「紅」「Forever love」など数多くの名曲を世に放ち、世界的なロックバンドとなった、X JAPAN。世界への挑戦、メンバーの脱退やバンドの解散、HIDEとTAIJIの死、そしてToshlの洗脳騒動など、X JAPAN には多くの悲劇が降り掛かった。その後、2007年に再結成を遂げて以降、精力的な活動を行い、2014年にはアメリカのマディソン・スクエア・ガーデンでの公演を成功させる。その公演の様子や舞台裏を追い、バンドの歴史や音楽性についてメンバーや関係者が語る。
Live DVD release from hide featuring footage of his performance in first tour "HIDE OUR PSYCHOMMUNITY" at Yokohama Arena, second tour "PSYENCE A GO GO" at Yoyogi Dai Ichi Taiikukan, and unreleased footage on two discs.
X Japan Returns 1993.12.31 is an X Japan live DVD, released on February 29, 2008. It contains the band's performance at the Tokyo Dome on December 31, 1993.
The live concert movie centers around the last day at Yokohama Arena during his first tour "HIDE OUR PSYCHOMMUNITY - Hide no Heya e Yokoso". Hide's ideas and stage gimmicks were constantly changing and developing even during concert tours. Another surprise about this video is that in 1993, Hide already foresaw that there was going to be a hardware that allows viewers to enjoy films in multi-angle mode, and because of that idea, the clip for "Doubt" was filmed in multi-angle mode. That film footage was shelved till now that finally DVD carries that feature.
The live concert movie centers around the last day at Yokohama Arena during his first tour "HIDE OUR PSYCHOMMUNITY - Hide no Heya e Yokoso". Hide's ideas and stage gimmicks were constantly changing and developing even during concert tours. Another surprise about this video is that in 1993, Hide already foresaw that there was going to be a hardware that allows viewers to enjoy films in multi-angle mode, and because of that idea, the clip for "Doubt" was filmed in multi-angle mode. That film footage was shelved till now that finally DVD carries that feature.