ。キャリー・アンは幼い頃、ブランコから落ちて頭を打ったことから精神に異常を来すようになったのだが、その事故の原因が自分にあると思っているライアンは罪悪感からキャリー・アンを匿っていたのだ。ところがある夜、キャリー・アンが地下室から逃げ出す。ライアンは必死にキャリー・アンを取り押さえるが、はずみで彼女を死なせてしまう。ライアンはキャリー・アンの遺体を始末する。
10年前にベストセラーを執筆して以来、その後全く売れないノンフィクション作家のエリソン(イーサン・ホーク)は、妻トレイシー(ジュリエット・ライランス)と二人の子供と共に、ペンシルヴァニア州郊外の一軒家へ引っ越した。しかしエリソンは、以前そこである事件が起きた事を、家族に伝えていなかった。 その家は、かつてスティーヴンソンという一家が住んでいたが、家族は惨殺され、幼い娘が失踪するという事件が起きていた。エリソンは、事件の真相を調べて本を書き、作家として起死回生を図るために越して来たのだ。
The Day
Open war against humanity rages. For five survivors – lost and on the run – the pursuit is relentless, the bullets are dwindling and the battle is everywhere. This is a 24-hour look into their lives.
Julia X
Meeting a man on the Internet, Julia decides to see him in person, only to get abducted and branded with the letter "x" by that guy. A game of cat and mouse follows, but the story has an unexpected twist.