Monster Island (2004)
Tickets to Paradise... or ParaSITES?
ジャンル : ホラー, コメディ, アドベンチャー, テレビ映画
上映時間 : 1時間 28分
演出 : Jack Perez
Mutant radioactive bugs attack VJs, Carmen Electra and an island full of MTV contest winners in this tongue-in-cheek tribute to B-movies, monster flicks and even MTV. MTV Original Movies presents Monster Island, a flick with old school effects mixed with hot new celebrities. There’s action, romance and big bugs--now is that something you really want to miss?
A college paleontology professor acquires a newly discovered specimen of a coelecanth, but while examining it, he is accidentally exposed to its blood, and finds himself periodically turning into a murderous Neanderthal man.
The calving of an Arctic iceberg releases a giant praying mantis, trapped in suspended animation since prehistoric times. It first attacks military outposts to eat their occupants, then makes its way to the warmer latitudes of Washington and New York. A paleontologist works together with military units to try to kill it.
A Florida real estate developer and her captain lure investors to a property in the Everglades called Dreamland Shores, under false pretenses that the swampland will soon be developed. After the group arrives on a small island, they find it has been overrun by giant mutated ants, brought on by the dumping of toxic waste in the area.
海堂祐司は、新種の病原菌に侵されていると宣言された。しかも、現代の医療技術では駆逐は不可能。唯一の対処法である未来の医療技術の発展に、祐司は一抹の望みを賭け、彼は時間を旅する者『スリーパー』となり、全てを託して眠りについた。そして、時は過ぎ、西暦2031年…。戦士マリーンによって長き眠りから目覚めた祐司が見た物は、生きるよりも辛い地獄のような未来だった! 地球は、謎の生命体『BLUE』の繁殖により壊滅の危機に瀕していたのである。人類が生き残るには、謎の生命体『BLUE』を倒すしかない! 何も分からないまま、地球人類の存亡を賭けた壮絶な戦いの真っ直中に放り込まれた祐司の新たな『生きる』ための戦いが今、始まる!
H.Gウェルズ"月世界最初の人間"が原作の1964年製作のSF映画。 人類初の月面着陸に成功。全世界が祝祭ムードの中、調査隊は月面にてイギリス国旗と1899年とサインのある置き手紙を発見する。サインの主はキャサリン・カレンダー。事情を聞くべく彼女を探すが彼女は10年前に他界。しかし医療施設で暮らす老齢のベットフォードという男から事の真相を聞くこととなる。
ここから映画はベッドフォードの回想へ。彼と彼の恋人ケート(キャサリン)、科学者カボール3人の月旅行の話が始まる。 月の映画と言えばメリエスの"月世界旅行"の方が知名度は高いし本作のことは知らなかったんだけどたまたま見つけたので借りてみた。
特撮と初期のショボい合成技術が最高。変な着ぐるみの月の住人セレナイトはキモカワイイ。ウェルズの重力を遮るペーストという発想も自由で楽しい。子供みたいに冒険ものはやはりワクワクしてしまう。 そして、この映画宮崎駿監督インスピレーション受けてるんじゃないかな。て、勝手に思ってしまった。
Teens camping in a northern California retreat are terrorized by mutant insects created by evil, polluting pot farmers.
Giant scorpions wreck havoc after being released due to volcanic activity.
An attractive reporter investigating the mysterious destruction of an Illinois town stumbles upon a secret government laboratory conducting radiation experiments on vegetables. The lead scientist is eager to help find out what happened. Together they discover that giant grasshoppers are behind the devastation. Worse yet, thousands of them are headed toward Chicago! Can they be stopped... or is this the BEGINNING OF THE END?
Near a small English village, a scientific team is conducting experiments with magnetic fields, the results of which may have military applications but the intensification of which seem to be connected to UFO reports, a series of murders, an enormous insect egg, and a strange visitor with exceptional scientific knowledge. Released in USA as THE COSMIC MONSTER.
An impotent husband with a fanatical desire to father children, forces his wife to undergo a dangerous experiment. This results in the birth of a multitude of monstrous THINGS.
A man tries to get a good night's sleep, but is disturbed by a giant spider that leaps onto his bed, and a battle ensues in hilarious comic fashion.
Horrifying shocker as a biological experiment goes haywire when meat-eating mutant roaches invade an island community, terrorizing a peaceful New England fishing village and hideously butchering its citizens.
A fancy garden party turns into upper class prey when a colony of killer wasps mutates into seven foot tall predators.
A scientist enlists the help of the US army to investigate the mysterious disappearance of her father, deep in the Belizean jungle. Caught in the crossfire between a brutal guerrilla army controlled by a mystical warlord, they are also confronted by an even bigger terror giant mutated wasps that are, for some reason, thirsty for blood.
Giant killer bees attack scientists.
A giant alien mosquito-type insect is drawn to earth from the CO2 pollution in search of blood. Del, a government agent, loses loved ones to the creature and is on a personal vendetta while the Dr. Kempler is captivated by it and attempts to help the creature cleanse the earth.
Secrets of a Soul: Margarethe, Creator of bizarre sculptures! Night club dancer? Mad woman? Victim of an occult conspiracy?! Dark menaces steal her soul and organs. Though dead they keep her alive...
An animated ode to Grasshopper Jungle, Andrew Smith's weird, wild and wonderful novel.
A meteorite carrying a horrifying insect like creature crash lands in a small town in Upstate New York killing off the members of the small town one by one.