Michael M.B. Galvin

出生 : 1970-04-30, Syracuse, New York, USA


The Adults
The lives of two siblings are completely upended when they discover a dead body, long buried in their parent’s basement, sending them down a rabbit hole of crime and murder.
Fat Kid Rules The World
A dropout comes to the aid of a chubby and suicidal high-school kid by recruiting him as the drummer for his upstart punk-rock band.
Freak Talks About Sex
Dave Keenan left Syracuse for a new life in Arizona. When that didn't work out, he moved back to upstate New York. He works a dead-end job at a department store in a mall, his car has broken down (and the mechanic is taking forever to fix it) and his ex-girlfriend wants him to join her in New York City. To make matters more complicated, one of his co-workers, a high school girl named Nichole seems to be getting romantically interested in him. Fortunately, his best friend Freakis around for him to hang out with and offer such choice philosophical observations, like "I can't think of a single movie that couldn't be improved by a lesbian sex scene." Dave is stuck in a rut and has to decide what to do with his life.