Leonard Knight

Leonard Knight

出生 : 1931-11-01, Shelburne Falls, Vermont, USA

死亡 : 2014-02-10


Leonard Knight


Larry Wessel's Palace of Wonders
Larry Wessel invites you to explore the phantasmagorical worlds created by a variety of artists, writers, photographers, musicians and collectors.
Leonard Knight: A Man & His Mountain
If you had something to say to the world, how would you do it? 'A Man & His Mountain' is the story of Leonard Knight. A man whose conviction and dedication led him on a thirty year journey to spread the message burned on his heart. Here is a look at the creator of Salvation Mountain.
クリスのアラスカでの生活と、アラスカに至るまでの道中、妹のナレーションが交互に挟まれる構成である。 裕福な家庭に生まれ、物質的に恵まれた環境で育ったクリス・マッキャンドレスは、エモリー大学を優秀な成績で卒業する。両親はハーバードのロースクールに進学することを望んでいたが、幼い頃から不和を見せつけられ、金で物ばかりを与えようとする両親に嫌気が差していたクリスは、学資預金を全額寄付し、世界の真理を求めアラスカへと旅に出る。
Plagues & Pleasures On the Salton Sea
Fabulously offbeat and refreshingly upbeat, this lovable film gets friendly with the natives of the Salton Sea an inland ocean of massive fish kills, rotting resorts, and 120 degree nights located just minutes from urban Southern California. This award-winning film from directors Chris Metzler and Jeff Springer details the rise and fall of the Salton Sea, from its heyday as the "California Riviera" where boaters and Beach Boys mingled in paradise to its present state of decaying, forgotten ecological disaster. From wonderland to wasteland, PLAGUES & PLEASURES ON THE SALTON SEA captures a place far more interesting than the shopping malls and parking lots of suburban America, a wacky world where a beer-swilling Hungarian Revolutionary, a geriatric nudist, and a religious zealot building a monument to God all find solace and community.