Bryerly Long

Bryerly Long


Bryerly Long


The world's first human-android acting duo, called Android Theater Project, is the collaborative brainchild of noted Japanese playwright Oriza Hirata and the leading robotics scientist Hiroshi Ishiguro. "Sayonara" is a remakable android play and has been adapted to feature film by the acclaimed filmmaker Koji Fukada (Hospitalité, Au revoir l’été). In this film project the setting of the story is largely expanded, depicting time and space in a way which can only be achieved in film, examining life and death though the communication between dying human and immortal android.
The world's first human-android acting duo, called Android Theater Project, is the collaborative brainchild of noted Japanese playwright Oriza Hirata and the leading robotics scientist Hiroshi Ishiguro. "Sayonara" is a remakable android play and has been adapted to feature film by the acclaimed filmmaker Koji Fukada (Hospitalité, Au revoir l’été). In this film project the setting of the story is largely expanded, depicting time and space in a way which can only be achieved in film, examining life and death though the communication between dying human and immortal android.
新鋭監督・深田晃司による第23回東京国際映画祭日本映画・ある視点部門作品賞受賞作。下町のとある家族が、不穏なちん入者の出現によってそれまでの一見「平和」な日常をかき乱されていくさまを、風刺を盛り込みつつ予測不能の語り口でコミカルに綴る。主演は本作のプロデューサーも務める杉野希妃。そして山内健司、古舘寛治はじめ、監督も所属する平田オリザ主宰の劇団青年団の俳優陣が脇を固める。  東京の下町で小さな印刷所を営む小林幹夫。若い妻と前妻の娘、出戻りの妹という少々込み入った家族ながらもそれなりに平穏な日々を送っていた。そんなある日、慇懃無礼な流れ者、加川花太郎が現われる。妻の不安をよそに、飄々とした加川のペースに巻き込まれ、住み込みの工員として受入れてしまう幹夫だったが…。