The Devil with Seven Faces (1971)
A Sexy Chick Who Loves 'em and Leaves 'em... DEAD!
ジャンル : スリラー
上映時間 : 1時間 30分
演出 : Osvaldo Civirani
Carroll Baker plays a dual role as translator Julie Harrison and her twin sister Mary. The serpentine plot begins as Julie tells her lawyer Dave Barton (Stephen Boyd) that Mary's life is being threatened in London while Julie herself is being stalked by a mysterious stranger in Amsterdam.
Out of prison after a five-year stretch, jewel thief Tony turns down a quick job his friend Jo offers him, until he discovers that his old girlfriend Mado has become the lover of local gangster Pierre Grutter during Tony's absence. Expanding a minor smash-and-grab into a full-scale jewel heist, Tony and his crew appear to get away clean, but their actions after the job is completed threaten the lives of everyone involved.
Three ordinary, disillusioned citizens decide to rob an armored car.
International man of mystery Diabolik and his sensuous lover Eva Kant pull off heist after heist, all while European cops led by Inspector Ginko and envious mobsters led by Ralph Valmont are closing in on them.
5年の刑期を終え、晴れて仮出所を果たしたデビー・オーシャン。かつて“オーシャンズ”を率いたダニー・オーシャンを兄に持つ、生粋の強盗ファミリーの一員だ。出所して早々、刑務所の中で考え抜いたプランを実行に移すべく、デビーの右腕となるルーと共に個性豊かな犯罪のプロたちに声をかけ“オーシャンズ”を新結成するデビー。集まったのはいずれも一流の才能を持ちながら冴えない生活を送っている、ハッカー、スリ師、盗品ディーラー、ファッションデザイナー、宝飾デザイナーたち。彼女たちのターゲットは、世界最大のファッションの祭典“メットガラ”でハリウッド女優(アン・ハサウェイ)が身に着ける1億5000万ドルの宝石! しかしそこには、網の目のように張り巡らされた防犯カメラ、屈強な男たちという世界一厳しいセキュリティが立ちはだかる。たった一秒の狂いが命取り。しかも世界中に生配信されるこの祭典のさなかに宝石を盗み取るという、前代未聞で型破りな計画は果たして成功するのかー? そしてこの計画に隠された更なるデビーの計画とはー!?
With a heavy haul of 250 kilograms of gold bullion, the grizzled criminal mastermind, Rhino, and his ruthless gang of cutthroats, head to a ramshackle retreat somewhere in the Mediterranean to lay low on a scorching day of July. However, the unexpected and rather unwelcome arrival of the bohemian writer, Bernier, his muse, Luce, along with a pair of no-joke gendarmes further complicates things, as the frail allegiances will soon be put to the test.
When a heist goes sideways, Cole goes back home and prepares to defend himself from the inevitable.
Emergency has been declared in India. Maharani Gitanjali from one of Rajasthan's princely states has already lost her privy purse. Now, she fears that she will lose the last treasure chest of gold which has been forcibly taken away from her. So she asks her trusted lieutenant, Bhawani to step in and plan a heist.
After being busted for a heist, a former CIA contractor is sent to a Mexican prison. His former CIA boss offers him freedom if he can break into the prison vault and steal $50 Million.
Kevin Shepard is a tech-savvy young genius who uses his intelligence to slack off. When greedy video game executive Alan Wolf gets a hold of his ideas for a video game, Kevin and his best friend Becca set off for San Francisco to make Wolf's life miserable through a series of pranks.
In Hong Kong, an elite gang of robbers - regarded as somewhat of a crime dream team - is formed, each member selected for their previous well-planned, swift, and successful operations. They are fearless and lethal, even going so far as to kill an undercover cop to humiliate the police. However, internal strife is brewing among the team. Three of its members plot to get rid of the leader, dissatisfied that his share of the loot seems disproportionate. The questions remain: will this faction of the gang overcome their leader, and could this gang of strong-minded thieves hold up without him?
In 1972, a gang of close-knit thieves from Youngstown, Ohio attempt to steal $30 million in illegal contributions. Based on the true story of the biggest bank heist in US history.
日本。伊豆沖を進む賭博船で、襲撃された鉄竜会の組長を救ったのは、若き用心棒・石川五ェ門だった。だが直後に大爆発が起こり船が大破。組長も命を落とす。爆発の原因は斧を武器に使う大男だった。一旦は男を追いつめた五ェ門だったが逃げられてしまう。一方、賭博船から金を奪うことに成功したルパン三世と次元大介、峰不二子は、洋上のボートからその様子を目撃する。“バミューダの亡霊”―大男はそう呼ばれていた。かつて戦場で2,000人を殺戮した兵士でコードネームはホーク。なぜそんな男が日本にいるのか? 公安の銭形警部はホークの足取りを追う。そして、組長の葬儀の場で、裏切り者の汚名を掛けられた五ェ門も、その屈辱を晴らすためホークを追うのだった。その頃、ルパンたちは、伊豆山中のアジトで、札束を前に祝杯を挙げていた。そこに突如ホークが現れる! ホークの目的はルパン、次元、不二子の処刑であった。アジトを脱出したルパンたちの車とホークのバイクが激しくチェイス。と、いきなり巨木が倒れかかってくる!巨木の上に現れたのは、ホークを仇と追う五ェ門だった。「助太刀無用!」そう言い放つ五ェ門。ホークとの死闘が始まる。だが―‼