Jun Inoue

出生 : 1947-02-21, Tokyo, Japan


A sequel to the 1980 movie The Legend of the Stardust Brothers. As well as being a rock musical comedy, it also borrows elements from other genres such as road movies, westerns, and meta fiction.
居酒屋もへじ 5 ~母という字~
一心不乱にシナリオ執筆に励むものの芽が出ない女と、あまりシナリオを書いたことがないのに他者の批評ばかりする男が、シナリオスクールで出会ったことから巻き起こる騒動と恋の行方を、笑いと涙を交えながら映し出す。 次々と脚本コンクールに応募するものの、一次審査すらも通らない34歳の馬淵みち代(麻生久美子)。そんな彼女と同じシナリオスクールに通う26歳の天童義美(安田章大)は、自分の作品をほとんど書いたことがない割には、常軌を逸した毒舌で他人のシナリオを酷評する。そんな彼らが出会ってしまい、何と天童がみち代にほれてしまう。嫌味な自信過剰男だと自分を嫌うみち代に認めてもらおうと、ついにシナリオを書くことを決意する天童。意外な彼の真摯な姿に、みち代も心を開き始めるが……。
Aruku Aruku Aruku ~Shikoku Henro-michi~ SP
Aruku, Aruku, Aruku ~Shikoku Henro-michi~ (NHK Drama Special, Winter 2013) is about Hayama Misa (Tanaka Rena), a down-on-her-luck free-lance writer. Leaving her unhappy life in Tokyo, she takes part in the Shikoku Pilgrimage as a lone walking pilgrim. It has been said that if a pilgrim completes the pilgrimage by visiting all 88 sacred places, his/her wish will be fulfilled.
シグナル 月曜日のルカ
Kengo Minamikawa
University student Keisuke returns to his hometown during his summer holiday and takes a part-time job at a run-down movie theater. However, his boss Ruka, a projectionist who lives on the premises, has not set foot outside in three years, and always falls into a deep depression on Mondays. Keisuke feels himself becoming attracted to the mysterious Ruka, but...
Sosuke Goto
In a bid to bring back life to their town after seeing its population dwindle in recent years, the manager of a shopping mall in northern Saitama Prefecture and the executive director of the Honjo Chamber of Commerce start a project to put together an improvised jazz band from local citizens. A former music teacher (Shimizu Shogo) is coerced into becoming the band leader, but the other prospective members are all elderly amateurs with little knowledge of music.
Yasuhiro Nakagawa
Popular TV screenwriter Mayumi Taniyama suffers from the dreaded writer's block. When producer Masaya Mukai asks for a screenplay written for him, Mayumi Taniyama offers to write one if he falls in love with her.
Tomona Tomoharu
Shisei Kobashi
The story is based on the bestselling autobiography of 25-year-old Rie Saito, who became a number-one hostess in Ginza despite being deaf. "Hitsudan Hostess" was published by Kobunsha this past May, and so far it has sold roughly 115,000 copies. The book depicts the life of Saito, who was born in Aomori and became deaf at the age of 1 due to an illness. She rebelled against her strict parents, and she ran away from home several times as a youth. At a local club, she began taking an interest in "hitsudan" (communicating through writing), which she later made use of when she moved to Tokyo and became a popular hostess at a Ginza club. --Tokyograph
After discovering a hole in their crowded cell, nine prisoners escape their confinement to track down the key of the universe, which a fellow prisoner known as the Counterfeit King said he had hidden.
Hiromitsu Hirose
Jun Inoue
The Spiders, a 1960s Japanese Group Sounds band, star in this rare Monkees and Beatles inspired secret agent movie. During their Asian tour spies try to smuggle plutonium hidden in The Spiders' guitar amps!
Jun Inoue
Popular Japanese Group Sounds band, The Spiders, star in their second movie, a "HELP!" inspired rock n roll spy movie!
The Spiders, a Japanese pop group, in their first starring role, walk from Yokohama to Tokyo, to prove their love for a girl who told them "the person who can overcome any obstacle will be my lover"! Neither traffic, buildings, nor the police can stop them, in this madcap rock musical adventure!
喜劇 一発勝負
After an argument with his father a son leaves his home and comes back only, as an adult, many years later just to cause them problem after problem.
The Spiders hit song made into a movie.
The Crazy Cats, a Japanese musical-comedy group, were showcased a series of comic adventures throughout the 1960s. Las Vegas Free-For-All, one of their most popular movies, featured scenes filmed on location in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Hawaii. Appearing with the seven Cats were the lovely Mie Hama and such Japanese musical artists as The Peanuts, The Johnnys, The Drifters, and Jackie Yoshikawa & the Blue Comets.
Kenichi and Satoru join up with three other electric music lovers to form their own band, "The Young and Fresh."