Vir Chopra


Creative Producer
大学時代親友同士だったファランとラージューは、ある日同窓のチャトルから母校に呼び出される。チャトルは二人に、ランチョーというかつての学友の消息がつかめたことを話し、探しに行こうと持ちかけるのだった。 10年前、インド屈指の難関工科大学ICE(Imperial College of Engineering)。それぞれに家庭の期待を受けて入学してきたファランとラージュー、そして自由奔放な天才ランチョーの三人は寮でルームメイトとなる。何をするにも一緒の3人はしばしばバカ騒ぎをやらかし、学長や秀才だったチャトル等から"3 idiots"(三バカ)と呼ばれ目の敵にされていた。 物語は10年前の大学におけるエピソードと現代のランチョーを探す3人の旅を織り交ぜながら、やがてファラン達も知らなかった彼の秘密に迫っていく。
Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.
A gangster sets out to fulfill his father's dream of becoming a doctor.
Mission Kashmir
A police officer adopts the son and sole survivor of a family he has massacred while pursuing a terrorist. After some time the foster son finds out what the stepfather did.
Birju is a young man who lives with his mom, dad, sister, and a younger brother in an upper middle class home. His father would like him to work as well as accept some responsibility, but Birju does not heed him, but is instead interested in petty thievery, lies, and romancing a beautiful young woman named Neha. When he proposes marriage, his mom and dad hope that this will set him on the right path, and they approve of his marriage with Neha. When Neha finds out the truth about Birju, she refuses to marry him, and re-locates to another town. Birju is unable to get Neha out of his mind, and he runs away from home, hoping to locate Neha somewhere, and try to patch things with her. He does find Neha and her mom, who is hospitalized. When Birju makes inquiries he is told that Neha's mom is due for major surgery, and that this operation will cost a lot of money. Birju steals the money to pay for the surgery...