The first story focused on Tai and Kari Kamiya four years before their adventure in the Digital World. It shows their first encounter with Digimon and what happened to them (as well as the other children). Tai and Kari wake one morning to find a Digi-Egg that came out of their computer the night before and the egg soon hatches, revealing a Botamon. The Digimon then evolves into Koromon and then Agumon (not the same one that became friends with Tai in the series, and yet, somehow, both Koromon and Kari remember each other), who then goes out and unintentionally destroys a good part of the neighborhood with Kari riding on his back. A second Digi-Egg appears in the sky to reveal an evil digimon, Parrotmon. Agumon then Digivolves to Greymon but isn't strong enough to beat Parrotmon and is knocked out. Tai grabs Kari's whistle and wakes up Greymon, who defeats Parrotmon and disappears with him.
A Jewish puppet maker who's discovered the secret to creating living puppets commits suicide to avoid capture by the Nazis and hides his beloved and harmless puppet children in a California hotel. Years later, a cult of magicians arrive at the hotel under the invitation of an ex-member who betrayed them all, only to find that he's dead - and that the living puppets, under the influence of a new Puppet Master, have turned murderous!
Captain New Eyes travels back in time and feeds dinosaurs his Brain Grain cereal, which makes them intelligent and non-violent. They agree to go to the "Middle Future" in order to grant the wishes of children in New York City. They are to meet Dr. Bleeb of the Museum of Natural History, but get sidetracked with their new children friends and run into the Captain's evil brother, Professor Screweyes.
The school year is finally ending, and T.J. Detweiler is looking forward to summer. But boredom quickly sets in when his friends leave for camp — until T.J. uncovers an evil plot to do away with summer vacation! A crazy former principal, Dr. Benedict, is planning to use a laser beam to alter the weather and create permanent winter. Faced with the dire threat of year-round school, T.J. rounds up the RECESS gang and bands together with some unexpected allies — Miss Finster and Principal Prickly — in a nonstop adventure to save everyone's summer break. As the kids discover the heroes inside themselves, a platoon of wacky characters, far-out music, and sci-fi surprises turn this madcap mission into a major victory for fun!
A deadly virus has spread across the globe. Contagion is everywhere, no one is safe, and no one can be trusted. Four friends race through the back roads of the American West on their way to a secluded utopian beach in the Gulf of Mexico where they could peacefully wait out the pandemic. Their plans take a grim turn when their car breaks down on an isolated road starting a chain of events that will seal their fates.
ヒカリのポケモンコンテスト挑戦のため、断崖の町・アラモスタウンを訪れたサトシたち。しかし町では、100年前の天才建築家・ゴーディにより設計された庭園が何者かに荒らされる事件が起きるなど、町全体で異変が続いていた。 犯人として疑われるポケモン・"ダークライ"。その頃、町の象徴である「時空の塔」で町の異変を調査していたトニオは、ゴーディの日記に記された予言を読み、「神」と呼ばれしポケモン・"ディアルガ"と"パルキア"にまつわる悪夢が町に近づいていることに気づく。
盗賊団「ファントムトループ」を率いる悪名高い海賊「ファントム」は、ある日海底で1つのタマゴを手に入れるが、忍び込んでいたポケモンレンジャーの「ジャック・ウォーカー」(ジャッキー)により奪われる。 一方、サトシ一行は旅の途中でポケモンと心を通わすことができるという今では数少ない水の民の一族の末裔、ヒロミとその家族によるマリーナ一座に出会う。たまたま一座と旅を共にすることになったサトシ一行だが、旅の途中ハルカは偶然にも不思議に光るマナフィの卵を発見する。 実はマナフィの卵をファントム一味から守る
When Earth astronaut Capt. Chuck Baker arrives on Planet 51 -- a world reminiscent of American suburbia circa 1950 -- he tries to avoid capture, recover his spaceship and make it home safely, all with the help of an empathetic little green being.
Man-eating crocodiles return to the lake as two males and one aggressive female crocodile, which is protecting her nest, wreak havoc on the locals.
On his latest expedition, Dr. Rick Marshall is sucked into a space-time vortex alongside his research assistant and a redneck survivalist. In this alternate universe, the trio make friends with a primate named Chaka, their only ally in a world full of dinosaurs and other fantastic creatures.
物語の始まりは、テレビスペシャル『ドラゴンボールZ たったひとりの最終決戦〜フリーザに挑んだZ戦士 孫悟空の父〜』で描かれたサイヤ人の故郷である惑星ベジータ崩壊の時まで遡る。
螺旋王を倒し、地上で平和な生活を満喫する人類。僅か7年もの間に急速な文化の発展と人口の拡大を続ける人間達は、暗い地下暮らしを忘れ傲慢になっていった。人民を統率する為に新政府を設立したシモンたちに、ロージェノムが遺した言葉が重く圧し掛かる。そして100万人目の出産が確認されたその時、人間達は自らをアンチスパイラルと名乗る謎の敵からの空襲を受ける。 カテドラル・テラを制御可能にして地球への激突を喰い止めたシモン達。シモンがニアに贈った指輪を頼りにアンチスパイラル母星の位置を掴んだ大グレン団は、カテドラル・テラを超銀河ダイグレンと改名、全ての戦いに決着を付けるべく敵母星へと向かう…。
Test pilot Hal Jordan finds himself recruited as the newest member of the intergalactic police force, The Green Lantern Corps.
前作でウェクセル・ホール社の秘密研究施設から逃げ出した二匹の蛇は、唯一人生き残った女性科学者アマンダの手によって死んだ。だが、その腹の中に既に芽生えていた新たな生命を、密かに持ち出していた研究者がいた。やがて、蛇の子供たちは予想をはるかに上回るスピードで成長し、研究者を襲い脱走してしまう。 この事態に再びアマンダは立ち上がるが、時を同じくしてアナコンダ誕生のきっかけとなった『不死の蘭』から抽出した薬で不老不死の身体を得ようと企む ウェクセル・ホール社会長マードックも殺し屋を雇ってアマンダを追跡していた…
During the critical experiment that would rid David Banner of the Hulk,a spy sabotages the laboratory. Banner falls in love with the spy, Jasmin, who performs missions only because her sister is being held hostage by Jasmin's superiors. Banner and Jasmin try to escape from the enemy agents to rebuild their lives together, but the Hulk is never far from them.