College student Sakura (Rikka Ihara) has trouble fitting in with her class. Her childhood friend Satoshi (Taiyu Fujiwara) thinks that a change of scenery is just what she needs to feel better, and along with another childhood friend, Nozomi (Shiori Akita), he invites her to come work a part-time job at a resort inn on an island. The inn is normally run by a husband-and-wife couple, along with a part-timer named Iwasaki.
国家錬金術師ばかりを狙った連続殺人事件が起きる中央 (セントラル) を訪れたエドとアル。犯人は正体不明ながら、額に十字傷を持つことから "傷の男 (スカー)" と呼ばれていた。兄弟も命を狙われ応戦するものの、圧倒的な強さの前に機械鎧 (オートメイル) を破壊され、絶体絶命となる。果たして二人はこの危機を乗り越え、元の身体を取り戻すことができるのだろうか。隠されたこの国の秘密と“約束の日”、そしてエドとアルの父親の過去。幾重にも重なる謎と真実が解き明かされ、物語は圧巻のフィナーレへ。最後に兄弟が出した答えとは…?
Nine strangers find themselves locked in a secret room, and become the unwilling participants in a sadistic game.
when rumors about students who played at hitori Kakurenbo (sort of hide and seek alone with a ghost) propagate in high school, Shiori can no longer join his older brother Motoya. On his way to the apartment he is supposed to live, she found an empty room. But an internet forum unearthed on the computer of her brother leads her to believe that the disappearance of the latter may well be linked to this sordid game of hide and seek. Despite attempts by her boyfriend Noboru and his best to reassure her friend Yuko, Shiori is beginning to be convinced that something he wants her too and tries to track down. It will then turn to Shiraishi, a former classmate of her brother, trying to understand what is happening and return Motoya.
When her classmate Ritsuko disappears, her friend Ryoko is desperate to find her. When she discovers that Ritsuko was playing a strange game online of hide and seek, she begins to wonder if it could be related to her disappearance somehow. Ryoko then discovers that the game is more sinister than it appeared at first. It is linked to demonology and the supernatural. Will she be able to get past her fears and superstitions to discover what secrets the game of hide and seek might hold?