After all men worldwide commit suicide, Joyce becomes hopelessly addicted to the past and longs for her lost love. Looking for a way to get her boyfriend back, she comes into contact with a pseudoscientific group of women who try to manifest 'the male'. But should we want men back? Or might a world without men be better?
If you pursued populism, cancel culture and hatred on social media to their extremes, perhaps you would get a weekly, crowd-pulling reality show in which viewers can vote for which compatriot must be executed — literally. This brazen thriller follows Salman Seegers, who starts working for the Sterfshow (Death Show) as a pathologist. It comes easy to him, until a candidate ends up on top of the Death List who is very dear to him.
Desperate needs lead to desperate deeds when Roland finds out his wife gets more turned on by a book than by him.
Brenda, Laura, Ruben and Willem meet each other at an uneasy therapy session. The unconventional therapist (Pamela Tevis) tells them they only have 48 minutes left to live. Looking back at their lives, they start making choices they never dared before. ** This movie was made as part of the 48 Days Film Project: all writing, shooting and editing happened within 48days.
Scenario Writer
You need to suffer, to understand....