Petr Soukup, a student from Karlovy Vary, is tasked with getting support for student protests in the spa city. However, Petr’s attention is rather absorbed in his relationships with students Zuzana and Martina as well as by the plight of a friend – single mother Jiřina who is making ends meet through sex work.
Pohádka o mladém ševcovském tovaryšovi Jírovi, který si vyrobil z jemné kůže křídla, s jejichž pomocí vysvobodil z věže královského hradu princeznu Jasněnku, kam ji zavřel její otec v marné snaze zabránit věštbě zlé čarodějnice, a posléze ji vymanil i z moci samotné čarodějnice a její dcery Černavy. ( official text from distributor)
This downbeat, grim drama about three brothers who are reunited at their mother's funeral is actually visually as dark as its story, making it difficult at times to clearly distinguish a scene. These brothers are not particularly exceptional as people go, but at least they have branched out into separate vocations in their lives. One brother is a doctor, another is a criminal, and the third is a bus driver. Like others in Europe, they suffered through World War II, yet no matter what their backgrounds and experiences, their interpersonal relationships are not exactly gripping drama.