Rin Asuka

Rin Asuka

出生 : 1991-03-28, Osaka, Japan


Rin Asuka is a Japanese actress from Osaka Prefecture represented by Stardust Promotion. Her debut role was in the film Tenshi ga Kureta Mono, and she was later cast in the film adaptations of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni as Mion Sonozaki. She also played Akira Karasaki for several episodes of K-tai Investigator 7.


Rin Asuka


仮面ライダーセイバー 深罪の三重奏
Yuina Tachibana
神山飛羽真=仮面ライダーセイバーをはじめとする剣士たちが、その命を懸けて世界を救ってから、8年の月日が流れた。飛羽真は、親友・間宮や担当編集者・須藤芽依の手も借りながら、かつて剣士たちの戦いに巻き込まれて親を亡くした少年・陸とともに暮らしていた。彼は陸の父親代わりになろうとしていたのだが、陸の心の傷は癒えず、11歳になったいまも、笑顔を見せることはなかった。一方、翻訳家となった富加宮賢人は、立花結菜という女性との結婚を控え、充実した日々を送っていた。 だが、そのころ、剣士たちをめぐって、奇妙な出来事が起こり始める。聖剣の持ち主たちがひとり、またひとりと消えてしまったのだ。事件の謎を究明すべく行動を開始した新堂倫太郎の前に突如として現れた、仮面ライダーファルシオン アメイジングセイレーン。変身を解いた篠崎真二郎は、自分こそが倫太郎の父だと名乗った。動揺する倫太郎。さらに賢人もファルシオンに遭遇し、学校から帰ってこない陸を探していた飛羽真までもが、ファルシオンに襲われる。 アメイジングセイレーンワンダーライドブックに秘められた、恐るべき力とは? 時を経て、飛羽真たちを待ち受けていたのは、最大にして最後の苦難だった……!
劇場版 殺意の道程
Yoshiyuki's lover
Takaki runs a small cardboard processing company. One day, he killed himself. He did this because of Yoshiyuki. Yoshiyuki is the CEO of a company that works with Takaki's company. Due to Yoshiyuki, Takaki's company went bankrupt because of heavy debts. This caused Takaki to jump off of a rooftop building. Despite the appeals from Takaki's family, Yoshiyuki was unpunished by the law. Takaki ’s son Kazuma and Takaki ’s nephew Mitsuru decide to take revenge on Yoshiyuki.
Haruki Yuki
Biohazard: The Stage
Rebecca Chambers
A bioterrorism incident occurs at a university in Western Australia. Chris and Piers from BSAA's anti-bioterrorism unit head to the scene to investigate, and they cooperate with former S.T.A.R.S. member Rebecca, who is teaching at the university. On the scene, they meet a mysterious young man named Tyler Howard…
Hiro, an unpopular comedian, lives with his girlfriend Kano, an editor. Hiro starts to distance himself from Kano with fewer live appearances and Satoyama, a seasoned comedian, drags him around. Kano is given a picture book during an interview with an author, Kaminuma. The tragedy of a princess' death in the book illustrate the troubled marriage between Kaminuma and his wife, Mizu. After reading the book, Kano imagines a happy ending by pretending Hiro as the King and herself as the princess. Fate changes when the picture book and reality collide... A love story for the new century.
(segment "A Friend's Secret")
An anthology of odd and eerie stories. Each one a contemporary precautionary tale.
Piece: Kioku no kakera
Reina Nishi
Mayu the teen girl hasn’t opened her heart to anyone since ten years ago when some terrible case happened. Instead of going to high school, she goes to the church every day and looks for redemption. One day, she disappears in the woods, silently and suddenly. On the other side, Mana lives with her husband and her seven-year-old daughter in happiness. However, an unexpected occurrence happens and tears their happiness apart. Her little girl Sakura plays in the woods and goes missing. Mana loses her mind because of sadness. What is there inside the woods?
世にも奇妙な物語 20周年スペシャル・秋 ~人気作家競演編~
仮面ライダーW(ダブル) FOREVER AtoZ/運命のガイアメモリ
Wakana Sonozaki
風都タワー完成30周年の夏、「A」から「Z」までの26個の次世代ガイアメモリT2ガイアメモリを輸送する財団Xのヘリコプターが、世界各地でその名を馳せる不死身の傭兵集団NEVER(ネバー)による強襲の末に自爆し、風都全土にT2メモリが飛散して市民が次々とドーパントに変身していく事件が発生する。 事態の収拾に動こうとするWとアクセルは、国際特務調査機関から訪れたというマリア・S・クランベリーから顛末を聞く。そんなマリアにフィリップは、彼女はシュラウドで自分の母親かもしれないと思い込む。そして、風都にはT2ガイアメモリを得たNEVERが侵攻を開始し、Wとアクセルの前にはNEVERを率いる大道克己が仮面ライダーエターナルに変身して立ち塞がる。エターナルは、Wのファングジョーカーやサイクロンジョーカーエクストリームを平然と圧倒したうえ、マキシマムドライブを発動させて旧世代のガイアメモリの機能を停止させてしまう。 変身できなくなったWとアクセルは、風都を守り抜けるのだろうか。今、占拠された風都タワーにて、NEVERを相手にしたW最大の決戦が始まる。
風都 Presents 仮面ライダー W スペシャルイベント
Wakana Sonozaki
The special event is a stage show held on December 20, 2009 at Shibuya C.C. Lemon Hall, to commemorate the release of the movie Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider W & Decade Movie Taisen 2010. It features the casts and song artists from the Kamen Rider W TV series.
ひぐらしのなく頃に 誓
制服サバイガール II
17 year old schoolgirl Sakura visits a Samurai theme park called Survival Land with her friends where they’re supposed to go up against some cosplayers dressed as samurai but things go horribly wrong when one of the cosplayers gets infected after finding a strange flower in the theme park’s grounds and cutting it with his sword. Some black liquid sprays him in the face and the next thing we know he’s infecting the rest of his colleagues as they turn into zombies. Soon the game turns deadly as the undead cosplayers start attacking the girls with real weapons. They need to find a way to escape from the place and fast…..
17 year old schoolgirl Sakura visits a Samurai theme park called Survival Land with her friends where they’re supposed to go up against some cosplayers dressed as samurai but things go horribly wrong when one of the cosplayers gets infected after finding a strange flower in the theme park’s grounds and cutting it with his sword. Some black liquid sprays him in the face and the next thing we know he’s infecting the rest of his colleagues as they turn into zombies. Soon the game turns deadly as the undead cosplayers start attacking the girls with real weapons. They need to find a way to escape from the place and fast…..
Mion Sonozaki
Mayumi Sawada
Three sisters grow up on a chicken farm in a small town in Gifu. The oldest sister, Yukie Sawada, is engaged to be married, the middle sister, Sachiko works at a beauty salon and the youngest, Mayu, is on the track team in high school. Their happy, carefree lives are changed forever when Yukie's ex-boyfriend Suzuki commits an atrocious crime. Half-crazed and bent on revenge against the Sawada family, Suzuki mistakes Mayu for Yukie and pours acid all over her face. Overwhelmed by physical and psychological trauma, Mayu sinks deeper into depression and isolation, unresponsive to her sisters encouragement. Meanwhile, chilling news of a serial murderer, who preys on the alumni of Mayu's high school, sends shockwaves through their small town...