Conor Breen


The Brylcreem Boys
1st Guard
In 1941, as part of an effort to remain strictly neutral, the Dublin government made a deal with both Berlin and London whereby any soldier, sailor or pilot captured on Irish soil, whether of German or Allied forces, would be interned for the duration of the war. What the Irish failed to tell was that they would intern everybody in the same camp. It is here that Canadian pilot Miles Keogh and German pilot Rudolph Von Stegenbeck meet after a fight in which both their planes were downed.
Drunk (uncredited)
イギリス支配下にあったアイルランド700年の歴史を、わずか31年で自由へと導いた男がいた! アイルランド独立の闘士、英雄マイケル・コリンズの波乱の生涯を浮き彫りにした、96年公開の感動大作。