Philippe Amouroux


Sound Re-Recording Mixer
37歳の僕は、ハンブルク空港に到着した飛行機のBGMでビートルズの「ノルウェーの森」を聴き、激しい混乱を覚えた。そして学生時代のことを回想した。 直子とはじめて会ったのは神戸にいた高校2年のときで、直子は僕の友人キズキの恋人だった。3人でよく遊んだが、キズキは高校3年の5月に自殺してしまった。その後、僕はある女の子と付き合ったが、彼女を置いて東京の私立大学に入学し、右翼的な団体が運営する学生寮に入った。僕のやるべきことは、あらゆる物事と自分の間にしかるべき距離を置くことだった。
I Come with the Rain
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Kline, a former Los Angeles police officer turned private detective, is hired by a powerful pharmaceutical conglomerate boss to investigate in Asia the disappearance of his only son, Shitao, whom he has not seen in person since the boy was ten. Now in his 30s, Shitao has gone missing in the Philippines where he had been helping in an orphanage.
ライラの冒険 黄金の羅針盤
Foley Recordist
Foley Recordist
A Dios
Sound Mixer
A Colombian kid walks around in his neighborhood with his imaginary TV frame.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Love Me
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Laetita Masson directs this hallucinatory dream-like work about dancing on the beach, Elvis impersonators, and sailors longing to live and work in Taipei. Sandrine Kiberlain, Johnny Hallyday, and Julian Sands are just a few of the many cast members.
1999 Madeleine
Sound Mixer
1999 Madeleine is the first step in an ambitious project by the French filmmaker Laurent Bouhnik to make one film per year between 1999-2009, recounting the turn of the century in an interweaving narrative pattern. Episode one is about Madeline, a lonely woman obsessed by religion and cleanliness. Her solitary existence leads her to place an advertisement for a man willing to share his life with a 'single, working 35-year-old.' She is a woman of our times who is caught between the paradoxes of modern life and individual needs for communication. The world offers her opportunities to satisfy material needs but, unfortunately, this is to the detriment of her spiritual needs.
Les Choses rouges
Sound mixer
Schoolchildren tell stories in class. A worker goes home after his work day. A scholar explains ideas about colours and objects in ancient Greek philosophy.