Miho Miyazawa

Miho Miyazawa


Miho Miyazawa


Rina and Aoi are a pair of identically dressed girls who become influentially popular in Harajuku. Through the kind favors of suspicious talent broker they appear in a music video, but afterwards, it is only Rina who is recruited by a talent agency.
『天才探偵ミタライ〜難解事件ファイル「傘を折る女」〜』(てんさいたんていミタライ なんかいじけんファイル かさをおるおんな)のタイトルで、2015年3月7日21:00 - 23:10にフジテレビ系の土曜プレミアムで放送された。 御手洗潔(玉木宏)は、天才的な頭脳を持つ、脳科学者にして名探偵。石岡和己(堂本光一)は御手洗の親友であり作家。 物語は、石岡がラジオで聞いた謎めいた話を御手洗に聞かせるところから始まる。それは、あるリスナーが目撃した話で、白いワンピースを着た髪の長い大人の女性が、土砂降りの雨の中、傘を閉じたという。女性は、畳んだ傘を車道に置いて塀の影に隠れた。車が傘をよけていくと、女性は傘を車道の中央に置き直し、ようやく車が傘をひくと、その女性は折れ曲がった傘を拾い、雨の中、立ち去ったという。 御手洗が好きそうな謎めいた話を披露できて満足な石岡だったが、御手洗は、瞬時に女性の謎の行動の原因を解明し、その女性が歩いていた場所の近くで大量の血が流れた殺人事件が起こったはずだと断言する。御手洗は自身の仮説を証明するために、深夜にも関わらず、警察に殺人事件が起こったはずと連絡をする。すると、翌朝、御手洗の仮説通りに、遺体の第一発見者から警察に通報が入る…。 警察と共に現場検証を行う御手洗と石岡。事件現場となったマンションの室内には、御手洗の仮説通り、部屋の住人の刺殺死体が横たわっていた。しかしながら、室内には御手洗の仮説を上回る状況が発生していた。マンション室内の別の部屋に、御手洗が犯人と目していた白いワンピースの女性の死体もあったのだ…。 出演者
Kazumi is a successful music composer in Tokyo. He receives a telephone call from his mother and is told about his former teacher's death. Getting on to a train to attend the funeral, Kazumi’s thoughts wonder back to his youth.
苺の破片 イチゴノカケラ
Ichigo no kakera deals with a female manga artist Ichigo Nekoda (Miyazawa), whose career is heading into a downward spiral as she can't reinvent the success of her 12 year old hit the Cherry Road. Now in her early 30's she's become quite fond of alcohol and egoism to some annoyance of her loyal manager Tomoko (Kajiwara), who isn't willing to leave her side even though the financial strains of her client are also becoming her personal burdens. Ichigo still gets greeted by her female fans and willingly signs autographs, but getting praised for work that she's done over a decade ago doesn't digest as smoothly as one would assume. Her on and off man, who happens to also be her editor steers toward the off days more than usual as he also grows tired of Ichigo's uninspired ways. But when the going gets tough, Ichigo heads down to a transvestite bar where she's more than welcomed with words of wisdom and a few hard drinks.
苺の破片 イチゴノカケラ
Ichigo Nekoda
Ichigo no kakera deals with a female manga artist Ichigo Nekoda (Miyazawa), whose career is heading into a downward spiral as she can't reinvent the success of her 12 year old hit the Cherry Road. Now in her early 30's she's become quite fond of alcohol and egoism to some annoyance of her loyal manager Tomoko (Kajiwara), who isn't willing to leave her side even though the financial strains of her client are also becoming her personal burdens. Ichigo still gets greeted by her female fans and willingly signs autographs, but getting praised for work that she's done over a decade ago doesn't digest as smoothly as one would assume. Her on and off man, who happens to also be her editor steers toward the off days more than usual as he also grows tired of Ichigo's uninspired ways. But when the going gets tough, Ichigo heads down to a transvestite bar where she's more than welcomed with words of wisdom and a few hard drinks.
2004 film
Based on the comic by Ryou Kurashina and Issaku Wake.
Two former teammates on a college relay team, find themselves pitted against each other in track competition and in love when they enter rival companies and fall for the same woman.
Kaori Jomaru