Oscar Camacho

Oscar Camacho


Oscar Camacho


Additional Voices (voice)
スパイ in デンジャー
Additional Voice (voice)
Additional Voices (voice)
スパイダーマン、死す── スパイダーマンことピーター・パーカーの突然の訃報により、ニューヨーク市民は悲しみに包まれる。13歳のマイルス・モラレスもその一人──彼こそがピーターの後を継ぐ“新生スパイダーマン”だが、その力を未だに上手くコントロール出来ずにいた。そんなある日、何者かにより時空が歪められる大事故が起こる。その天地を揺るがす激しい衝撃により歪められた時空から集められたのは、スパイダー・グウェン、スパイダーマン・ノワール、スパイダー・ハム、そしてペニー・パーカーと彼女が操るパワードスーツ。彼らは全く別の次元=ユニバースで活躍する様々なスパイダーマン達だった。
Face 2 Face
Over a series of video chats, a teenage outcast reaches out to his childhood friend, but finds that behind the veneer of popularity and a seemingly perfect life, she hides a disturbing secret.
Francisco Massiani
Sound Engineer
This documentary is a chronicle of the journey through the most important sites of the life of venezuelan writer Francisco Massiani who reveals the details of his work and the love of his life.
El mudo
Among the hodge-podge of Peruvian government officials, there is a man named Constantino Zegarra. He doesn’t fit anywhere and looks down on his colleagues because he has never succumbed to an act of corruption and, every time he has had the opportunity to do so, he has made an effort to impede it. Over his two decades as a government official he has cultivated purity - the fuel for his soul. Now forty, this solitary soldier is a married man and father to a teenage girl who never stops reading and thinks her father is wrong. He doesn’t care what his wife and daughter think. Constantino has taken his principles to the extreme in order to prove to himself that he isnot like his father, a man who ended his days in poverty because of corruption. One morning, Constantino leaves his house and a stray bullet goes through his throat. He doesn’t die but becomes mute. After his recovery, the only thing of which he is certain is that someone from his office tried to kill him.