
Nunchaku (2012)

ジャンル : コメディ, アドベンチャー

上映時間 : 58分

演出 : Federico Borgia, Guillermo Madeiro


At 28, Santiago still lives with his mother and has no real job projects. In order to feel independent, he decides to move to his family's summer house in a seaside resort during the winter. His human ties in this deserted place will be reduced to his neighbor, a paranoid family man, and the local bike rider, an alcoholic man who carries a homemade nunchaku and claims his friendship.


Carlos Schulkin
Carlos Schulkin
Hugo Piccinini
Hugo Piccinini
Rodrigo Gils
Rodrigo Gils
Sabrina Lalinde
Sabrina Lalinde
Federico Romero
Federico Romero


Federico Borgia
Federico Borgia
Guillermo Madeiro
Guillermo Madeiro
Federico Borgia
Federico Borgia
Guillermo Madeiro
Guillermo Madeiro
Rodrigo Gils
Rodrigo Gils
Ramiro González
Ramiro González
Carlos Schulkin
Carlos Schulkin
Ismael Varela
Ismael Varela
Ramiro González Pampillon
Ramiro González Pampillon


M★A★S★H マッシュ
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