Pauliina Räsänen


Silent Sonata
A man stays alone with his children in a half demolished house in the middle of a desolate field. His wife has just been killed by a grenade in a military battle. He is expecting a new attack. Instead a wandering caravan called Circus Fantasticus stops by the house. They bring along the dying director of the circus. Is it possible for anything beautiful to happen in a landscape of war and death? Can life go on? Is it possible to realize that death does not exist?
シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ アレグリア
Synchronized Trapeze (unconfirmed)
「人生賛歌」 をコンセプトに多くの人々に衝撃的な感動を与えた斬新なショー。2001年オーストラリア・シドニー公演を収録。