J. Fisher White


Pastor Hall
Johann Herder
This film is based on the true story of Pastor Martin Neimuller, who was sent to Dachau concentration camp for criticising the Nazi party. The small German village of Altdorf in the 1930's has to come to terms with Chancellor Hitler and the arrival of a platoon of Stormtroopers (preceded by a flock of sheep). The Stormtrooper go about teaching and enforcing 'The New Order' but Pastor Hall is a kind and gentle man who won't be cowed. Some villagers join the Nazi party avidly, some just go along with things, hoping for a quiet life but Pastor Hall takes his convictions to the pulpit.
As You Like It
Adam (as Fisher White)
Film version of Shakespeare's comedy of a young woman who disguises herself as a man to win the attention of the one she loves.
Turn of the Tide
Isaac Fosdyck
Turn of the Tide is a 1935 British film directed by Norman Walker. It was the first feature film made by J. Arthur Rank. It is set in a North Yorkshire fishing village, and relates the rivalry between two fishing families. The actors included John Garrick, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Wilfrid Lawson speak in the local accent. The work is based on the novel Three Fevers by Leo Walmsley.
City of Beautiful Nonsense
Thomas Grey
A young woman who is in love with a penniless composer, but believes she must marry a wealthy man to please her father. But only realises after various tribulations she should follow her heart rather than her head.
The Old Curiosity Shop
The Schoolmaster
An elderly shop-keeper and his grand-daughter are threatened by the rich, mean-spirited dwarf Quilp, and decide to flee across England to escape him. They are pursued both by Quilp and by the shop-keeper's long-lost brother, who wants to find them for a different reason.
The Great Defender
Sir Douglas Rolls is a highly respected defence lawyer of many years experience. Now in rapidly failing health, he is advised to retreat from the courtroom and pursue more pleasurable activities. But it is just at this point in his life that his great lost love a woman his own strong sense of duty led him to give up twenty years ago, and whom he still loves deeply walks into his chambers to ask that he defend her adulterous husband, now to stand trial for murder. Reluctantly agreeing to take on the case, Sir Douglas soon finds there is more to the story than meets the eye.
What Happened Then?
Young Raymond Rudford,sculptor, is on trial for slitting the throat of his uncle, who had adopted and raised him after Raymond's parent's died when he was a young boy. The prosecution allows his motive was fear of being disinherited if he married his fiancé, the fair Alicia Atherton, against his uncle's wishes, and the prosecution lays a mountain of evidence against Raymond, including his razor, dragged from an artificial lake on the estate, as the murder weapon; Raymond's bloody fingerprints and footprints found at the scene of bedroom crime, and his bloody shoes, found in his cupboard and bloody monogrammed-handkerchief found under his uncle's death bed. Raymond's only defense is that he could not have committed the crime as he goes into a paroxysm of dread at the mere sight of blood, a phobia he has had ever since childhood when his dog was run over by a lorry and the dog's blood was splattered into his face.
A Cup of Kindness
A tale of two feuding families whose offspring cause uproar when they announce their marital plans.
Counsel's Opinion
Divorce barrister Logan arrives back in London from a trip overseas to find the whole city fogbound. Unable to reach his flat, he books into the exclusive Royal Parks Hotel. Leslie sweet-talks Logan into letting her stay in his suite, and although the pair are attracted to each other, the night passes innocently. On arriving at Chambers, Logan is asked to act as counsel for Lord Rockburn, who is seeking a divorce from his wife. Logan accepts the brief, but then discovers to his horror that Lady Rockburn was a guest at the Royal Parks Hotel ball the previous night, and a cornerstone of the case is alleged impropriety after a maid observed a man leaving her room that morning......
All That Is England
Austin promotional short, showing a tour around the country by many Austin models, from the Seven to the Ascot.
John Lawrence KC
British crime film directed by Reginald Fogwell
The Wonderful Story
A paralysed farmer watches his brother fall in love with the woman he intended to marry.
Man of Mayfair
'Lord poses as workman to win dancer who works as waitress in her mother's tea garden.' (British Film Catalogue)
Many Waters
An elderly couple reminisce about the romantic adventures of their youth.
General Georges-Gabriel de Pellieux
In 1894, French officer Alfred Dreyfus is wrongly convicted for the treasonous acts of another man, Major Esterhazy. When investigations begin into the dubious evidence used in the trial, an institutional coverup begins, aided by fears of army disgrace and anti-Semitic paranoia against Dreyfus. But a determined group, headed by prominent author Émile Zola, leads a mounting public call to reopen the Dreyfus case.
Madame Guillotine
Le Farge
During the French Revolution, a revolutionary falls in love with and marries an aristocratic woman.
Kissing Cup's Race
A drama film directed by Castleton Knight .
Loose Ends
The Stranger
'A woman reporter is blackmailed for knowledge of freed suspect's involvement in a murder.' (British Film Institute)
Lily of Killarney
A poor aristocrat hires a dwarf to drown his secret wife so he may marry an heiress.
Lord Raglan
A British army officer is cashiered, and re-enlists as Private to take part in the Crimean War. He succeeds in capturing a top Russian spy which results in the famous Charge of the Light Brigade to take the Balaclava Heights.
The City of Youth
Patrick Enderby
A silent drama film directed by E. H. Calvert.
One Increasing Purpose
Mr. Yeoman (as Fisher White)
Stars Edmund Lowe as WWI veteran Slim Paris. Though most of his comrades died in battle, Paris returns home with nary a scratch. This convinces him that his life has a "greater purpose" in the scheme of things, so he sets about to find that purpose.
The Island of Despair
Dr. Blake
A shipwrecked captain saves a girl from a Spanish murderer by threatening to give him leprosy.
Diana of the Crossways
Lord Dannisburgh
A sensuous woman trapped in a loveless relationship has an affair with a leading politician which threatens to bring down the government.
Bentley's Conscience
John Carson
A secretary takes the blame when his fiancée's father ruins his oil company.
Damaged Goods
A quack doctor 'cures' a victim of venereal disease, whose baby is later born infected.
Masks and Faces
An actress cures an aged flirt by posing as his wife.
King John
Based on Shakespeare's play, Act V, Scene vii: King John is in torment, and his supporters fear that his end is near. As he writhes in agony, he is attended by Prince Henry, the Earl of Pembroke, and Robert Bigot. Prince Henry tries repeatedly to comfort his delirious father, but to no avail - John's pain is too great.