

ジャンル : 音楽, ファンタジー, ホラー

上映時間 : 0分

演出 : Melanie Martinez


On September 6, 2019, Melanie Martinez confirmed that a sequel to her visual album film K-12 is in the works. Martinez revealed that the film will go along with her third studio album. In September 2021, Martinez revealed that her new album and film would be released in 2022.


Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez
Cry Baby


Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez
William Scott Blair
William Scott Blair
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez
Costume Designer
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez
Assistant Editor
Michael Keenan
Michael Keenan
Music Producer
Jeremy Dussolliet
Jeremy Dussolliet
Music Producer
Tim Sommers
Tim Sommers
Music Producer
Jeremy Dussolliet
Jeremy Dussolliet
Writers' Production
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez


Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing
Shut Up and Sing is a documentary about the country band from Texas called the Dixie Chicks and how one tiny comment against President Bush dropped their number one hit off the charts and caused fans to hate them, destroy their CD’s, and protest at their concerts. A film about freedom of speech gone out of control and the three girls lives that were forever changed by a small anti-Bush comment
Liberty Stands Still
As the heir and current marketing director for one of the nation's biggest gun manufacturers, Liberty Wallace is indifferent to the atrocities made possible through her business and her CEO husband, Victor. On her way to see her actor lover, Liberty ends up chained to a food cart full of explosives -- all at the insistence of "Joe", a sniper whose young daughter was a victim of gun violence, and who now has Liberty in his sights.
The Battle of The Alamo
A team of astronauts on the first mission to Mars crashes onto the surface, losing contact with Earth. With no other recourse, and help millions of miles away, the crew is forced to make desperate choices in order to stay alive. Will they be able to survive as the minutes slip away?
Sounds of Sand
On the one hand, there’s the desert eating away at the land. The endless dry season, the lack of water. On the other there’s the threat of war. The village well has run dry. The livestock is dying. Trusting their instinct, most of the villagers leave and head south. Rahne, the only literate one, decides to head east with his three children and Mouna, his wife. A few sheep, some goats, and Chamelle, a dromedary, are their only riches. A tale of exodus, quest, hope and fatality.
Right Under My Eyes
Young computer enthusiast Liam runs a website streaming video of his every action captured on a webcam. He lives a reclusive life, temporarily staying in a friend’s apartment in Paris until waitress Alison and her British husband, James, move in.
衝撃的な内容で話題となったブレット・イーストン・エリスの小説を「I SHOT ANDY WARHOL」のメアリー・ハロン監督が映画化したサスペンス・ドラマ。80年代のニューヨーク。27歳のハンサムなヤッピー、パトリック・ベイトマンは一流企業の副社長。高級マンションに住み、美しい婚約者もいる彼は一見誰もが羨む生活を送っていた。しかし、彼の心の中には深い闇が広がっており、突如襲う衝動に突き動かされ、夜の街をさまよいホームレスや娼婦を殺害していたのだった……。
Me and You and Everyone We Know
A lonely shoe salesman and an eccentric performance artist struggle to connect in this unique take on contemporary life.
Wege Gottes
Take My Eyes
One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...
Full Metal Village
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スーパーマン リターンズ
A portrait of Rita, who claims that her mother was never a mother for her. Rita gives birth to her own five children and forces her mother to take the role of a mother.
I am a Berliner
Felix Rath is a small and lovable rogue . When he finds handwritten love letters from John F. Kennedy to his aunt Agnes in the estate of his deceased mother , he deflected with his buddy Dietrich immediately his birth certificate . Now he is the illegitimate son of his aunt and John F. Kennedy , testified during his legendary visit to Berlin in 1963. Nina Wieser , journalist at a reputable Berliner Zeitung , finds to Felix's big surprise out that this is actually true - he is the natural son of Agnes Kennedy . Overnight Felix is famous, Nina and he will be a couple - it could not be better ! The pleasure of Kennedy - existence goes in but pretty quickly when he everywhere mysterious men suddenly sees with dark sunglasses . He will have to deal with the anxiety and will now definitely not be more Kennedy . But how to prove it now that he is nothing more than an imposter ?