Marianne Sauvage


Survival Run
A group of teenagers drive out into the desert in search of sex, beer, and general good times. When their van breaks down, they find a group of prospectors who welcome the kids and offer them a place to stay until they can get help. It soon becomes evident, however, that there is more to these prospectors than they claim, and soon the teens are fleeing for their lives.
Conflicts in town force a guy to escape to a hiding-place in the countryside.
El valle de los miserables
Lydia Zamarripa
Island of Lost Souls
Maria Elena
Rene Cardona directs the film version of Jose Leon Sanchez's best-selling novel, which relates the author's 20 years of imprisonment on an island ruled by brutality. When a sadistic man declares himself the boss of an island pueblo, an innocent husband and wife become the victims of his selfish rule. Once the evil man's deeds reach the authorities on the mainland, however, he sinks further into madness and declares "his" island its own republic.
Tribulaciones en el seno de una familia burguesa