Laurie Rose

Laurie Rose


Born in East London, gaining an art school background followed by a number of years in television and documentary, Laurie always wanted to convey stories visually. His break into narrative work came almost by accident with director Ben Wheatley on DOWN TERRACE (2009) and since then a passion for combining story with the moving image has led to further collaborations with some of the most exciting directors working today. For Laurie, it’s resolutely about collaboration – joining with like-minded people to realise a story together. Now based in Brighton, Laurie lives with his wife and two children. Laurie Rose is known for his work with Ben Wheatley including HIGH-RISE and FREE FIRE. Also LONDON SPY, for the BBC for which he won a BAFTA for Photography and Lighting in 2016 and Season 3 of BBC’s PEAKY BLINDERS. Recent film credits include Saul Dibb’s JOURNEY’S END, Dominic Savage’s THE ESCAPE, Jon S Baird’s STAN AND OLLIE, starring Steve Coogan and John C Reilly, as well as PET SEMATARY, directed by Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer. Projects due to release are REBECCA (Working Title/Netflix), and FREAKY (Universal/Blumhouse) – most recent projects include Jessica Swale’s SUMMERLAND and Gavin Rothery’s ARCHIVE. Laurie is an accredited member and a Governor of the British Society of Cinematographers. (


Laurie Rose


Director of Photography
少女バーディ ~大人への階段~
A teenage girl in Medieval England navigates life and tries to avoid the arranged marriages her father maps out for her.
Director of Photography
A mystical, ancient dagger causes a notorious serial killer to magically switch bodies with a 17-year-old girl.
Director of Photography
"A" Camera Operator
「ダイバージェント」シリーズのテオ・ジェームズが主演を務めたSFスリラー。日本の山奥にある施設で人型アンドロイドの開発を進めるロボット工学者ジョージ・アルモア。会社からは成果をあげていないと不評だが、実は亡き妻ジュールをよみがえらせるための研究を続けていた。「アーカイヴ」というシステムを通じて彼女と交流するジュールは、そこから違法にデータを取り出し、J1、J2とバージョンアップしたアンドロイドを開発。そしてついに、まるで本物のジュールのようなJ3の完成が目前に迫る。そんな矢先、J2が予想外の行動をとり始め、さらに施設が外部の何者かに見つかってしまう。共演は「ニンフォマニアック」のステイシー・マーティン、「アンダーワールド ビギンズ」のローナ・ミトラ、「裏切りのサーカス」のトビー・ジョーンズ。ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷&シネ・リーブル梅田で開催の「未体験ゾーンの映画たち2021」上映作品。
Director of Photography
「ダイバージェント」シリーズのテオ・ジェームズが主演を務めたSFスリラー。日本の山奥にある施設で人型アンドロイドの開発を進めるロボット工学者ジョージ・アルモア。会社からは成果をあげていないと不評だが、実は亡き妻ジュールをよみがえらせるための研究を続けていた。「アーカイヴ」というシステムを通じて彼女と交流するジュールは、そこから違法にデータを取り出し、J1、J2とバージョンアップしたアンドロイドを開発。そしてついに、まるで本物のジュールのようなJ3の完成が目前に迫る。そんな矢先、J2が予想外の行動をとり始め、さらに施設が外部の何者かに見つかってしまう。共演は「ニンフォマニアック」のステイシー・マーティン、「アンダーワールド ビギンズ」のローナ・ミトラ、「裏切りのサーカス」のトビー・ジョーンズ。ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷&シネ・リーブル梅田で開催の「未体験ゾーンの映画たち2021」上映作品。
Camera Operator
A woman during the Second World War opens her heart to an evacuee after initially resolving to be rid of him.
Director of Photography
A woman during the Second World War opens her heart to an evacuee after initially resolving to be rid of him.
Director of Photography
医者のルイス・グリードはボストンからメーン州ルドローに引っ越してきたばかりであった。ルイスは妻のレイチェル、子供のエリーとゲージ、ペットのネコ(チャーチ)と一緒に暮らしていた。ある日、エリーが森の中で遊んでいると、ペットの犬の遺体を墓地(ペット・セマタリー)へと運ぶ葬列に出くわした。一家の近所に住むジャド・クランドールは「あの森は危険だから絶対に近付かないように」と警告してきた。 大学病院。ルイスは交通事故で重傷を負って運ばれてきた学生(ヴィクター・パスコウ)の命を救えなかった無念に打ちひしがれていた。その日の夜、ルイスはいやに鮮明な夢を見た。夢の中で、ルイスはヴィクターに導かれるまま墓地へとやって来たが、墓地に入ろうとした矢先、ヴィクターから「それ以上はいけない」と言われたのだった。ルイスが飛び起きると、彼のベッドと足下が泥まみれになっていた。ルイスは自分が見た夢が単なる悪夢ではないと確信したが、現実で何があったのかまでは把握できなかった。
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Happy New Year, Colin Burstead
Director of Photography
Colin has rented a stately country home for his extended family’s New Year celebrations. He’s the centre of attention until his estranged brother David unexpectedly arrives, throwing the family dynamic far off orbit.
The Escape
Director of Photography
An ordinary woman makes an extraordinary decision which will change her life forever.
Director of Photography
A boxer suffers a serious head injury during a fight, and must deal with the consequences.
Director of Photography
Set in a dugout in Aisne in 1918, a group of British officers, led by the mentally disintegrating young officer Stanhope, variously await their fate.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Two friends from a northwest London housing estate are reunited when one of them faces a messy personal crisis.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
What really happened during Shakespeare's 'Lost Years'? Hopeless lute player Bill Shakespeare leaves his home to follow his dream.
Director of Photography
Taking all that was great from the first instalment, the movie aims to be a wilder, leaner, faster-paced and even more entertaining anthology this time around, with a new crop of award-winning, visionary filmmakers from around the globe.
Director of Photography
An unspoken incident unravels the lives of two families into nightmare, fracturing time and memory.
Director of Photography
During the Civil War in 17th-Century England, a small group of deserters flee from a raging battle through an overgrown field. They are captured by an alchemist, who forces the group to aid him in his search to find a hidden treasure that he believes is buried in the field. Crossing a vast mushroom circle, which provides their first meal, the group quickly descend into a chaos of arguments, fighting and paranoia, and, as it becomes clear that the treasure might be something other than gold, they slowly become victim to the terrifying energies trapped inside the field.
Director of Photography
Chris wants to show girlfriend Tina his world, but events soon conspire against the couple and their dream caravan holiday takes a very wrong turn.
Director of Photography
Nearly a year after a botched job, a hitman takes a new assignment with the promise of a big payoff for three killings. What starts off as an easy task soon unravels, sending the killer into the heart of darkness.
Down Terrace
Director of Photography
After serving jail time for a mysterious crime, Bill and Karl get out of jail and become preoccupied with figuring out who turned them in to the police. On top of that, the "family business" is on the rocks, and the motley crew of criminals who operate out of Down Terrace aren't feeling terribly trusting of one another. It might look like an ordinary house, but at Down Terrace, the walls are closing in..