Thusment (2023)
A Short Film Written And Directed by Shoaib Rahman
ジャンル : 謎, ドラマ, スリラー
上映時間 : 44分
演出 : Shoaib Rahman
Four individuals with eccentric personalities strive to overcome their frustration and collaborate with each other to diminish their obscurity, eventually resulting in self-infliction.
A struggling teen takes a psychological trip through his troubled mind
A young, struggling couple is tormented by violent dreams.
When a new detective is caught by a vicious psychopath and locked in a basement, he must use the knowledge he learned from some of the best detectives at Poker Night, then match wits against his captor.
A reporter and a promiscuous young woman try to solve a series of child killings in a remote southern Italian town rife with superstition and a distrust of outsiders.
The House on the Wrong Side of the Tracks is a Found Footage Film. Three low life punks commit a home invasion with plans to capture all the action on camera, but when the couples son comes home they soon discover they entered the wrong house.
An American wakes up in an English hospital unable to remember anything of his life before a recent car accident. With only a photograph torn from a newspaper to guide him, and an unknown benefactor, he attempts to unravel what looks increasingly like a bizarre murder.
THE HEAT – 1. Coal or wood afire to redness, 2. High air temperature, 3. Vehemence of feelings.
Fernando, a lonely and tormented man, gets a job as a night watchman in a warehouse close to being demolished. The building is huge, with several floors and wings interconnected by a confusing network of corridors and stairs. One night, Fernando hears strange noises and finds a gate open that should be closed. From that moment on, nothing will be the same.
A psychopath on the run takes a job as a handyman at the house of a lonely widow.
Most men consider the widow Kate Bennington to be irresistible, but when she dives into a madly passionate love affair with a mysterious younger man, one of her secret admirers sets in motion a terrifying plan to end their relationship, forever.
A young couple in the city has their world turned upside down when Lindsay begins suffering from nightmares, hallucinations, and other peculiar occurrences. While Dan does his best to help, an unexpected truth unfolds. The Great Awakening is here.
Mystery about a wife who appears to be leading a double life
The star of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" returns in a story about frat boys lost in the big city while hunted by a violent leader and his elite gang of gun-happy guards.
A beautiful high school student becomes the target of a terror campaign that eventually leads to devastating consequences.
Hilbert lives in two universes simultaneously. When something goes wrong in one, he kills himself and keep going.
A woman gets lost in the woods.
A one-handed madman (he lost the hand while escaping a hanging) uses various detachable devices as murder weapons to gain revenge on those he believes have wronged him.
4人の男女がルームシェア生活を送る都内の2LDKマンション。ある昼下がり、近所で起きた連続暴行事件のニュースを見ているのは、大学3年生の良介(小出恵介)と、人気俳優と恋愛中のフリーター琴美(貫地谷しほり)。夜になると映画会社勤務の直輝(藤原竜也)と雑貨店で働く傍らイラストレーターとしても活動する未来(香里奈)が帰宅する。そしてリビングに集まった4人が繰り広げるのは良介の恋愛相談。やがて、会話が一段落すると一同は思い思いの行動へ。健康第一の直輝はジョギングへ、未来は寝室、琴美は恋人の俳優が主演するドラマの鑑賞、良介は片想いの相手へ告白しようと意気込むのだった。数日後、琴美は居間に佇む金髪の美少年サトル(林遣都)と出会う。2LDKに4人が暮らすことへの疑問を口にするサトルに琴美は答える。“ここはインターネットの掲示板のようなもの。イヤなら出て行けばいい“ 。酔っ払った未来が連れ込んだサトルは、こうして部屋に住み着く。だが、サトルが連続暴行事件の犯人ではないかと疑う未来。直輝はそれを一笑に付す。一方、隣が買春宿ではないかと疑った良介は、潜入操作を実行するが、占い師だったことが判明。直輝の名で占いをしてきたという。その結果は、”あなたは変化を求めて世界と戦っているが、その戦いは世界が完全に有利“というものだった。ある日、遅めの出勤途中にサトルを見かけた直輝は彼を尾行。だが、行動に疑問は持つものの、結局はサトルに何も言えずに終わる。翌日、直輝が目覚めると、大切にしていたビデオを消去されたことから、サトルを部屋から追い出せと、未来が怒鳴り込んでくる。リビングに出て行くと、琴美から妊娠を告白され、それを恋人の丸山に伝えて欲しいと頼まれる。良介からは、片想いの女性と付き合うことになったので、田舎に戻って働きたいと相談を受ける。そして直輝は、誰もが自分を頼ってくることをグチるのだった……。