Eddy Rasimi

Eddy Rasimi


Eddy Rasimi


ジャック・ベッケル監督、傑作の1本。ラ・サンテ刑務所でもとりわけ厳戒な牢獄の一室。中には神父というあだ名を持つ最年長のヴォスラン、3度も脱獄歴のあるローラン、目つきの鋭いマニュ、そして女好きなジェオがいた。そこへガスパールという新顔が入ってくる。地下に穴を掘るという脱獄計画を練っていた4人は、迷いながらもガスパールを仲間に加えた。5人は綿密な準備のもとに穴を掘りすすめるが……。歯ブラシの柄に結わえ付けた鏡の破片、薬瓶を利用した砂時計といった小道具や、コンクリートの地面を叩き砕く音、鉄格子をヤスリで切り落とす音、看守の足音といった効果音の演出がストイックなまでの緊張感を高め、息を呑むラストシーンまで一分の隙もない、全編クライマックスの連続! 原作はジョゼ・ジョヴァンニが自らの脱獄経験を元にして書いた同名小説。そのうちの一人である実際の脱獄囚ジャン=ケロディがそのまま出演している。<allcinema>
Godzilla, the Monster of the Pacific Ocean
Obscure French version of the original Godzilla. Similar to the Italian Cozzilla, the film combines elements of the original Toho version and the American King of the Monsters in a unique version exclusive to the French release. Released by Les Films du Verseau.
What a Team!
Henri Bouchard
Hubert Franier, an honest hospital extern, should never had got into trouble had he not been infatuated with Véra, a beautiful but stupid creature, who led him down the wrong path. Because of her and her friends, Hubert, who naively thought he was taking part in a practical joke, was actually a party to a car theft. Because of him, Monsieur Pierre, a good-natured caretaker, is in hospital. Racked with remorse, Hubert decides to hide from the police and finds refuge at his friend Louis'. Louis is a very sociable artist and his flat is the meeting place of many a colorful character. There, Hubert gets to know Candy, a Black American saxophonist, as well as Boubou, a Black little boy. He also meets Marie-Lou, a bar girl who dreams of becoming a nurse.
Dirty Hands
A young intellectual, Hugo, joins the Communist Party out of a sense of idealism, only to see his principles manipulated by party leaders. He is given the assignment of killing Professor Hoederer, a party deviationist. However, he grows to admire the man and begins to have doubts about morals and revolutionary politics. But jealousy - Hugo thinks Hoederer has made love to his wife, Jessica - takes matters out of the political realm.
The Sad Sack
Thanks to a bit of string-pulling by his aunt, Jean du Bois d'Ombelles, a young recruit who has blue blood in his veins, hopes to go through a nice and comfortable military service. Unfortunately he becomes Corporal Bourrache's pet aversion. Nevertheless, against all expectations, Jean ends up taking a liking for military life.
Monsieur chasse
A husband covers his weekly infidelities with the pretext of hunting. His best friend intends to take advantage of the situation and makes an appointment with the outraged wife in a bachelor flat where the situation is resolved, not without morality being undermined.