
Inside Out (1975)

THE STASH: 8 Million Dollars in Hidden Gold. Four Desperate Men Turn Britian Inside Out to Find It!

ジャンル : コメディ, 犯罪, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 37分

演出 : Peter Duffell
脚本 : Stephen Schneck, Judd Bernard


An American ex-WW II POW returns to Germany 30 years after the war. He teams up with the former commander of his prison camp. Together they spring a Nazi war criminal from jail. He's the only one left who knows where a secret wartime cache of gold is hidden.


Telly Savalas
Telly Savalas
Harry Morgan
Aldo Ray
Aldo Ray
M.Sgt. Prior
Robert Culp
Robert Culp
Sly Wells
James Mason
James Mason
Ernst Furben
Günter Meisner
Günter Meisner
Adrian Hoven
Adrian Hoven
Dr. Maar
Wolfgang Lukschy
Wolfgang Lukschy
Reinhard Holtz
Charles Korvin
Charles Korvin
Peter Dohlberg
Constantine Gregory
Constantine Gregory
Col. Kosnikov
Richard Warner
Richard Warner
Wilhelm Schlager
Don Fellows
Don Fellows
U.S. Colonel
Doris Kunstmann
Doris Kunstmann
Lorna Dallas
Lorna Dallas
Meredith Morgan


Peter Duffell
Peter Duffell
Stephen Schneck
Stephen Schneck
Judd Bernard
Judd Bernard
Robert Watts
Robert Watts
Production Supervisor


A young man, whose only possession is a motorcycle, spends his time riding around the city looking for empty apartments. After finding one, he hangs out for a while, fixing himself something to eat, washing laundry or making small repairs in return. He always tries to leave before the owners get back but in one ostensibly empty mansion he meets the abused wife of a rich man and she escapes with him.
Four Minutes
Jenny is young. Her life is over. She killed someone. And she would do it again. When an 80-year-old piano teacher discovers the girl’s secret, her brutality and her dreams, she decides to transform her pupil into the musical wunderkind she once was.
Night and Fog
Filmmaker Alain Resnais documents the atrocities behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps.
In this classic German thriller, Hans Beckert, a serial killer who preys on children, becomes the focus of a massive Berlin police manhunt. Beckert's heinous crimes are so repellant and disruptive to city life that he is even targeted by others in the seedy underworld network. With both cops and criminals in pursuit, the murderer soon realizes that people are on his trail, sending him into a tense, panicked attempt to escape justice.
A blue-collar worker on New York's depressed waterfront finds his life changed after he saves a woman attempting suicide.
Salvador (Puig Antich)
The story of Salvador Puig Antich, one of the last political prisoners to be executed under Franco's Fascist State in 1974.
His name: infamous. His reputation: ruthless. But when James "Animal"Allen is locked up in a maximum security prison, he meets a revolutionary who changes his life. Now a reformed man, James is released only to find that his own son has assumed a life of crime and violence. Can a father haunted by his past redeem his family from the very streets he created, or will he be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice?
前作から5年。再び.44マグナム・S&W M29を手に、ハリーはサンフランシスコで、自らも”駒”になった、死亡予想ゲーム“デッドプール”を元に展開する連続殺人事件に挑む。サンフランシスコ市警のハリー・キャラハン(クリント・イーストウッド)刑事は賭博王ジャネロを強引な手口で逮捕した。テレビ中継でその模様を報道されたハリーは有名人となるが、その中継をテレビで秘かに見つめる人物が「死亡予想」と書かれたリストにハリーの名を書く。一方、市警はテレビ中継の一件以来、人気者になった彼の身を案じ、護衛も兼ねた相棒に中国人の刑事クワン(エヴァン・キム)を配置させる。やがてホラー映画に出演中のロックシンガーのジョニー(ジム・キャリー)が強力な合成ヘロインを口に押し込まれ殺害される事件が起こる。現場に駆けつけたハリーは、発見者である映画監督のピーター(リーアム・ニーソン)に出会うが捜査に結びつく情報は得られない。そしてチャイナタウンのレストランで強盗事件にハリーが遭遇した際、犯人の流れ弾に当たりジョニーが出演する映画の経理を担当していた男が死亡し、その胸ポケットから「死亡予想」と書かれたリストが見つかる。リストにはジョニーや他の有名人と共にハリー自身の名前も書かれていた…。
White Man with Black Bread
Christof Wackernagel, best known in Germany as an actor and former member of the Red Army Faction ("RAF") lives in Mali. In his compelling portrait, Jonas Grosch shows a man who simply cannot stand still if he senses injustice. The courage to stand up for one’s beliefs coupled with vanity? However one chooses to look at it, it is easy to imagine what made him connect with the "RAF". With his irrepressible will for freedom, Christof Wackernagel gets entangled in the horrors of day-to-day life in Africa.


A fatally shot female gangleader recounts her sordid life of crime to a police officer just before she dies.
キャサリン(ジュリアン・ムーア)は産婦人科医として成功し、大学教授の夫(リーアム・ニーソン)と息子(マックス・シエリオット)と平穏に暮らしていた。だが、ある日彼女は夫と教え子の浮気を疑い始め、何も手につかなくなる。彼女は偶然出会った美ぼうの娼婦(しょうふ)クロエ(アマンダ・セイフライド)に夫を誘惑してほしいともちかけ……。 『秘密のかけら』など独自の愛の世界を探求する鬼才、アトム・エゴヤン監督による官能サスペンス。何不自由ない生活を送りながら、夫の浮気疑惑によって自らを破滅へと追い込んでいく女性の悲しいさがを描き切る。孤独にさいなまれる主人公を体当たりで演じるのは、『キッズ・オールライト』のジュリアン・ムーア。魔性の娼婦(しょうふ)を、『ジュリエットからの手紙』のアマンダ・セイフライドが熱演する。2人の美女が織り成す危うい関係にゾクゾクする。
Winter Meeting
A repressed poetess and an embittered war hero help each other cope with their problems.
The Unfaithful
Christine Hunter kills an intruder and tells her husband and lawyer that it was an act of self-defense. It's later revealed that he was actually her lover and she had posed for an incriminating statue he created.
Easy Living
J.B. Ball, a rich financier, gets fed up with his free-spending family. He takes his wife's just-bought (very expensive) sable coat and throws it out the window, it lands on poor hard-working girl Mary Smith. But it isn't so easy to just give away something so valuable, as he soon learns.
I Never Forget a Face
This Warner Bros. vignette features short snippets about well known people. It includes presidential candidate Warren Harding and his front porch campaign in his home town of Marion, Ohio where Al Jolson sang to the crowd; his successor, Calvin Coolidge; William Jennings Bryan at the 1920 Democratic convention where FDR was selected as the Vice Presidential candidate; the visit of the Prince of Wales; the so-called monkey trial that pitted Clarence Darrow against Bryan; Richard Bird as he trained for his flight over the North Pole; and finally George Bernard Shaw on a visit to America.
That's Dancing!
A documentary film about dancing on the screen, from it's orgins after the invention of the movie camera, over the movie musical from the late 20s, 30s, 40s 50s and 60s up to the break dance and the music videos from the 80s.
Blackboard Jungle
Richard Dadier is a teacher at North Manual High School, an inner-city school where many of the pupils frequently engage in anti-social behavior. Dadier makes various attempts to engage the students' interest in education, challenging both the school staff and the pupils. He is subjected to violence as well as duplicitous schemes.
The Urban Crisis and the New Militants: Module 7 - Cicero March
For a generation of young activists, the reality of war, imperialism, racism and the growing fragility of democratic liberalism was too much to handle. Force became a means to wrestle with this tension. As the discourse of a “country torn” finds its way into mainstream political analyses (for many the deep divisions in this country are not a new political reality), we should reflect on the writings of political dissidents and radicals. We should recognize the diversity of political analysis that is very much alive. The histories of armed struggle, if taken seriously, provide us with a means to think more critically about the center, and complicate its claims of moral and political right.
Honeymoon Hotel
A man left at the alter goes on his honeymoon trip anyway, taking his best man along instead.
The Crimson Pirate
Burt Lancaster plays a pirate with a taste for intrigue and acrobatics who involves himself in the goings on of a revolution in the Caribbean in the late 1700s. A light hearted adventure involving prison breaks, an oddball Scientist, sailing ships, naval fights, and tons of swordplay.
A French diplomat who's recovered from amnesia is blackmailed over crimes he can't remember.
Abdul the Bulbul Ameer
The familiar song is adapted into a cartoon short. Abdul The Bulbul-Ameer, a rotund Arab, gets into a brawl with Ivan Skavinski Scavar, a preening Russian Cossack, over an offense to Abdul's pride. Groucho Marx and a newsreel crew provide running commentary as the pair pummel each other and the surrounding square.
She's the One
Mickey, a free-spirited New York cabbie, and Francis, a materialistic Wall Street stockbroker, are extremely competitive and confused about women as a result of their father's influence. Though they disagree about everything, they have one thing in common: Mickey's ex-fiance Heather is Francis's secret love. Though both brothers have beautiful wives, Heather triggers their longtime sibling rivalry