Fernando Albizu

Fernando Albizu


Fernando Albizu


Mi otro Jon
The Phantom of the Sauna
Javi comes to a sauna club looking for a job. But soon he'll find out a place full of secrets, the biggest of them being a strange man who will fall in love with him: the Phantom of the Sauna.
The Good Boss
Julio Blanco is the proprietor of Básculas Blanco, a Spanish company producing industrial scales in a provincial Spanish town, which awaits the imminent visit from a committee that will decide if they merit a local Business Excellence award: everything has to be perfect when the time comes. Working against the clock, Blanco pulls out all the stops to address and resolve issues with his employees, crossing every imaginable line in the process.
Ane Is Missing
Jefe de estudios
The Basque Country, 2009. Lide is a security guard for the high-speed train works, a project that generates social protests in the streets. Coming home after work and partying all night, she makes breakfast for two, but her teenage daughter, Ane, is nowhere to be found. The next day, she’s still not back.
Un mundo salvaje
El Santo
Raquel is desperate: a series of unfortunate events have led to her daughter being taken and she needs a large amount of money to get her back, and fast. After a desperate plea to the bank, she manages to secure the loan she needs. The problem is that precisely at that moment, a peculiar couple of robbers enter the branch: the drug-addicted Jonan and his partner Lola, who is a deadly combination of smart and psychotic. But Raquel’s stakes are too high, and she knows she must think carefully to outsmart them, save herself and get her money.
Asesinato en la Universidad
Nicolás de Medina
In 1543, at the University of Salamanca, in Spain, Fray Antonio Román, an Augustinian monk who spreads humanist ideas, considered heretical, among his more inquisitive students, a clandestine group of four led by the brilliant novice Luis de León, mysteriously dies in unspeakable circumstances. In the present day, the historian Lara Cabanes is hired to find out if the monk was murdered, as is suspected and she is told, but the task will not be easy to achieve.
Ana by Day
Ana, a young Spanish woman from a bourgeois family, is about to finish her studies and get married, but she is not happy. After a very unlikely event happens, her life turns around and everything changes.
It's Tight, but hardly chokes
Siegfried is a fierce dog and, if the right instructions are not followed, he can become fearsome.
El rebaño
During a long night of August, some people have different experiences that leave a deep impression in them. Linked by a radio night show, all them cross the city of Barcelona, not knowing that their fates will collide with each other in unexpected ways.
Nothing in Return
One summer, Dario flees the hellish environment of his home. Luismi, unconditional friend, a poor devil with pretensions of winning, and Antonia, an old woman who collects abandoned his motorcar furniture, become his new family. Three generations living together in a city too big to be alone.
Firme Usted Aquí
Spain. Faced with the progressive aging of the population and the dire economic situation, the Administration launches an assisted euthanasia campaign aimed at so-called -unproductive beings-. Keen to get their hands on the amount of money set for the substitution of the old man, the Arevalo family will try to get rid of Granddad unaware that he has plans of his own.
Marcos Vela is a prestigious gastronomic journalist who accepts the request of an independent publisher to write an article on the recent emergence of the Clandestine Restaurants.
Carne cruda
In "Raw meat" we meet Quico and Andrew, two salesmen. A weekend in the countryside leads them to fall into the trap of a sect of cannibals led by Maruja, an old hippie specialist in the preparation of human kebabs .... Kill or be killed? That is the question... When life gets tough, there's nothing better than raw meat.
Operacion Malaya
Jesus Gil y Gil
Fat People
"GORDOS" is a comedy about life's excesses and deficiencies; about our insecurities, phobias, obsessions, traumas, mistakes, fears, blame, desires, hopes, challenges, concessions, goals, relationships, love, sex, health, family... about survival in the widest and "largest" sense of the word. The movie is pizza, ice-cream, chocolate, sweets, calories, lot of calories. It is also guilt, desire, fear, hope, dreams, sex, family, love. But it is happy, optimistic, painful, tender, harsh, light, profound. A comedy. A drama. A collection of contradictions. It's life, the life of a gay actor presenting weight loss products who lose his job because he get fat and who starts dating a ... woman.
 「ブレイド2」「ヘルボーイ」のギレルモ・デル・トロ監督が「デビルズ・バックボーン」に続いて再びスペイン内戦を背景に描く哀切のダーク・ファンタジー。再婚した母に連れられ、山中でレジスタンス掃討の指揮をとる冷酷な義父のもとへとやって来た空想好きの少女は、やがて残酷な現実世界から逃避し森の中の不思議な迷宮へと迷い込んでいくが…。イマジネーションあふれるヴィジュアルと深いテーマ性が高く評価され、いわゆるジャンル映画でありながら数々の映画賞を席巻する活躍で大きな注目を集めた話題作。  1944年のスペイン。内戦終結後もフランコ政権の圧政に反発する人々がゲリラ闘争を繰り広げる山間部。内戦で父を亡くした少女オフェリアは、臨月の母カルメンと共にこの山奥へとやって来る。この地でゲリラの鎮圧にあたるビダル将軍と母が再婚したのだった。冷酷で残忍な義父に恐怖と憎しみを募らせるオフェリア。その夜、彼女は昆虫の姿をした不思議な妖精に導かれ、謎めいた迷宮へと足を踏み入れる。そこでオフェリアを出迎えたパン<牧神>は、彼女が地底の魔法の国のプリンセスの生まれ変わりで、満月の夜までに3つの試練を乗り越えれば、魔法の国に帰ることが出来ると告げる。オフェリアはその言葉を信じて、与えられた3つの試練に立ち向かう決意を固めるのだったが…。
Bulgarian Lovers
Graying Spaniard Daniel has a healthy budget for indulging in the finer things in life. Daniel's favorite luxury is playing sponsor to younger men amid the lights and sights of Madrid's gay club scene. After Daniel shares a night with handsome Bulgarian emigre Kyril, he finds himself consumed with an insatiable lust for the charismatic foreigner. But, as their relationship takes shape, Daniel's latest conquest reveals his own manipulative tendencies.
God Is on Air
Two Spanish pan-handlers soon find themselves in over their heads when they stumble upon an opportunity to redeem themselves and perhaps the entire planet. The world appears to suffer from rampant poverty, violence and spiritual desperation and the relentless news media force-feeds these images to the Spanish people. A popular reality television show lets the audience decide between life or death for suspected felons, and one of the opportunistic pan-handlers attempts to escape poverty through this raucous and sensational TV program.
Año Mariano