Mio Takaki
出生 : 1959-12-31, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
高樹澪(たかきみお)。日本の女優、歌手。 1981年「モーニング・ムーンは粗雑に」で女優デビュー。 1982年7月にリリースされたシングル「ダンスはうまく踊れない」は80万枚を売り上げる大ヒットとなった。
There have been cases of mysterious disappearances of onsen visitors in Atsumi city in S prefecture.The victims were eventually found dead with signs of severe injuries to their bodies resembling a vicious shark attack.
Mio Minami
Suda Sawako
Ikuko, 26 years later
Chirusoku Summer, the film set in the sister cities of Pusan, South Korea and the city of Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi. During the Summer of 2003, four girls from Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi travels to Pusan, South Korea for a sports festival and one of them fall in love...
時は2015年、SRC宇宙開発センターでは、怪獣と人間の共存のための新天地を開拓するネオユートピア計画が着々と進行していた。宇宙飛行士(アストロノーツ)として、新たな希望に燃える春野ムサシ。だがそこへ、宇宙からの謎のロボット群が飛来!輸送ロケットを破壊しようと迫ってきたその時、危機一髪!ウルトラマンコスモス登場!! ムサシはコスモスと共に戦い、それらを退けることに成功!だがその矢先、かつてコスモスと共に地球の危機を救ったウルトラマンジャスティスが現れ、驚くべき事にロボット群の機能を復活させただけでなく、コスモスをも倒してしまった! 果たしてジャスティスの真意は? そして、刻々と宇宙から迫り来る、巨大物体の正体は何か?
夢見る勇気を失わず、少年時代の夢を叶えアストロノーツ(宇宙飛行士)となった春野ムサシ。ムサシが宇宙船で目指したのは聖獣パラスタンが守る緑あふれる星、遊星ジュラン。しかし、遊星ジュランでムサシが見たものは、一面赤い砂に覆われて死の星と変わり果てた遊星ジュランであった。動揺するムサシに赤い地表から突如現れた怪獣兵器スコーピスが襲いかかる。遊星ジュランを死の星にしたのはこのスコーピスであった。スコーピスに殺られると思った瞬間、上空から降臨した眩い光がムサシを救う。眩い光は巨大な人の形へと変化する。ムサシはその人の形を見て驚き叫ぶ「ウルトラマンコスモス!!」。 コスモスに助けられ無事地球へ帰還したムサシは、幼馴染のツトムの結婚式に参加するために常夏の島サイパンを訪れる。結婚式に集まった旧友達との楽しい時間を過ごすしていたムサシは人魚を目撃する。楽しい時間は長くは続かなかった。遊星ジュランを死の星にしたスコーピスがサイパンに飛来し破壊行動を始めたのである。そんな中ムサシが目撃した人魚が海底怪獣レイジャと同化してスコーピスに立ち向かっていく。しかし、スコーピスの圧倒的な力にレイジャは押されっぱなし。堪らずコスモスを呼ぶムサシ。しかしコスモスは現れない。暴れるだけ暴れてスコーピスはあっさりと飛び去った。 ムサシが人魚と呼ぶ不思議な少女はシャウと名乗った。シャウはムサシに「スコーピスは逃げたのでは無い。サンドロスの元へと帰還したのだ。」と告げるのであった。 謎の少女シャウとは?シャウとスコーピスの関係は?スコーピスの背後に不気味に潜むサンドロスとは?地球はジュランと同じく死の星になってしまうのか!?
Shrine Maiden of Izare
2038年…。かつてウルトラマンティガであったマドカ・ダイゴの息子、マドカ・ツバサはネオスーパーGUTSの訓練飛行中に突如として現れた怪獣ジョーモノイドと共に数十世紀前にタイムスリップしてしまう。ジョーモノイドの出現に光の巨人の復活を予感した闇の超能力者ドグラマグマは、光の巨人の伝説が伝わる村“ティガの里”を破壊しようと企んだ。この危機にツバサは謎の女戦士マホロバからもたらされた青銅スパークレンスでウルトラマンティガに変身するが、思わぬ苦戦を強いられる。-光の巨人は完全には復活していなかったのだ…! 闇の魔神ドグーフを率いたドグラマグマの攻撃が始まってしまった!イザレの巫女が告げる真の光の意志を継ぐもの…それは、はたして誰なのか!?
A musical- style comedy movie set in Hakata.
Captain Megumi Iruma / Yuzare
超古代遺跡"ルルイエ"から邪悪な3巨人、が復活した。光の戦士"ティガ"は、かつて闇の巨人ダークだったのだ!苦悩するダイゴ隊員…。そしてルルイエでは、イルマ隊長が捕まっていると言う。はたしてダイゴはウルトラマンの光を取り戻すことができるのか?その時レナは!? ウルトラマンティガ最後の戦いが今、幕を開ける!!
The first of three V-Cinema sequels.
Megumi Iruma
Anthology consisting of three films.
Kyoko Shirai
Misa Kuroi is an adorable high-school girl who arrives at her new school when it is falling under an evil supernatural force. Trying to figure out who's behind the supernatural attack, Misa also has to deal with assumptions by her fellow classmates that believe she is the one behind it all. Misa and twelve other students are kept late after school hours one day to retake an exam. Then, after sunset, the entire school is deserted, and the students find themselves trapped inside and their teacher no where to be found. One by one, the thirteen students are picked up and disposed of in horrific and graphic fashion. It is up to Misa to try and gain the trust of her fellow students so that she can protect them and stop the evil before it's too late.
Yoshi Kishimoto
Takuro Yamazaki teaches people "true work". He is a business commander and corporate warrior YAMAZAKI with combat ability. When a rival company Business Commander appears, he fights with his fighting ability! !! We have succeeded in visualizing the original comic of Jun Tomizawa, which is full of special effects, without damaging the image. In particular, Issey Ogata, who starred in the movie, can only be thought of by this person! The role of the business commander YAMAZAKI.
Kaoru is a former racing driver who retired two years ago. She is invited by her brother Saburo to return to Team Alesis, which he owns, as a B driver. However, the mechanics don't think it's a good idea for Kaoru, a woman, to be driving, and their relationship becomes awkward.
A man hires a Private Investigator in order to find proof that his wife has been cheating on him. Soon, we learn that the man’s plan is to set the wife up, divorce her and remarry again in America with the daughter of his boss.
Kaori Himi
The ASH (Abnormal Species Humanoid) first appeared in the beginning of the 1980s. They looked like humans, but they weren't. The ASH can be identified by a pulsating appendage on their back; it resembles an embossed root clutching the spine. These humanoid creatures have the power to destroy telepathically via a deadly impulse which hemorrhages brain cells. Their goal is to populate the planet via random sexual contact and then take control. There are special police units who fight the ASH. This top secret organization is called The Society For Environment Protection and its agents are called psychosists
Lady Ramboh finds her sister and her best friend on vacation, and the three of them spend the days having lots of fun. But the fun trip is ruined, when the girls are kidnapped and raped by the remaining traffickers. Lady Ramboh seeks revenge. She has a room full of grenade launchers to prove it.
Wadatuzin / Mayumi Hoshino
A series of serial murders occurred in a historic ruins where a TV crew is shooting a documentary.
A dwarf scientist has his dreams frustrated when his sister becomes seriously ill. Determined to find a way to preserve the essence of his sister after the death, the scientist begins to use humans as guinea pigs in a bizarre experiment.
Three men sentenced to death are spared and changed into “shadows executioners”, a group of ruthless ninja working for mysterious high ranking officials. During their investigation on some illegal business, one of them, called “Yazuke the Viper”, finds his abandoned daughter, Ocho, who has now become a mistress of Denzo, a smuggler. After Yazuke’s death, Ocho is also recruited as a “shadows executioner”, with the task of completing her father’s mission.
Mitsuko Matsugae
In 1938 Berlin, Gudrun Landgrebe, wife of Nazi functionary Kevin McNally, begins taking art lessons. She makes the acquaintance of another student, Japanese ambassador's daughter Mio Takaki. Soon afterwards, the two women begin a passionate lesbian affair. This leads to a chain reaction of disaster and tragedy, culminating with the inevitable intervention of the Gestapo. Despite the film's galloping sexual passions, The Berlin Affair is an exercise in aloofness, keeping the characters at arm's length-surprising, considering that the director was Liliana Cavani, auteur of the erotic classic The Night Porter (1974). The film was based on The Buddhist Cross, a novel by Junichiro Tanizaki.
Hiromi Mizutani
A run-in with the police once again puts three former reformatory inmates on the wrong side of the law. Their situation becomes increasingly desperate as events spin out of control, culminating in an audacious hijack at sea...