北極で、巨大なロボットの足と謎の青い球体を拾ってきたのび太。その青い球体に導かれるように、なんと次々とロボットの部品が家の庭に降ってきた! ドラえもんとのび太は「鏡面世界」で部品を組み立て、巨大ロボット「ザンダクロス」を完成させる。ところが、のび太の街にロボットの持ち主だと名乗る「リルル」という不思議な女の子が現れる。 実は「ザンダクロス」と「リルル」はロボットの星「メカトピア」から地球人を奴隷にするために送り込まれたのだった…。果たして、ドラえもん、のび太たちは、地球を救えるのかー。
A creature from outer space crash lands in a small town and starts killing people.
A documentary filmmaker uncovers an alien conspiracy in Flatwoods, West Virginia.
深海カノンの誕生日会に仲間たちが集まった。楽しそうな一同の中で、幽霊(ゴースト)であるため食事に加われない天空寺タケル / 仮面ライダーゴーストはひとり浮かない顔をする。そんなタケルを幼なじみの月村アカリは優しく励まし、ふたりは「いつか必ず一緒に食事をしよう」と約束を交わす。 そのとき突如、空を包み込んだ虹色の光の帯からイグアナゴーストライカーを操る3人のダークネクロムが現れる。タケル、深海マコト / 仮面ライダースペクター、アラン / 仮面ライダーネクロムは、変身して応戦するが、英雄の魂が宿った眼魂を奪われてしまう。
A starship crashed on an uninhabited planet and its crew had to abandon it. Years later the survivors and their children try to return to the ship and send a distress signal. But for that they must go through a very dangerous mountain passage.
A new 3D version of Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society.
Guns, cash and four friends who have the wrong idea at the wrong time.
In Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T Mikoto Misaka and her friends prepare for the Daihasei Festival, a seven-day sports competition between different Esper schools, which, of course, also include the Tokiwadai middle school. Misaka and all other students of Tokiwadai are highly motivated and ready to do their best in the upcoming competition. However, all the fun ends, when another dark secret of the Academy City of Science and Technology is uncovered.
A young man in financial turmoil turns to a facility that offers blood transfusions to the aging elite from young, healthy donors. He quickly discovers that the facility has a dark and sadistic underbelly.
The first American space station Skylab is found in pieces scattered in Western Australia. Putting these pieces back together and re-tracing the Skylab program back to its very conception reveals the cornerstone of human space exploration.
A harvester must safely carry her eggs across a difficult and threatening landscape.
From the same studio that produced Richard Viktorov's diptych Moscow-Cassiopeia / Adolescents in the Universe comes this second teen-themed sci-fi adventure, in which three youngsters have to take command of a space flight when their adult captain comes down sick and is forced to quarantine himself.
A Sheriff is awakened by his daughter, alerting him of a prowler on their ranch. As father and daughter head out into the woods to track the prowler down, they soon discover they're dealing with something that isn't human.