Philippe Arthuys


The Desert Ark
The Desert Ark (L'Arche du Desert), a variation on Romeo and Juliet set in the Algerian desert. A young couple must face inevitable conflict when their rival families discover their secret love. Taking refuge in a cave, they listen to the sounds of a senseless campaign of violence and murder, which is the culmination of the extremism that has long divided their two communities. Nominated for the Golden Leopard at the 1997 Locarno Film Festival.
Last Image
Original Music Composer
Seen through the filtered lens of boyhood memories, award-winning director Mohamed Lakhdar-Hamina crafted this half-fictional, half-autobiographical account of a brief period in the history of an Algerian village. It is 1940, and the quiet town is ruled by French colonialists appointed by the Vichy government. Algerians are being called up for service in the Vichy military, and Jews in the village are in danger of deportation. A beautiful young schoolteacher named Claire Boyer (Veronique Jannot) arrives in town and turns every male head within miles, including 14-year-old Mouloud (Merwan Lakhdar-Hamina, the director's son). Simon Attal (Michel Boujenah), a fellow teacher and a Jew, is also attracted to Claire, and so is Mouloud's older brother. Suddenly two murders occur in the village, Simon is in danger of being deported, and the tone shifts from the dreams of boyhood to the realities of manhood.
Seen right through the sandstorms that rack the lives of a tribe living on a desert oasis, is a subtle and not-so-subtle mistreatment of the female members of the tribe - tribal chiefs have the right to be the first to deflower virgins, and single or widowed mothers must walk a narrow line of behavior restrictions that do not apply to their male counterparts. Both genders, however, fight the brunt of the harsh desert winds together.
Directed by Mohamed Chouikh.
A Wife for My Son
An arranged marriage as seen through the eyes of an unhappy young Algerian woman.
Noces de sève
Chronicle of the Years of Fire
The beginings of the Algerian Revolution as seen through the eyes of a peasant.
Hassan Terro's Escape
Directed by Mustapha Badie.
God Chose Paris
An interesting mixture of filmed scenes with Belmondo and archival footage regarding cultural aspects of all kind around Paris, starting at the end of the 19th century and ending in the mid-1960's. Jean-Paul Belmondo leads us through the movie starting as a young photographer around 1900, a reporter in both world-wars and doing fictional interviews with lots of celebrities.
Christs in the Thousands
When a museum depicting the violence man inflicts on himself opens, a doctor, a woman and a museum official go through the building before the grand opening. Discussing the subject matter, their attention quickly turns to the May Day riots that plagued Paris. This symbolic film tries to portray all victims of violence as Christlike figures. Stock footage of war and suffering are used to underscore the effectiveness of the subject matter in this uneven feature.
The Winds of the Aures
This black-and-white film – the first road movie of Algerian cinema – presents one of the most readily apparent, though subtle, transformations of the daily life of the people of Algeria brought about by the ordeal of French occupation and the war of liberation. With military repression in full force, a peasant woman finds herself alone in her house in the mountains when her only son is taken away by French soldiers soon after her husband is killed in a raid. One day, on seeing a dead chicken, which she considers a bad omen, she decides to leave home, and sets off on a tiring journey through the mountains. With a pair of chickens in tow, she moves from one detention camp to the next in a desperate search for her missing son. The film was inspired by events experienced by the family of its director.
The Glass Cage
A study of conscience set against the trial of Eichmann in Israel.
The Glass Cage
A study of conscience set against the trial of Eichmann in Israel.
The Glass Cage
A study of conscience set against the trial of Eichmann in Israel.
La prima donna
A story of "La Pasta", a renowned prima donna, and her extraordinary rival.
Original Music Composer
During a war in an imaginary country, unscrupulous soldiers recruit poor farmers with promises of an easy and happy life. Two of these farmers write to their wives of their exploits.
Le Temps des assassins
Sound Mixer
Escape by Night
Sound Effects
In Nazi-occupied Rome, a beautiful bootlegger, to the chagrin of her lover, gives sanctuary to three escaped POWs: an American pilot, a Russian sergeant and a British major.
Original Music Composer
ジャック・ベッケル監督、傑作の1本。ラ・サンテ刑務所でもとりわけ厳戒な牢獄の一室。中には神父というあだ名を持つ最年長のヴォスラン、3度も脱獄歴のあるローラン、目つきの鋭いマニュ、そして女好きなジェオがいた。そこへガスパールという新顔が入ってくる。地下に穴を掘るという脱獄計画を練っていた4人は、迷いながらもガスパールを仲間に加えた。5人は綿密な準備のもとに穴を掘りすすめるが……。歯ブラシの柄に結わえ付けた鏡の破片、薬瓶を利用した砂時計といった小道具や、コンクリートの地面を叩き砕く音、鉄格子をヤスリで切り落とす音、看守の足音といった効果音の演出がストイックなまでの緊張感を高め、息を呑むラストシーンまで一分の隙もない、全編クライマックスの連続! 原作はジョゼ・ジョヴァンニが自らの脱獄経験を元にして書いた同名小説。そのうちの一人である実際の脱獄囚ジャン=ケロディがそのまま出演している。<allcinema>
General Della Rovere
First Assistant Director
The Gestapo forces con man Victorio Bardone to impersonate a dead partisan general in order to extract information from his fellow inmates.
India: Matri Bhumi
Original Music Composer
Several stories depicting the landscapes and fauna of India are mixed with documentary footage.
Monsieur Tête
Le voyageur