Chavetaro Ishizaki


Green Grass
Makoto Kondo
Kondo, a 30-year old Japanese entrepreneur, wakes up in an unknown beach after a great earthquake. When trying to return to his earlier routine, he meets strange characters who will help him understand where he is. Meanwhile, his father, feeling the loneliness of corporate world, will look for new ways to carry on. In spite of the distance that keeps them apart, both manage to come to terms with their past and find a new way ahead.
Hayashi, a typical white-collar japanese worker, lives passively the ravages of the daily routine in Tokyo. Little by little his personal life is revealed and in it loneliness and frustration are discovered within a society in which work never stops.
Body Temperature
Rintaro lives with his beloved doll. One day he meets a girl working at the night club, who looks just like his doll. He couldn't resist meeting her. But is the real thing all that he hoped for?
立入禁止 ●REC
A documentary horror film that collects frightening images recorded by fixed-point cameras in ruins known as haunted spots. It became the scene of a tragic family suicide, and 10 cameras were set up for a year in a house that is now in ruins. What is the shocking image projected there?
Doman Seman
With everybody’s life being dominated by capitalistic tyranny, Kyoto seems to be driven into oblivion by a mysterious media mogul. Only full-blood-slacker Shinsuke seems to miss everything.
2005年4月、鹿児島の枕崎漁港に一人の女性が訪れた。その女性、内田真貴子は大和が沈没した地点へ連れて行って欲しいと漁師達に頼むが相手にしてくれない。そんな漁師の中に、水上特攻時に大和の乗組員として乗艦していた神尾克己がいた。一度は真貴子の頼みを断るが、彼女が自分の恩人であった内田兵曹の養女である事を聞かされ 彼女の頼みを聞き入れる事にした神尾は自分の漁船に彼女を乗せ、大和の沈没ポイントへと出航した。そして、戦後ずっと閉ざしていた口を開き、内田兵曹の話を彼女に語り始めるのであった。