Erich Redman

Erich Redman

出生 : 1964-01-01, Leninabad (now Khujand), Tajikistan


Erich Redman


The Devil's Machine
Antique expert Brendon Cole is summoned to authenticate a 300-year-old clockwork doll with a notoriously dark history known as The Inferno Princess. In the remote Highlands mansion where it has recently been uncovered, Brendon soon finds himself the victim of the automaton’s legendary curse as the malevolent forces surrounding it are terrifyingly awakened.
Dr. Schmidt
The 12th Man
Adam Schmitt
After a failed anti-Nazi sabotage mission leaves his eleven comrades dead, a Norwegian resistance fighter finds himself fleeing the Gestapo through the snowbound reaches of Scandinavia.
Colonel Forbach
An unassuming young lawyer leads a fight against the Nazis near the end of the Second World War.
A political activist falsly accused of being a terrorist is put into prison by a government hoping to gain information by subjecting him to chemical waterboarding.
Lieutenant Colonel Kaltz
August 1944 two months after D-Day, the Allies are advancing across France. A team of British and American commandos are dropped behind enemy lines on a secret mission to ambush a German Officer and steal maps charting the location of the enemy artillery along the front line.
German Journalist
1970年代、毎年2人が事故で死亡するF1の世界で伝説となった2人のレーサーが存在した。 ジェームズ・ハントは野性的思考であり、毎日を人生最期の日の様に謳歌する豪放なプレイボーイで、勘を活かした走りを得意としていたイギリス人。ニキ・ラウダは「コンピュータ」と評される論理的思考であり、レーサーのイメージとはかけ離れた勤勉な男で、工学の知識を活かして自らマシンを整備する走りを得意としていたオーストリア人。全く正反対の性格の2人はやがてライバル関係となり、度々レースで競い合う仲になる。 そして1976年― シーズン成績1位を独走するラウダとそれを追うハント。ドイツグランプリのその日は朝から豪雨でニュルブルクリンクの状態が悪かったため、レースを決行するべきかどうか審議が行われた。ラウダは中止を主張したが、ハントは決行を支持し、最終的に予定通り開催されることとなった。しかし、そのレースでラウダはクラッシュし、生死をさまよう重症を負ってしまう。ハントは彼のクラッシュの原因が自分にあると考えショックを受けるが、その後のラウダが参加できないレースでラウダとの差を埋めていく。一命は取り留めたラウダは、病院でその様子を見て奮起し、事故後わずか42日後にレースに復帰する。
Trap for Cinderella
A young girl, suffering from amnesia after surviving a house fire that takes her childhood friend's life, begins a tormented road to recovery.
Ghost Recon: Alpha
Ghost Recon: Alpha sees a team led by Ghost Leader infiltrate a trade at a Russian depot between a general and a mysterious other figure.
Count Rainer
Wednesday is a story of life, love, loss, and redemption. It is divided into four separate segments: Luke & Lucy, Purgatory, Lyrics of a Lowly Life, and Narcissus Flower. Each segment details how different people deal with love and loss. These basic human emotions exist across the world, it's how we individually deal with them that separates and connects us all.
The Somme: From Defeat to Victory
Based on diaries, records and eyewitness accounts, this is the story of the two Battles of the Somme from the perspective of British and German soldiers. It shows how the major lessons learned by the British Army leadership after the disastrous first attacks of July 1916 were turned into victory at the second attempt in September 1916, arguably the turning point for the First World War.
Christian Adams
2001年9月11日午前8時42分にニュージャージー州ニューアークからサンフランシスコに向けて飛び立ったユナイテッド93便。テロリストに占拠された直後、乗客たちは家族との電話から彼らが今置かれている状況を知る。自分たちもどこかのターゲットに向かっていることを・・・ 愛する者に最期のメッセージを残して彼らは行動を開始した――。
Charlotte Gray
German Corporal
This is a drama set in Nazi-occupied France at the height of World War II. Charlotte Gray tells the compelling story of a young Scottish woman working with the French Resistance in the hope of rescuing her lover, a missing RAF pilot. Based on the best-selling novel by Sebastian Faulks.
German Bosun
1942年北大西洋。1隻のドイツ潜水艦Uボート571号がイギリスの駆逐艦に攻撃され漂流、救難信号を発信する。 それを傍受したアメリカ海軍は潜水艦S-33をUボートに偽装、救援を装ってU571号を乗っ取り、ドイツ軍の最新暗号機(エニグマ)を奪取する作戦に出る。 しかし作戦実行中、救難信号を受けロリアンのUボート・ブンカーからU571号の救援に駆けつけた本物のUボートによってS-33が撃沈され乗組員のほとんどを失ってしまう。 敵潜水艦に取り残された副長ら数人は、扱いなれないUボート571号を駆使して、帰還しようとドイツ軍に立ち向かう。
Digital Ghost
Commander Stanley
Two Starfleet officers from USS Enterprise-E delegated to test the next, completely automated starship, the Enterprise-HC.
The Scarlet Tunic
Passions erupt between a German hussar (Jean-Marc Barr) serving with King George III's personal cavalry and the only daughter of an English solicitor (Emma Fielding) in this period tearjerker adapted from a short story by Thomas Hardy. Longing to escape their own personal imprisonments -- he, his service to the king, and she, her engagement to a man she doesn't love -- they find solace in each other's arms.
Joseph Goebbels
Jonathan Cake, Jemma Redgrave and Hugh Bonneville lead an outstanding cast in this mini-series tracing the turbulent political career and tempestuous private life of Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists during the 1930s. The mini series charts Mosley's rise to political notoriety through his personal life – from youthful rising star of the Conservative Party to potential leader of the Labour Party, and later abandonment of conventional party politics to become a figurehead of burgeoning fascism.
Richard Kurtz
Erica is being haunted by nightmares nearly every night. She dreams of ritual sacrifice, black magic and a mysterious red-headed woman. When the dreams start to invade her during the day she is persuaded to visit a hypnotherapist, Dr. Charles Bucher. Bucher's specialty is age regression and he soon discovers that Erica was a vampire in a past life and the red-headed woman is Selena the vampire's servant.