Pat Thornton

Pat Thornton

出生 : 1976-09-05, Kingston, Ontario, Canada


Pat Thornton is a Canadian actor and comedian. He is a founding member of the sketch comedy troupe The Sketchersons.


Pat Thornton


Truck Driver
アメリカ合衆国中西部に位置するラクーンシティ。自然豊かなこの街の郊外に以前は製薬会社アンブレラ社の工場が存在したが、今はその殆どの施設は移転してしまっている。 このアンブレラ社が秘密裏に研究開発を進めていた“何か”が街の住民達に大きな健康被害を与えているとのメッセージを受け取ったクレア。 ラクーンシティの施設で育ったクレアは、その真実を突き止めるべく、R.P.D.(ラクーン市警)で特殊部隊=S.T.A.R.S.の隊員である兄・クリスのもとを訪ねる。クレアはクリスにこの事実を訴えるも「お前は昔から陰謀論を持ち出すが、デタラメだ」と取り合ってくれない。 しかしその時、街中に大音量のサイレンが鳴り響く。 アンブレラ社から住民に自宅で待機するよう警報が発せられたのだ。 クリスは急ぎ署に出向き、S.T.A.R.S.の隊員である、ジル、ウェスカーと共に、郊外にあるスペンサー邸で消息を絶った同僚を捜索する為、ヘリコプターで出動する-。 一方、クレアはクリスを追いかけR.P.D.に-。 しかし、既に住民達の身体には変化が起き始めていた。 その皮膚は腐乱し、口や目から血液が流れ落ち、死体の様な状態にも関わらず、人肉を欲し彷徨うゾンビと化したのだ。 スペンサー邸ではクリス達の壮絶なサバイバルが繰り広げられ、R.P.D.内でも、クレアそして新人警官のレオンに、ゾンビ達が襲い掛かる。
After failing to make it on Broadway, April returns to her hometown and reluctantly begins training a misfit group of young dancers for a competition.
Bruno & Boots: This Can't Be Happening at Macdonald Hall
Coach Flynn
Headmaster Sturgeon has had enough. In an attempt to put an end to Bruno and Boots high jinks, he declares that they are to be separated; no shared classes and, most certainly, no shared dorm room. This punishment is worse than anything the boys could have imagined. However, if Bruno and Boots can alienate every boy in Dormitory 3, Sturgeon will be forced to re-unite them. The plot almost succeeds, but one misstep forces the girls from the Scrimmage Academy for Education and Awakening to move into Macdonald Hall, leaving Bruno and Boots back where they started.
Filth City
Mayor Tom Hogg
When a mayor running for re-election is caught on video smoking crack, he'll do whatever it takes to keep it out of the wrong hands.
Bruno & Boots: Go Jump in the Pool
Coach Flynn
Based on The Bestselling MacDonald Hall Book Series by Gordon Korman. Bruno Walton and Melvin "Boots" O'Neal are the most infamous troublemakers at MacDonald Hall - a supposedly prestigious school for boys. Bruno, the brains behind the operation, has managed without fail to convince Boots to tag along on his countless prank operations whether it includes stealing a rival school's mascot, switching the school's flag or invading Miss Scrimmage's Academy for Girls Education and Awakening across the road. Despite their ongoing pranks, Bruno and Boots LOVE their school and are willing to do anything to protect it.
Ken Andrews has been the orchestrator of the hazing pranks at all of his buddies' stags - elaborate, hilarious pranks that have left many emotional scars and a few physical ones. And now today is Ken's stag! He nervously awaits the fate that his pals surely have in store for him, comforted only by the knowledge that Carl will be there to watch his back. That is, so long as Carl can extract himself from the Hollywood celebrity, Veronica. Ken will soon discover that payback is worse than he could ever imagine.
Vinny and Cisco just escaped from prison and are running from the law. The fugitives find a canoe and try to steal it when the nudist who owns the canoe stop them. As shots shower upon them they all jump in the canoe for their lives and are stuck in the middle of their escape without paddles.
Roller Town
Roller-skaters fight back against the video-game gangsters trying to take over their town.
Happiness is Hate Therapy
Joe attends hate therapy twice a week. Not as a psychiatrist, or a group leader, but more as an observer. The group is small, but they have a lot to say. The one common thread is their love for hate.
Low Budget
Jaye Wolfgang
A mockumentary about two low budget filmmakers from Los Angeles who receive a contract to shoot a travel show about Canada. The film follows them as they travel from Halifax to Toronto filming the travel show. At the same time, they use the travel show money to film their own sci-fi epic - a masterpiece in the zero star category.
Black Belts: Tommy Nitro's Karate Adventure
The Crimson Sausage
Tommy Nitro lives in a world of comic books, caught between his shy, quiet existence, and the adventures of his comic book hero, karate-master Sensei Nobu. One day Tommy is walking home from school and is surrounding by The Crimson Sausage Gang, the villains from his favorite comic book. In order to thwart them, Sensei Nobu teaches him karate and Tommy in turn helps to teach you at home. But who will win the final showdown between Tommy and the Crimson Sausage?