
Six Amazing Facts You Need to Know About Beans

ジャンル : スリラー

上映時間 : 9分

演出 : Alan Jones


Alone and living under house arrest, Peter views the world largely through computer screens. When the alienation and solitude get to him, he takes drastic measures to connect with the one person he sees regularly, an outgoing and attractive young woman who delivers his groceries.


Jonathan Sohn
Jonathan Sohn
Lily Sutherland
Lily Sutherland
Brandon Vallee Ross
Brandon Vallee Ross


Alan Jones
Alan Jones
Alan Jones
Alan Jones
Jason Romilly
Jason Romilly
Brandon Vallee Ross
Brandon Vallee Ross
Director of Photography
Brandon Vallee Ross
Brandon Vallee Ross


Cucuy: The Boogeyman
When children start disappearing, a rebellious teen under house arrest starts to suspect that a legendary evil, a boogeyman known as the Cucuy, might be responsible.
When Kylie Bucknell is sentenced to home detention, she's forced to come to terms with her unsociable behaviour, her blabbering mother and a hostile spirit who seems less than happy about the new living arrangement.
100 Feet
After Marnie Watson kills her abusive husband in self-defense, she is condemned to house arrest... only to discover that the house is possessed by the enraged and violent spirit of her dead husband.
Dark Summer
Follows the tale of a 17-year-old on house arrest for the summer. When his mother is away on business, a horrifying incident occurs, followed by an even more terrifying presence in the house.
After a martini-induced rampage, a fantasy-prone young woman is placed under house arrest.
Sollers Point
Keith, a small-time drug dealer, is under house arrest at the home of his father in Baltimore. He re-enters a community scarred by unemployment, neglect and deeply entrenched segregation. There, he pushes back against his surrounding limitations as he tries to find a way out of his own internal prison.
House Arrest
David, a university professor, takes to social media to criticize his city’s administration. But instead of the mayor’s dodgy dealings being investigated, David is himself accused of embezzlement and placed under house arrest. Despite the overbearing surveillance, double-crossing acquaintances, and growing media interest, David remains defiant and will not apologise. With the court case drawing ever nearer, does David have any hope of winning this battle against Goliath?
House Arrest
Life gets hectic when JB is put on House Arrest. In this Outrageous Adult Animated Comedy, JB's situation quickly turns into mayhem with baby mama drama, unwarranted neighbors, and a self made parole officer. JB soon realizes that it was better to serve time in jail than to be on House Arrest.
Are You Listening Mother?
A Kurdish woman is sentenced to six years of house arrest with an electronic ankle bracelet. The charge: supporting terrorist activities. From now on an invisible border runs through her garden in a Turkish village, which she repeatedly trespasses. Her older son is torn between obedience and rebellion. How far will he go to protect his mother from further punishment?
Six Amazing Facts You Need to Know About Beans
Alone and living under house arrest, Peter views the world largely through computer screens. When the alienation and solitude get to him, he takes drastic measures to connect with the one person he sees regularly, an outgoing and attractive young woman who delivers his groceries.
The Warrior's Way
A warrior-assassin is forced to hide in a small town in the American Badlands after refusing a mission.
Machine Gun Preacher
The true story of Sam Childers, a former drug-dealing biker who finds God and became a crusader for hundreds of Sudanese children who've been kidnapped and pressed into duty as soldiers.
Death Note: デスノート
ワイルド・スピード MEGA MAX
麻薬王のブラガの逮捕に貢献したドミニクであるが、裁判において懲役25年の判決を言い渡される。だが護送中にブライアンと妹・ミアの手により逃亡に成功し、国際指名手配される。 ブラジルのリオデジャネイロに逃亡したブライアンとミアは昔の仲間のヴィンスと再会。麻薬取締局の押収した車の窃盗の仕事をする事になり、そこにドミニクも合流するが、仲間の裏切りにより襲われてしまう。その理由は、ドミニク達が盗んだ車に隠されたリオデジャネイロで最も強い権力をもつ悪徳実業家、エルナン・レイエスの闇金の流れを記録したマイクロチップにあった。 そんな中、ミアがブライアンの子を身籠もった事を知ったドミニクは、過去を消して家族で静かに暮らすのに必要な資金と資格を得る為に、レイエスの闇金1億ドルを強奪する計画を立てて世界中から過去、様々なヤマで出会った色々な分野の凄腕プロを集める。レイエスと癒着した警察署の金庫という突破困難な場所に隠されている現金を、彼らを執拗に追うホブスの米警官部隊やレイエスの手下の攻撃をかわしつつ、強奪する事が果たして出来るのか。
Grave Encounters
A crew from a paranormal reality television show lock themselves in a haunted psychiatric hospital. They search for evidence of paranormal activity as they shoot what ends up becoming their final episode.
音信不通だった息子のジャックが、ロシアで警察沙汰を起こして身柄を拘束されたことを知る。マクレーンは娘ルーシーに見送られながらロシアへと渡る。ところが、ジャックが出廷するはずだった裁判所は突如爆破され、2人は大混乱の中で再会を果たす。だが、ジャックはマクレーンを突き離してその場から車で去る。それを追う謎の武装集団。状況を理解できていなかったがマクレーンはジャックらを追跡する。壮絶なカーチェイスの末、マクレーンは武装集団の車を大破させて、ジャックと合流する。その後、ジャックが隠れ家と称する建物に到着。そこで、ジャックがCIAの人間であることを知る。安全かと思われたが、謎の武装集団に襲撃される。それを何とか退けて隠れ家から脱出する。 かくして、マクレーンはいつものように愚痴りながらも、ジャックと共に何らかの目的のために行動を開始する。
元MI6諜報員の経歴を持つ作家ジョン・ル・カレによる人気スパイ小説を、トーマス・アルフレッドソン監督が映画化したサスペンス。英国諜報組織の中枢に20年も潜入しているソ連の二重スパイを捜すため、引退生活から呼び戻されたスパイが敵味方の区別もつかない中で真相に迫る姿を描く。 東西冷戦下の1980年代、英国諜報部「サーカス」を引退したスパイ、スマイリー(ゲイリー・オールドマン)に新たな指令が下る。それは20年にわたってサーカスの中枢に潜り込んでいる二重スパイを捜し出し、始末するというものだった。膨大な記録や関係者の証言を基に、容疑者を洗い出していくスマイリーがたどり着いた裏切者の正体とは……。
Premium Rush
In Manhattan, a bike messenger picks up an envelope that attracts the interest of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist throughout the city.